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Aug. 18th, 2013


Delivery For:
Oscar François de Jarjayes
Basil Hallward
Dorian Gray
Sherlock Holmes & John Watson
Don Draper
Clara Oswald
Pepper Potts & Tony Stark (MCU)
Peggy Carter & Stephen Dedalus
Henri Combeferre
Septimus Smith & Isabel Pole
Thor & Jane Foster
Rupert Giles
Dr. Stephen Strange
Lady Door
Albus Dumbledore
Severus Snape
Mycroft Holmes
Gregory House
James Wilson
Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Armand Chauvelin
Simon Grantaire & Denis Enjolras
George Oscar Bluth, II
April Ludgate-Dwyer
Henry Sturges

(OOC: If you're friendly with either one of the Blakeneys, assume you also got an invitation -- it's my oversight! Not Marguerite's! A few people on this list (Contessa, GOB, April) received invitations because Marguerite thought your name sounded fancy (and because I thought it was kind of funny to invite GOB). You can all RSVP IC to this post!)


Jun. 1st, 2013


No. Not Teddy. Not my son. Please.

May. 22nd, 2013


Oh hello little me

Never be afraid to wear pink.

May. 19th, 2013


Thank Merlin the Employment gods finally smiled on me and gifted me with a position at Queens Theatre. Unemployment really wasn't my best look.

How do you feel after a night of dancing in public?

May. 17th, 2013


Oi, it's Bill Weasley.

Family! Where are you?

May. 16th, 2013


Cut, not filtered! )

I haven't actually watched the movies about Dad/home, but this makes me miss Hogwarts. I don't think I've ever actually missed Hogwarts, even at home.

May. 14th, 2013


Are any of you not going to that prom thing or should I resign myself to a night of desperation where I sit myself in front of the telly watching bad reality shows and drown my sorrows in wine, macaroni and cheese, and hot wings?

I was told today that I have a really good fake British accent. So. Go me.


I'm about to ask you something super last minute.

Prepare to potentially hate me.

May. 5th, 2013


Well, I guess it was as good a time for a holiday as any. My name is Remus Lupin. I was told James and Lily there were others from my world here. Is that true?

James? James?

May. 2nd, 2013


Delivery to Victoire Weasley

Delivery to Victoire Weasley )


Filter to Victoire Weasley
Happy birthday, darling! I'm not sure what you have planned for today, but I would love it if you stopped by! I have a gift for you.

Filter to Lily Luna Potter
I'm so sorry that I missed your birthday dear. If you'd like to stop by sometime today, I have a gift for you.

Now today seems like a perfect day to take a walk around the park. I hope the weather stays nice like this for a while. I find myself walking through Central Park more and more these days. I'm glad I took the day off, I think I'll try to spend the day outside.

May. 1st, 2013


You can stop guarding your Butterfingers now, New York City. Dominique's gone home.

Happy birthday, Lil. I hope the arrangement was as good as it looked online.

Apr. 29th, 2013


Well here's something I never thought I'd see:

Apr. 28th, 2013


Okay, apparently there is this thing on the internet. It's called Pottering, which is where someone takes a broom, jumps with it between their legs, someone else snaps a photograph, and then they're forever immotalized as looking as though they're riding said broom.

And it is brilliant.

Cut, not filtered. )

Apr. 26th, 2013


Thank you, tesseract or SHIELD or what the fuck ever, for bringing me here, letting me meet him after a lifetime of him being dead, and then taking him away. That's really great. I mean, for fuck's

Well, hell.


Bring him back. Please.

Or send me back. I don't care.

Apr. 21st, 2013


Question 1: How are you feeling?

Question 2: Apparently my not looking at this network for a few days was a good idea. Looking back far enough shows a hell of a lot of drama that I'm not sorry I missed.

Question 3: Want to get Question 3 will depend on your answer for Question 1.

Jobs. Much easier to obtain in theory.

Apr. 20th, 2013


I looked at the weather prediction for the rest of the month and they're hoping that there will only be two rainy days at different times during those two weeks. I then looked at the weather for London for the same two week stretch and they're predicting six straight days of rain. I should have been kidnapped by a blue box and brought to New York ages ago. Although I am still peeved that it took my studly (lol like Scorpius was studly) man friend away from me, so we're not actually on speaking terms at the moment.

Hi. Any chance you might want to come with me to the zoo? I know, totally random, but I have an urge and I thought I'd see if you wanted to hang out a bit.

Hey. Can I talk to you about something?

Apr. 17th, 2013


I've a question for you wizarding types (and you admin types - Ms. Watson & Ms. Pepper, specifically) which may or may not warrant a group discussion.

However, sharing is caring and I'd like to get back to my card game with the honourable Messrs Dedalus & Grantaire.

Witches and wizards, do you often threaten 'Muggles' with violence against their persons? And if so, how serious ought one take it?

Now, back to the game. I think Stephen is about to guess his card.


While I had to cancel a promising job interview because the flu decided to claim me as its next victim, it wasn't a totally unproductive morning.

Read more... )

I have the fever to attest to that, and because I can't do much I've been scrolling to find more of these for hours. Despite the questionable grasp of the English language on some of them, most of these are quite funny! Merlin, I need a job.

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