July 2016




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Apr. 6th, 2016


[Filtered to Regina Mills]
My name is Wanda Maximoff. I wondered if I may speak with you.
[Friends and Family]
Pietro and I have decided to move into Potts Tower. If that is a

Apr. 4th, 2016


What does one buy a tiny Jedi baby?

Mar. 22nd, 2016


I've decided to take up teaching Latin and Women's Studies. The things we'll learn in Latin will be most interesting, I promise. Hopefully this will help me fill my free time.

I urge more of you to sign up for Women's Studies.

Please answer-- are you all right?

How are you?

Mar. 16th, 2016


Thinking I should expand on my skills a bit. Maybe train to fight with two blades rather then one. If anyone knows something about that, happy to take the help.

Mar. 8th, 2016


To those interested in working on Little Shop of Horrors Crew )

Private to Wanda )

Private to Piotr )

Feb. 22nd, 2016


[filter: BILLY]

Where are you?

[filter: TOMMY]
What is going on with Billy?

Feb. 19th, 2016


Who: Wanda Maximoff and Kurt Wagner
When: backdated to freakin’ january
Where: Wanda’s apartment
What: They talk about the Brotherhood after this
Rating: Low-to-medium

Being involved with a teleporter had it’s perks. But it also had it’s downsides )

Feb. 9th, 2016


network post: gabriel

I can't wait for Valentine's Day to be over so I can get my hands on all the cut price candy.

In the meantime I'm avoiding all the inaccurate greeting cards. Cupid would be so disappointed that he's drawn as a putto and Eros would be mad because they all forget him.

Feb. 8th, 2016


Shepherd's Speedy Snowpocalypse Service is up and running.

So if you find yourself in need in the freezing snow, shoot me a txt. Travel, errands, we'll talk. I accept cash and credit.

Feb. 2nd, 2016


Don't really understand the whole politic thing, but then again I'm also astounded at how quick the pink hearts are taking over. Gotta say, couple of those giant bears are cute though.

Jan. 25th, 2016


TEXT TO Megan Gwynn & Hope Summers:
-- You have exams.
-- I'm going to get in trouble over this.


[Filtered to X-Men]
One would think the Tesseract has a cruel sense of humor. Taking Remy so soon before Mardi Gras.
[Filtered to Wanda Maximoff (616)]
Tell me you know where Megan Gwynn and Hope Summers are.

Jan. 22nd, 2016


I'm afraid I need some advice. I was asked to dinner by a very lovely man. However I know nothing about dating. We did not do such things in my time. And I have never really been courted.

What am I supposed to wear, or discuss with him? I understand some things about this world, but I fear he would not understand why I know nothing about the 1990s, or some such.

Edited: Ethan Chandler is gone. And suddenly I do not wish to go on this date anymore. I do not feel like doing anything.

Jan. 19th, 2016


Okay I'm done complaining about the cold. I want snow. Lots and lots of snow. Gimme.

And I know this is super late but PRIM! Thank you for the unicorn! You're the best! :)

Screened to Wanda [echo] )



Are you making sure my father won't return to his old ways?

Jan. 16th, 2016


A group of super powered people attacked a restaurant in Paris. Hostages were taken. It's all over social media.

If I was home, I would've suspected the Brotherhood.


I don't know what an Oscar is, but I do know at least two people at Starbucks who are angry I'm not getting one.

    Something tells me we're going to be here a while. I'm looking at the education services they have here, thinking about signing on to figure out how their ships starfi planes work. Already itching to get off this rock and up into the sky.

Jan. 14th, 2016


Bring it, astronomers

I'm certain there are magi who would love to meddle with physical constants. Altering G might make NASA's job more fun.


Had my first fan encounter today. And now I know what furries are and I'm not sure I approve in my particular case.

Jan. 11th, 2016


The man who fell to earth finally went home today.

What can I even say about David Bowie? He changed everything. He probably influenced music more than any other artist of his generation, even the Beatles. There was no man like him. The world is different -- better -- for having David Bowie in it. I guess on some level, I thought he'd always be there.

I honestly don't know if I'm emotionally ready to listen to Blackstar yet.

[Filtered to Relevant Friends and Family]
There's going to be a David Bowie memorial concert at Carnegie Hall on March 31st.

It's not the same, because nothing will ever be the same. But I'm going. For any of you who want to join, tickets are on me.

Except you, Hawkeye. You owe me like $40,000.

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