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Mar. 16th, 2013


The ever brilliant Sherlock Holmes suggested I should organize an outing to the parade tomorrow morning. I planned on going anyway, but if anyone wants to come along it should be pretty giant. And crowded.

Mar. 15th, 2013


So, do any of you remember when Luce's big dream was to be like TMNT and enter the sewers of NYC?


This is all just poppycock, isn't it? I'm going to wake up and not be surrounded by people from all sorts of weird realms, aren't I?

Because honest to Merlin, this is some strange bullshit.

Mar. 2nd, 2013


After so many years of getting question on how come I wasn't on the Quidditch team when my parents had, during their school years, I finally found a gif that portrays what happened when I tried.


I think I have been on this website all day that it's really starting to get pitiful. I need a job.

Mar. 1st, 2013


I've discovered "Tumblr" all thanks to LLP, but now I'm concerned for the citizens of United States (as though I wasn't before).

This image here, especially.

The caption said "This happened in North Carolina."

Is North Carolina a particularly dangerous place?

But speaking of Tumblr, I'm afraid I can't quite fathom what people write. What are "my feels" and "your face" and "claws my face"?


network post: claire danvers

Huh. That's one ship I never really saw in the series.Tumblr is amusing and sometimes a little weird. HARRY POTTER PEOPLE, is this actually true? I have a desperate need to know.

In other news, Shane and I did karaoke tonight <s>well I didn't sing, but moral support, right?</s> and that was a lot of fun. Some of you guys can really sing, too!

Feb. 28th, 2013


If I had actually lived in my world, I would have been 28 by now. Which blows my mind because I could not even imagine thinking that far ahead when I was in my world and yet, here I am in 2013. I missed 12 years.

A few things I just have to note:
- Why is it such a thing to hate Justin Bieber?
- I missed the London Olympics?! I missed the London Olympics with the SPICE GIRLS REUNION?!
- Oh my God. R.I.P. Whitney Houston. :( And Michael Jackson. :((
- I am doing half of my search on Wikipedia which is amazing because I've only just been introduced to Wikipedia when I got here. This website? Would have helped a whole lot for half of my assignments.
- Whose idea was it to come out with Crocs? They look like Fisher Price toys.
- Should I be glad or disappointed that I missed George W. Bush's presidency?
- I want to say we've advanced culturally, but looking at the number of bombing and attacks and shootings makes me almost think otherwise. Ugh.
- That includes Westboro Baptist Church. UGH.
- Facebook. Twitter. YouTube. And the best one.. Tumblr. All I have to say is that it's a good thing I had completed most of high school before any of these came out.

If that much is throwing me into a loop, damn, I can't imagine how its like for people who even came in before the 90s.

Feb. 27th, 2013


I can't believe I have to wait ONE MORE YEAR to "LEGALLY" buy a drink in this country. How is it that people can make voting decisions before they are capable of acquiring alcohol through legal means?

I miss England.


It's March in two days. It's like one day, you're thinking "oh the semester has just been begun" and then in the next, your professors are talking about the first exams. Good god. Let's hope the next 3.5 years go this fast too.

Filtered: Julie
SO! Hi. I have something to tell you.

Feb. 23rd, 2013


Merlin's pants. I should have never discovered Tumblr. Or, well, I should have never discovered how to search my name on Tumblr because I keep going back to look and I perpetually have the "what in the fuck" expression frozen on my face. I get that my brothers, billion cousins, and myself are in the books for about two minutes of reading (depending on how fast of a reader you are), so that allows for some ~creative liberties~ but still. Wtf indeed.

I've put together some of the finer bits, for interested parties which is probably just me but that's fine because if you're not interested you can just use that brilliant scrolling feature that browsers have.

Lily Luna Potter, according to Tumblr: Cut, not filtered. )

And now you know.

Looking through these, though, made me miss think that Albus needs to be here, too. It's weird without him around. So, Tesseract, do me a favor and force my missing brother here, okay? Okay.

Feb. 17th, 2013


Guess what. I've figured out how to use the "shift" key. No thanks to your idiot cousin

And belatedly: thanks for the gifts. The whiskey wasn't so bad. Not as good as firewhiskey, of course, but I can live with it, I suppose.

