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Apr. 24th, 2013


Who: Violet Baudelaire and Susan (Pevensie) Hastings
When: Sometime on Monday (backdated)
Where: Susan's office
What: Violet comes to discuss options in terms of her classes knowing an exam retake was a must.
Rating: PG-13 for ASOUE content and possible spoilers for the novels.

She was still feeling at loose ends but this was a starting point. )

Apr. 19th, 2013


My sister is gone. Just like that. No warning, no notice.

Classes are cancelled for today, for my affected students.


I feel very much at loose ends. Maybe its time to consider a job while I dig into options about school?

Apr. 4th, 2013


GROUP KILO - Maria DeLuca, Eragon, Iskierka, James Rogers, Torunn, Madge Undersee )

Filter: Fred Bukle

I teach maths up to and including pre-algebra, and Pike teaches calculus, I know you teach Advanced Maths - does this include algebra. Any student who wishes to sit a graduation equivalency exam will need skills in algebra. I have several students who are older and may be moving up from Basic Maths to your Advanced Maths section. It would be prudent for us to sit down and make sure there are no gaps between our two classes. I'm available any day for lunch next week.


I've reached out to several high schools in the area and acquired their 'summer reading lists' from this year and previous years as a useful metric for things I can do in my own class, as well as several copies of the Regents exams, so I can better guide my advisees. I'm pleased to see that I've read nearly all the novels on the list from the pleasure reading I've done here, as well as classics that existed in my world as well. Though I have to confess, these Regents exam is quite intense. I never had to do anything of this sort in my time. I imagine the pressure on young students today must be absolutely incredible.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


E-mail to Logan )

E-mail to Ororo Munroe )

E-mail to Remus Lupin )

E-mail to Charles Xavier )

E-mail to Jessica Day )

E-mail to T'Challa )

E-mail to Leia Organa )

E-mail to Susan Hastings )

Mar. 27th, 2013


From: Susan P. Hastings

Subject: Headmistress vacancy
Attachment: shastingsresume.pdf

( You have 1 new message ) )

Mar. 24th, 2013


I've been looking into several of the Universities here, to see if I could teach a class or two at the level I was teaching before. Some have been extremely receptive, but of all of them, not a one has accepted me, citing the economic downturn and budget cuts.

Apparently fine arts budgets are being slashed and even removed across the country, in favour of maths and science. How are there not riots in the streets over the slow militarisation of the youth of this country? If you take away fine arts, the teaching of compassion and empathy through past, present, and shared experiences, you're breeding nothing but an army. A very mathematically advanced, scientifically literate army, but an army nevertheless.

Filter: Lucy
Please don't move in with Peter. Stay here with me.

Filter: Susan Sto Helit
It isn't as though I don't enjoy teaching the dwindling young crowd here - I just wish I could do what I did back in my world. The opportunities here for Professor From 1965 Specialising in Fine Arts are exceptionally limited.

Mar. 7th, 2013


Filter: Lucy
We haven't had an actual conversation in a while, how are you?

Filter: Susan Sto Helit
I have heard of this new thing called Skittles Vodka, where you take the candy Skittles, and leave them in plain vodka for a few days and then you have Skittles-flavoured Vodka. It sounds ... both gross and interesting. Should I make up a batch for Saturday, or shall we stick with tried and true brandy?

I'd like to remind any new (and old) arrivals that I teach a cooking class for those unaccustomed to the methods here. We're a small bunch right now, but the more the merrier. I'm not a master chef, but I'll help anyone regardless of previous cooking skill level.

Feb. 24th, 2013


A very kind SHIELD woman taught me how to use this. It is quite fascinating, as we do not have anything like this at home. Though I think everyone would marvel at Ba Sing Se.

My name is Iroh and I am looking forward to all the tea here and making your acquaintance.


'Tesseract.' It sounds like bad German, or some silly anagram I liked as a child.

Assuming I haven't gone insane I think this situation is as good as any warning to pay particular attention to spells one may or may not be dabbling with. Consequences are dire, apparently.

If I am imagining this then I am far more creative than I supposed. It's all very majestic.

[Filtered; private]
The house - flat? Is too small. I need to go home, there's so many things that need doing. I can't just leave them.

The world is The world is wrong. It's all wrong.

