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Oct. 30th, 2013


And the battle to determine whether or not Sherlock Holmes will become part of the public domain rages on.

Watson, have you been receiving any financial consideration for your part in this nonsense?

Oct. 26th, 2013


[Sherlock Holmes (film)]
I have something for you, for the Halloween party tonight.

Oct. 19th, 2013


So I had an interesting conversation at City Hall the other day after a bit of a lark came up. Apparently since we're not natives, we're rather not allowed to take a part in government here.

Guess these republics never are quite so equal as they claim to be, eh?

[Filtered to Marguerite Blakeney]
While I'm not entirely certain I understand the concept of the fête, I have come to understand that there shall be a masquerade next weekend. So the more important point becomes. What shall we go as?

Sep. 28th, 2013


After viewing Thursday's episode of Elementary, and conducting a bit of additional research, I have come to a simple and unimpeachable conclusion.

While Mary was perfectly safe alone with Mycroft, I do not believe that the two of you should be left unaccompanied.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


[Sir Julius Pepperwood (Sherlock Holmes)]
Sorry I left this morning, I hadn't the heart to wake you. You just looked so peaceful.

I have a meeting with a tortured artist this afternoon, and I had a few errands to run before that. But I will see you later, and keep out of trouble.

Sep. 21st, 2013


Why is it that every single actor in the history of theatre acts as though Hamlet was the only play Shakespeare ever wrote?

Sep. 9th, 2013


If anyone sees a Jesse Pinkman could you direct him to me? I seem to have misplaced mine. Some wear and damage is all right, as far as I can tell, he'll still clean up nice.

In other news, this morning I completed my range of sodium hydroxide experiments and I've decided to take up crochet.

[Jesse Pinkman]
You're timing is impeccable

Let me know how you're settling in. If anything seems strange, dangerous, or you feel threatened or unsafe, you need to call me immediately unless the danger is immediate. Then you call Tony Stark, I've programmed him into your phone's speed dial on number 3. Take care of yourself, please. I won't have you taking any unnecessary risks. I'm worried


I can appreciate a clever opportunist. I shall say right now that I think The Pet Shop Boys are some of the greatest philosophers of the modern age. I certainly know how to spin just about any situation into money, the world helps those who help themselves. I'll never begrudge any poor chap from getting their due if they're smart enough to either work for it or are smart enough to have other people do the work for them.

However, as the man who usually has the schemes or inclinations, I was quite taken aback when I was approached over the weekend by the Morgan Library with something ingenious. It would seem that Pierpont Morgan, the devil, purchased the oldest surviving manuscript of The Picture of Dorian Gray back in 1913. Someone at the museum (who I hope gets a raise for this) suggesting dragging out the old manuscript and printing it as a facsimile -- which even by itself would, I'm sure, line the museum's pockets pleasantly. But they wish to take it a step further and have me submit notes, edits, commentary and insight. And why the hell not, I say? It isn't every day a man gets to tackle on a biography that features his own gruesome end.

And if this goes off without a hitch and I remain comfortable kept in this fine city for the next eight months or so, I'll be one of the richest bastards on the Eastern seaboard. So it's something to consider, my beautiful literary companions. Seize the fucking day -- but if a damn one of you publishes before I do, I will slit you'll be hearing from my lawyer.

Aug. 27th, 2013


[Sherlock Holmes (Film)]
I'm re-evaluating the status of our relationship based on how much you allowed me to drink last night without intervening. I'm no good to you if I'm dead from alcohol poisoning.

Aug. 16th, 2013


I'm not certain that I want to know what you did. But it was... very successful.

I believe one of you owes the other a debt.

Aug. 13th, 2013


But he would have none of my soul
That was stained with blood and with tears,
That had lain in the earth like a mole,
In the place of great stones and fears.
And now I am lost in the mist
Of the things that can never be,
For I will have none of Christ
And Apollo will none of me.

Paris, 1896.
Lord Alfred Douglas

[Steve Rogers (616)]
Thank you for dealing with that. I hope he didn't give you too much trouble. I wouldn't have held it against you if you

[Sherlock Holmes (Films)]
Did you get home all right this afternoon? I was still asleep, I think, I didn't hear you leave.

Aug. 9th, 2013


[Sherlock Holmes (RDJ)]
I look like an idiot.

[As per Elementary!Holmes' plan for the Holmes Initiative outlined here -- This Holmes&Watson duo have taken to disguises]


It's a fairly odd feeling, leaving your door (your door) every morning and setting your feet on the pavement. Not that I'm saying that millions of other people aren't doing it right around me at all times - they are, they're a pushy lot - but the fact remains: this was not what my author had set out for me. And being that I am so glad that I escaped the calumny of her pen, I think I might briefly celebrate that I'm living in a relatively nice and extremely overpriced flat in Brooklyn after having vacationed ever so briefly in Belize.

And Sotheby's. I suppose I should talk about that but perhaps ... later.

Good God, I'm a very lucky man.

But if you're wondering where Isabel and I have escaped to - it's Brooklyn - and you're welcome out to see us.

Aug. 8th, 2013


...I just wanted to take a minute to be... incredibly grateful the friends I've made here. It wasn't until just this moment that I realised how much I treasured each and every one of you.

We should all get together one night next week and watch Bring it On or something.

[Joan Watson]
You know what we haven't done in a while?...I knew you'd ask, so the answer is: broken into a building. I think we ought to fix that this weekend, don't you? I bought you a present (hint: it's a set of lockpicks)
[Sherlock Holmes (PBS)]
It's clobberin' time
I have work. For us.
[Sherlock Holmes (The Other One) + Jude Law!Watson]
Sherlock -- do you think you could cut your hair and put on a suit?

Watson -- do you think you could make him if he says no?
[Saul Goodman]
So if I had a friend who accidentally left some legal documents in my hands, do you think I could bring them by? Maybe, ask a few unrelated questions that might shed some light on their (in)significance?
[Tony Stark (616)]
If I gave you a list of things I needed which included military grade tech, what are the chances you could get it for me without asking questions?
[Steve Rogers (616)]
I don't actually have anything to say to you


Edit: Added much later

[Steve Rogers (616)]
I changed my mind
...How good are you at lying?


network post: ben stone

Filtered to: Sherlock Holmes (all)
Though I am not familiar with you personally, nor the particulars of your work as consulting detectives, I read the stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about another Sherlock Holmes. I cannot with all certainty say that the situation I have is a case, but I do believe it warrants investigation. I cannot in good conscience do less, but I have reached my limits to investigate without drawing undue attention to myself. If something is indeed awry, that would be dangerous. If it is not, it could cost me my job.

I am concerned about the behavior of my employer, the Phoenix Project. I do not know with whom exactly that concern should be within the charity, but I have gathered documents that shows irregular behavior for an organization of this type. Would any of you be interested in investigating? I have hard copies.

Thank you,
Benjamin Stone

Aug. 4th, 2013


You know, I find I'm rather hungry.

It's too bad.

Aug. 3rd, 2013


[Sherlock Holmes (BBC)]
Could I speak to you about something? I can entice you with breakfast, if eating is a thing you're doing today. I promise it isn't about your Watson's mustache

[Sherlock Holmes (Film)]

She's gone

Good morning!

Jul. 26th, 2013


[Sherlock Holmes (Film)]

You're avoiding me.

Jul. 8th, 2013



Jul. 6th, 2013


TW: Illegal Drugs, Needles


We have no clean dishes, and no one made coffee this morning. I'm sure you realize that this is unacceptable.

I realize that you're upset about your wife's disappearance, but there is no reason to take it out on the silverware.

It isn't as if I would have made you follow through--

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