Is this the part where I'm supposed to ask if I was supposed to get you something? Because I didn't.

Feb. 5th, 2013


Being from the future isn't all it's cracked up to be. I just got to tell Teddy's mum that she not only has a kid, but she died during the bloody war. I feel so damn bad.

One (or more) of you needs to drink alcohol with me.

Feb. 4th, 2013


i've happened upon a collection of the "harry potter" series. do i read it or just assume that anyone not on team potter are painted as terrible people?

Jan. 28th, 2013


So it looks like when somebody goes away, they go home with absolutely no memory of this place, which frankly sucks because if I ever get to go home I'd like to remember the fact that I had an archery contest with Legolas and finally watched The Breakfast Club.

But is there anything you'd do here that you wouldn't at home, knowing that nobody will remember anything if you go back?


Now that I've finished crafting a few decorations for my new apartment, I think I might need some taste-testers. Are there any volunteers?

Jan. 25th, 2013


what in the bloody hell have i just stumbled upon?

it's oddly catchy.

Jan. 17th, 2013


Right, mum, mind if I borrow you and your brain for a bit? I need to solve this issue where brooms here are only used for sweeping. The lack of proper brooms here is just depressing.


Well OK. I gUess I can skiip the den ial part of this procesS, since I am very obvi--ously in the future.

This futuristic typewriter IS so

o much m ore diffIcult to type wi th-

Oh, but you can just go back and delete your errors? Well, isn't that ducky! Sure saves a lot of time. I'm still going at a snail's pace here, since I don't use the typewriter very often, but when I did, it was hopeless mess. I think I'll just leave those at the beginning for humor's sake.

Really though, wow. It took me hours to figure out this network thing, and it will probably be another hour by the time I'm doing writing all this out. Nevermind the stuff outside! Some things are familiar, but others look positutely out of this world. Even the lemon squeezer seemed different. A lot smoother, actually, I have to admit.

It's nice to be in New York still, but I don't know. Even with all these whosee-whatsits, it just seems like it's missing its edge. I am way too young though to be gabbing about the 'good old days'...well I guess I'm technically too young. I'm technically 17, but that's not what my birth certificate will tell you.

Oh, anyway, I'm Evie O'Neill, and I don't know from nothing what's going on. I sort of suspect I might have gotten myself into this pickle, but then, I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHY YOU ARE ALL HERE TOO, SORT OF LIKE I DON'T KNOW WHY ALL OF THE LETTERS ARE SO BIG ALL OF A SUDDEN- HOW DO I MAKE THIS STOP?

Jan. 16th, 2013


Yeah, okay, so maybe it wasn't an actual job offer. What they really wanted was to see my portfolio and have me audition somewhere other than on the street. So maybe...I mean, they thought I was pretty...and they want me to apply for real. So it was like...I don't know...a callback, maybe? I don't know.

I'm a little disappointed but I'm not giving up. A nice lady has offered to help me get a portfolio together. And I'm hoping it all works out like I thought it had to start with. But...that's the way things go, right.

[Filtered against Leo Valdez]

Leo got all mad at me the other night because of it, though. I mean. I think he worries. He knows how freaked out my mom always got about me gaining weight, and I think he thinks that being a model is going to bring all that back. I don't know. Maybe it will.

[Filtered against everyone but Percy Jackson and Harry Potter folks (Leo can read this)]

But...I don't know. Maybe...I don't want to be a model. I mean, my whole life, that's the only thing about me that anyone ever acted like was worth anything. I was Fleur's little sister, a Quarter Veela...and I mean, I hate that. I mean, it's nice to have people tell you that you're pretty all the time...for a while, but then it gets old. I'm...more than that, you know? Maybe I shouldn't go for this at all. Maybe this is just going to make everyone think I'm shallow and stupid. And I know I totally seem that way sometimes but that's just because it's easier. Because I'm not sure who I really am is actually very nice. Or very happy.

Jan. 15th, 2013


An interdimensional portal party in the past and it just figures my invite gets lost in the post. Sorry I'm late, everyone. You can stop panicking now.

Hugo Weasley. Pleased to be cosmically displaced with you all.

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