People I know but aren't the same:
Remus Lupin - older
Albus Dumbledore - ?
Severus Snape - older
Peter Pettigrew


I was without anything to do today, so I went a theatre showing all the Best Picture contenders. The last Oscars I know of were in 1964, when My Fair Lady swept the night away with 8 wins, including the coveted Best Picture award. Mary Poppins did well that year too, which made all of us Brits very happy (especially when you realise that My Fair Lady should have starred Andrews, but I think more people today may be familiar with Mary Poppins instead, and that is enough for me).

I only saw one film today, Beasts of the Southern Wild, mostly because its title intrigued me, and I didn't want to see a film about war or espionage, which considerably narrowed the pickings. The film was delightful, and the little girl who plays Hushpuppy did an excellent job in the role, and the way she created magical creatures as a way of handling what was happening to her and her world took me back to my childhood. It likely won't win any of the awards for which it was nominated - except perhaps Best Adapted Screenplay, but it's well-deserving of the accolades it has been given.

Feb. 22nd, 2013


So, right.

Anyone who knows me or has seen my show knows I have a pretty horrible track record with women. In the last few years, one got shot and died in my arms, and I warped the other into an apocalyptic future and lost her there. So. Right. Not so good. Long term relationships really aren't something I have any experience in.

So I'm just wondering. Those of you who have significant others, what is the one thing that has made the most difference in keeping your relationship going? How long were you together before you knew for sure it was real? Do you think there's a time that's 'too short' to know for sure? I'm just thinking. It's a slow night for emergencies tonight, which I guess is good.

Feb. 14th, 2013


Who: the Doctor and Susan Hastings
Where: 13th floor, Potts tower
When: Thursday evening
What:Random run-in
Status: closed/ongoing

It was a nice place to go think )


network post: ben stone

I was only beginning to learn about Pope Benedict XVI. His choice is stunning, the first time in hundreds of years, since the 14th or 15th century I believe. Are there any Catholics here?

Feb. 1st, 2013


I'm trying to prepare myself so I can best teach contemporary literature as well as 'the classics'. I've been reading about those with homosexuality homosexuals in literature, and I'm rather surprised that there is a lack of said characters in children's literature. Even when one progresses to adult literature, there is a lack of those with homosexuality homosexual characters. I imagine there are many here who are homosexual identify with as homosexual that are not heavily identified in their source Canons as such. In contrast, there are a wide variety of books that discuss the Vietnam war, and the immigrant stories of Vietnamese who fled after the war. It's such a curious discrepancy, and I can't help but get the feeling that homosexuality isn't as accepted as I was led to early believe. I think the emergence of Hiv/Aids might have heavily contributed, though not having lived it, I can't be too certain.

Does anyone have any other insights on this?

/filter to Claire Bennett/
Would you like to get drinks again sometime?

Jan. 23rd, 2013


I'm engaged!!!


This morning I received a call from the daycare center, and I got the job! I start on Monday. I'm so excited- I'll be helping with the two and three year olds, which I think will be one of the most fun age groups they could have put me with.

There's so much to do to prepare!


I have to say, I don't use this network as much as I could. I have periods where I use it an when I don't. I suppose it makes sense though with how busy I am. I've joined SHIELD to hopefully work as a Translator as well as teaching classes for Professor Sto Helit - while students didn't sign up for all the languages I am capable of teaching I do have a few students between my language class and archaeology one which is good. If any of you have any interest in learning a new skill or language I highly recommend it. There is a lot of different classes you can choose - just about anything you might want. I am actually tempted to sign up for some myself though I am not sure if I would have time. Between teaching, SHIELD and preparing the language learning information for Moya. Still, I wouldn't change it.

Jan. 20th, 2013


WHO: Susan Pevensie and Nathan Petrelli
WHAT: Susan is very distressed that Peter intends to marry Lucy + Twofer!
WHERE: Tea Shop, Potts Tower, 1st floor
WHEN: Sunday evening
Ratings: lowish
STATUS: - incomplete/in-progress

She had the fantasies of the coward-god, though, where had he gone? Nowhere, because he'd never existed, not really. )

Jan. 19th, 2013


Text to Lucy Pevensie
>>I'm not comfortable with Peter coming over so late
>>It's wildly inappropriate

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