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Jan. 5th, 2016


It's a little late it the season, but it's always better late than never. Potts Tower Clinic is going to be offering free flu shots to all residents today and tomorrow.

Also, there will be homemade muffins. Not made by me, because last time I tried to bake something I set the oven on fire, but made by someone. So come for the muffins, stay for the health benefits.

Mar. 13th, 2014


Naming a winter storm that has killed three after a planet that was destroyed by senseless violence, to me, seems to be in very poor taste.

Feb. 26th, 2014


[Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU)]
Good morning, Mr. Stark.

Feb. 25th, 2014


Perhaps one day, I will successfully clock out at 1700 hours.

Feb. 13th, 2014


Who: The whole game!
When: Valentine's Day! (Pretend it's the 14th)
Where: In your pants. Wherever love is!
What: Valentine presents!
Rating: Who knows!

Because this game is massive, and even if everyone just sent ONE package to anyone, it would end up being 300+ posts in the community. So to save our friends lists from imploding, we the moderators are asking that you fill out this form and reply HERE. It'll make it easier to find (Control-F is a lovely thing!) and we won't have to abuse our scroll button. Here's how we're going to do it. You will post for one character with everything that they got for their friends/family/etc. Make sure to tag your character as soon as you get their information up!

Jan. 29th, 2014


delivered to AOS Kirk & Spock )

Jan. 21st, 2014


[Spock (AOS)]

So it looks like you had a busy weekend.

Jan. 18th, 2014


[Text to AOS Kirk]
--Don't use all the hot water
--Chocolate chip or blueberry pancakes?
--How do take your coffee?

[Text to AOS Spock]
--Kirk is with me.
--So you don't worry about his whereabouts.

[Text to TOS Kirk and Picard]
--I need some advice

Dec. 19th, 2013


[Starfleet + Friends of Christopher Pike]
Things weren't quite what we

Just checking in to let everyone know that we're still doing fine up in Asgard. So there's no need to worry. Especially if you don't hear from Pike for a day or two. He got hit pretty hard, and he needs some time to recover before we make the trip back.

Until then, I'll probably be staying with him, so. If you need anything or need to reach him, let me know.

Nov. 9th, 2013


• Hey.
• Tonight, I'm going out to the ranch.
• I promise I'll keep my pants on.

Nov. 8th, 2013


Cameron left last week. Now Zoe and her crew. And apparently she left me the ranch. I imagine I'll be spending a bit of time there - and of course, anyone is welcome to come out and spend some time there. Horses, nature and the open sky. You can see the stars. I think I might do something there for the holidays.

In other news, I - or should I say my body - is not a fan of the damp cold. I miss the dry cold of the desert. Or a spaceship where you don't normally have this problem.

I gave my Military Tactics class this assignment and decided to share it here: Pick an event from the list of militarty disasters and provide a strategy for how you would have proceeded in the face of certain defeat. You can also submit events from the future / other worlds.

[2009 Kirk & Spock]
How long does a commanding officer have to wait for information? Or were you attempting to keep things secret?

Oct. 29th, 2013


Do any of you work for Tony Stark? I'm wondering if he might be better to work for than SHIELD. I'm starting to get low on money so I really need to see about finding myself a job.

Oct. 27th, 2013


» So.
» Hey. About...this morning.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


My transition from SHIELD science officer to SHIELD field agent is now complete.

Of course, I have no desire to abandon scientific research entirely, but if I may speak candidly, I found pure research to be somewhat less enthralling than my previous position, which entailed far more risk and exploration than laboratory work.

Perhaps SHIELD will benefit from the addition of a few such cooler heads.

Oct. 20th, 2013


Damn it, Bones

For those who knew him, Bones was sent is gone. Whatever happens when we leave here, that's what's happening to him now and I'm not - so wish him luck.


Good talk on Friday, but let's lock it down - I say we do this. I say we strike out on our own and fund and build this. We're bound to hit enough snags along the way before we even get something someone might want to steal. We've just got to start crossing bridges as we come to them and stop speculating so far in advance. We all know the Kobayashi Maru test, we all know that we can't plan for everything -- and you all know that I don't believe in no-win scenarios. There's a way to do this, a way to do it right and we'll find it as we go.

So who is with me? And who has fundraising ideas?

I suggest we sell the Vulcan.

Oct. 16th, 2013


[Mr. Spock]
Maybe I should start getting someone else to find my pants, lest you start getting ideas.


[Filtered to Starfleet and friends of TOS Kirk and Spock *]

About two months ago, Spock (from my timeline) and I chose to life-bond. That makes us more or less married by Vulcan standards, outside of a traditional ceremony. We haven't decided on the ceremony itself yet, but I've always been a fan of celebrations. I rented out the 13th floor of the building for this Saturday at 7 PM. Food and drinks are provided, feel free to bring guests. No gifts required, your presence is enough.

[Filtered to Spock (TOS)]

Surprise. Also, do you want to do an official ceremony some time in the next month?

[*ooc: feel free to assume you're on this filter if you've been friendly with either of them before or work with them at SHIELD/educational division]

Oct. 12th, 2013


Hello, I have to say this is quite the experience isn't it? I'm Carol - I've been told that the majority of my ships Bridge crew are here if not all of them? Logically, I need to find a job would SHIELD be willing to hire a scientist who specializes in weapons or should I work elsewhere?

Christina, Uhura
Okay girls, tell me what do I need to know?

Oct. 6th, 2013


Captain's Log Ocboter 6th 2013. 11:26AM.

Still drunk.

Sep. 13th, 2013


As I have recently learned, if you wish to switch departments within SHIELD, your training for your subsequent departmental position begins de novo. I had hoped that I might be able to bypass some of the proper channels given my previous training, but I suppose it is better to overprepare than to underprepare.

It is just as well, I suppose, as my handler has not yet completed her training, either, making this the second time that I have entrusted myself to the command of an officer without any relevant in-universe credentials.

Regardless, I will be pleased to see the day when I am no longer expected to perform my primary job functions on a machine that, to me, is vastly more outdated than the ENIAC computer would undoubtedly be to you.

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