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Apr. 28th, 2014


(Trigger Warning: Discussion of Addiction/Alcoholism & Recovery)

[Theresa Cassidy]
Are you all right?



Just, you know, puttin' this out there...

There's a SLIGHT chance that I might have run off with Terry the night before prom and gotten hitched.

So yeah. Juuuuuuuuuuust sayin'. I'm kinda-sorta a married man now.

Apr. 22nd, 2014


Who: Wade and Terry
When: Today
Where: Potts Tower
What: Terry tries to cheer up Wade with prom stuff
Rating: Terry's got a potty mouth and Wade says terribly offensive stuff, so probably a little high


Apr. 16th, 2014


...This is definitely not Arctis Tor. Or Chicago.

I need to get back before someone finds out I'm gone, because she won't care that it's not my fault and I didn't mean to come here and...

I just really need to get back. Like, five minutes ago.

Apr. 14th, 2014


Since prom's coming it, it's only right that I offer my services to those in need.

I'm a hairdresser and a make-up artist, and I'm going to be a hell of a lot cheaper than any of these stuck-up bitches here in the city if anyone needs some sprucing up for the party. Now I'm no wizard, so space and time is limited, so drop me a line if you want an appointment. I can do your hair and look on the day, or teach you how to do it yourself.

Apr. 9th, 2014


» I didn't get to go to Prom as a kid
» Will you go to Prom with me?
» You can wear a suit like Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber

Apr. 7th, 2014


Who: Terry & Wade
When: Last Saturday
Where: Their apartment
What: Right after this
Rating: A for Angsty. Mentions of Wade wanting to stab people. You know, the usual.

you looked like someone asked you to make out with MODOK )

Apr. 3rd, 2014


I have decided to join the New York City Beekeeping association. The mortality rate over the last winter was, from what I can tell examining the hives, not as terrible as I'd feared. There were some cold snaps in there that I worried might take their toll. The hives are not yet active, it's still too early in the season, but I was happy to spend at least some time admiring them. I eagerly await the coming season.

TW: Mention of (N/A)A Meetings/Sponsorship )

...And something else. Cassidy has offered us a position with the detective agency that she is started here called X-Factor. I thought we might start out as freelance consultants and see if we like the facilities. I was given a tour of the building their renting out, actually. I think you might like it. I'm also going to inquire about whether or not they'll allow me to keep bees on the roof. I wouldn't mind having them closer.

Oh, and you'll be happy. Deadpool is a part of the team, so perhaps he can give you lessons with those katanas you still keep.

Apr. 2nd, 2014


Who: Wanda Wilson and Terry Cassidy!
When: Tonight!
Where: X-Factor Investigations!
Rating: Low, unless Wanda decides to whip out some guns.
STATUS: Thread, in progress

A scratching. A thumping )

Apr. 1st, 2014


LEFT FOR WADE ON THE KITCHEN TABLE... slightly NSFW in the last image )


Hello Stark Network.

When I am not musing upon new and creative ways to set my living room on fire, the intricacies of human decomposition or the complexities of handwriting analysis in the digital age, I like to curl up with my insomnia and philosophise. Not in any grand, existential way. That, I leave to the modernists, but on much more pressing and present matters.


Why isn't palindrome spelled the same way backwards?

(warning: some mention of alcoholism/addiction in the comments)


FILTER: August Booth

Hey, I'm starting a detective agency. I was told you're the guy to talk to.

Mar. 29th, 2014


Hey there. We haven't talked since you've arrived back, but I just wanted to say that the last time you were here, we talked about a costume. You disappeared shortly after, and I've still got the costume.

I'm not sure if it's what you'd like at this point in your life, but you're welcome to come and take a look at it and see.


» Wanda told me you have a ring

» Ok I hope me seeing that conversation isn't a secret because Wade knows
» Now

Mar. 21st, 2014


Who: Wade (616) and Theresa
When: Friday, as in today/tonight
Where: Their apartment and then the 13th floor.
What: Theresa gets drunk and falls asleep on the couch. When she wakes up, she and Wade go play Street Fighter. Oh, and he asks her to marry him, kinda. It doesn't go over well.
Rating: Warning for alcoholism. It's just a slight mention. Also language, violence to drywall and mentions of sex. Wade's a perv.

You want some coffee or something? God, I thought you Irish people could hold your liquor... )

Mar. 19th, 2014


Managed to find a job that isn't going to make me gouge my eyes out after a few weeks. Security firm hired me. One of their people had played my game, which is damn weird but it meant he knew what I could do. They want me to break into places to find all the holes in the security so they can be fixed up. By me mostly. Which will be interesting. If I fix the holes, no one's ever going to get in. Reckon I'll be earning some of those big bonuses they were waving around.

Mar. 17th, 2014


Kiss me, I'm Irish.

Mar. 14th, 2014



Mar. 13th, 2014


Who: Terry & Wade
When: Last Friday
Where: The apartment they share
What: Terry realizes she's going to need $$$ to start up X-Factor. Wade comes up with ways to make money.
Rating: Potty mouth with mild mentions of death and sex. PG-13.



Curiouser and curiouser.

My sweets are not having the same effect. They are different.

I have the sort of energy that is persistent, constructive.


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