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Feb. 4th, 2016


In affiliation with Educational Services Division (ESD)

Directed by Kurt Wagner


Monday, February 22th - 6:00 - 9:00 pm
at the Tower Gymnasium.
Come prepared to sing a song from the show and to familiarize yourself with one or more of the scenes. Contact me for scene clips and MP3 samples for practice purposes.
Characters Needed )

Also needed: backstage crew, sound crew, lighting crew, props, costumes.

ETA: If you don't know your vocal range, contact me to set up an appointment and I'll test you.

Inquires and questions may be made to this post, or to me, privately. Thank you, and break a leg!

Jan. 31st, 2016


I'm playing my game!
And I am very awesome.
So very awesome.

\0/ !!! :D



Jan. 26th, 2016


I like this haiku!
It's very succinct and neat.
I hate getting up.

Jan. 17th, 2016


This man, Donald Trump,
Seems to think he's the hero,
Just like Handsome Jack.

Hey! That's the answer!
We need some new Vault Hunters
To save the damn day.

I'd do it myself
But I already did that.
Jack is very dead.

Jan. 3rd, 2016


Apparently birds are still trying to take down the government.

Dec. 13th, 2015


Pandora is weird
But not as weird as this place.
What are these muppets?

Dec. 10th, 2015


Yikes! Human bodies!
They are very strange and weird.
I have five fingers!

But hello to all.
My name is Zer0. Yes! True!
And I kill people.

Nov. 9th, 2014


Not dead, not a ghost, not a dead ghost. But not in Maine anymore, either.

I'm looking for Audrey Parker. Has anyone seen her? I was told she was around here somewhere.

Nov. 7th, 2014


WARNING: spoilers for Haven 5.09 in the comments.

There is nothing worse than watching a friend being manipulated and not being able to do anything about it.

You better not have been sent back. I need to see that face of yours, and don't be alarmed if I hug you.

Nov. 5th, 2014


Dude did none of you show up to vote yesterday?

Russell Raleigh just put on a dick speech. Granted I don't have super powers so no skin off my back but seriously he does not like you guys.


Thanks to an episode of Mythbusters, it has come to my attention that anything is science if you write it down. And that you can quote yourself as much as you want if you're the preeminent authority on something. So I'm conducting a scientific survey. For science. And I'd like honest answers from as many of you as possible:
How many of you have "died" at least once?
Please note if you died and came back, died and turned into a hell beast, nearly died but were never actually dead, returned after being missing and presumed dead, faked your own death, or had your death faked by another.

Your response may include the circumstances of your not-death, if you wish to disclose them. I encourage this if it's a good story. Otherwise, you know. Keep your shit to yourself.

Oct. 21st, 2014


TEXT TO Audrey Parker:
-- Audrey!
-- Hey, Audrey!
-- Wanna join in the nerf water war?
-- Water pistols provided!


I have a costume!
I'm going as Handsome Jack.
No face shooting, Gaige.


No, wait... face shooting
sounds like fun. Nerf face shooting
anyway. Well, Gaige?

Oct. 9th, 2014


Can't say I'm loving the whole being pulled from my friends thing. How does anyone really deal with missing them?

You got any ideas on what you're going to do for a job around here?
Do you always talk in haikus?

Oct. 1st, 2014


Hey! What should I do
if someone chats me up here?
I really should ask.

I don't know normal
human mating behaviour.
I'd hate to offend.

Sep. 29th, 2014


So who is buying
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel?
I want co-op buds!

:D \o/

Sep. 4th, 2014


I made an offer at the garage I work at. They're mulling it over but way it's looking I might have my name in bright neon lights soon.

Scooter and Ellie would be so fucking proud.

Sep. 1st, 2014


network post: caroline forbes

Filtered: 18th & 19th Floors
Hello folks, I know we've lost a few people in the recent past, and yesterday - wow - was completely unexpected. I wanted to make sure you're okay, as okay as you can be, after that. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to let me know. Whether it's chocolate, coffee, someone to sit with, or anything else, I can probably even tone down my optimism if need be. Or infect you with it. Either way.

Preemptively though, I do have some chocolates and chocolate chip cookies posted outside my door. No conversation necessary. But if you want to help bake some more, come on in and join me.
Filtered: Teddy Altmann
Welcome back, first of all. It's all sorts of discombobulating (has happened to me too). I wanted to let you know that you worked for me at Fangtasia before, on the waitstaff. You were a great employee, and if you wanted your job back, you're welcome to it. I don't need an answer right away because this so so may not have been on your radar. And I don't know if there's any superhero-ing you're doing right now. I hope it's been a decent welcome back.
Filtered: Employees of Fangtasia
Today is labor day, and I appreciate the labor all of you do. So I'm giving everyone a small bonus today in honor of it. You can find them during your next shift at Fangtasia, as our native employees are receiving them too. Cheers. Happy Labor Day!
I have zero knowledge what the light was about yesterday. But if anyone needs some help, in regards to like heavy lifting or cleaning up somewhere or anything, consider me a happy volunteer. I am up for losing some sweat. I got my hair pulled out of the way and everything.

Aug. 31st, 2014


Hey! Hey, Gaige! I won.
I'm the sniper of snipers!
Surf and turf for us.



Aug. 18th, 2014




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