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Dec. 13th, 2013


Filtered to Bonesverse
I signed myself up for the mission to Asgard. Feeb represent I leave tomorrow.


I have received notice here on Asgard that my pet has made it through the portal. Angel, Spike, Wesley -- I need one of you to see if this is indeed a Yastigilian hound named Pancakes.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


That was another exciting week, wasn't it? It was great. Connor - your present is coming.

So. Hi.

Oct. 23rd, 2013


So I accidentally burned down a church on TV this week. What did you do? Anything embarrassing? I'd love to hear it.

Filtered to Angel
I don't understand much of what's been happening recently. There's Darla, but I've got no frame of reference

You okay, buddy?

Filtered to Darla
Uhm, hello.

Filtered to Connor
Help me out here, buddy. What's going on?

Spoilers for recent Bones ep


Man, just when I think I'm getting the hang of this place, I find shit like this. I didn't need to see that. Then again, you've also got people who do shit like this so I guess it evens out.

I've got me some nerf sniper rifles. Guess I'm going to have to get me some more and see what kind of modifications I can do to get the power and range up to something more awesome.

Oct. 16th, 2013


Cut for big image, possible spoilers for those not up to date with the Bones fandom )

Did you know about this? Guys?

You know, this is just-

Is this the sound of my brain breaking? The- no sound at all? No coherent thought? The-

There is no way that is going to go as planned. Just because we're us.Or we're going to be called into a murder scene in our finery. Well, that's just- Us?

Did you know? And Parker's there.

Don't say it.

Oct. 8th, 2013


[Booth & Brennan]
Something's wrong with me. I actually want some bizarre case I can help you two solve, or something.

Does anyone know of any galleries that may be looking for artists currently? I really need to build up my portfolio again


How can anyone logic this away

I'm not ever going to be a woman, that'd be ridiculous. How

I think my brain is breaking

I'm going out on a limb here and take a wild guess. Just another normal day here in the Tower?

Oct. 6th, 2013


It's a little late to be asking this, I know. But are there any people here planning to attend Sunday mass who don't mind me tagging along just this once, so that I can get my bearings?

I should have taken that position in NYC when I got it.

Oct. 5th, 2013


Just a quick note for those of you who knew Cordelia Chase: the Tesseract sent her home.

Back to the world's shittiest future I never even got to At least now I don't have to wear a Halloween costume.

Oct. 4th, 2013


I'm a little disappointed there are not enough archaeology jokes in the world as there are biology/chemistry.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


So, Halloween.

Where's my spider, Bones?


Are we going to be Clark Kent and Wonder Woman?

Just don't shoot me again.

Sep. 27th, 2013


Who: Booth & Brennan
What: catching up & having drinks.
When: Thursday night (slightly backdated)
Where: Sam's Bar
Warnings: not likely.

... )

Sep. 26th, 2013


That was an exceedingly unpleasant and implausible way to travel. And my intended destination was Washington D.C., not New York City.

If the airports are being unreliable, I think I'll just rent a car.


I've had all night. I still don't know what to think about this.

I've read that the last time I was here, I didn't have any shoes. So I'm glad to announce that my feet are - not shoeless. Now I'm lacking in civilian wardrobe. Things always stay the same.

Hi. I'm Seeley Booth.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


I thought second opinions were supposed to work with me, not against me.

Mar. 25th, 2013


Can people 'confirm' things for me.

People keep talking about Christine and how cute she is. I really have a daughter?

Mar. 22nd, 2013


I've seen enough bad junk to last me a while, so sorry for not playing the nerf game. Good luck to everyone else playing!

For anyone that just wants to chill and avoid the carnage, I'm offering up my place for the night for pizza, movies, and good friends. Bring sleeping gear and some snacks to share!

[Academy kids + Friends]
Sorry for being a Debbie-downer the past week. Things are gonna change for the better. So make sure you get your butts over here tonight so we can have some fun, I think everyone could use it. Plus, I'm offering $20 to the person that can convince Laura to sing karaoke. $50 if she's actually good!


A nerf war? Maybe next time.

Mar. 21st, 2013


Uh. Does anyone have a spare pair of size 11 shoes to tide me over until I make it to the store? Maybe a coat?

And after I go shopping for certain necessities, I'd like to get my papers in order. And after that, I'm going for Chinese and a beer. You can't stop me

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