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Sep. 8th, 2015


Alright, so with classes starting up today, I wanted to take the opportunity to talk a little about what I'll be teaching. It's called Avenging 101, and while it's being run through the ESD, we're not going to be limited to their facilities. We'll be running classes at the Avengers Mansion, and at a few other locations in the city and upstate. This class'll be open for anyone that's interested in joining up with the Avengers, or feels like they need more training. There's no upper age limit on this, and besides myself, other long-term and founding Avengers members will be giving classes on their specialties. It's the first time we're running something like this so I'm sure there'll be a few kinks need getting out along the way but, whatever happens - it'll be a hell of a time.

[Kate Bishop]
Steve Rogers recommended I get in touch with you. I'm running a class that's going to focus more on what we do as Avengers, including seminars, physical training and different scenarios and strategy exercises. Right now, I got the other Captain Americas signed up to lend a hand, but since you keep the Young Avengers in line, I thought maybe you'd want to get involved with this thing we're doing too? It's up to you.

[Mayday & Peter Parker]
I know I just went through the whole thing so I won't do it again, but I really think this kind of training could be good for the two of you. I'm not going to tie you to the Avengers if you don't want to be, I know better. But you could learn a few things.

[Pepper Potts (616)]
So now it looks like I've got a wedding reception I'm going to need a date for, coming up. If you're into Autumn weddings.

Sep. 7th, 2015


[Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers (616), Steve Rogers (MCU)]
So here's the deal. The ESD is offering a new class, Avenging 101 that's kind of focused on the younger heroes, or the people who might want to get in on what it is we do.

So far, the class list looks like this: Billy Kaplan, Mindy McCready, James Rogers, Flash Thompson, Claire Bennet & Jon Kasiya -- but I'm sure we'll see a few more before things start to really heat up. (Or if you've got anyone you want to recommend the class to, it might be a good idea)

I'm teaching it, you know, as a kinda seminar, but I thought it might be good to have the rest of you come on in from time to time and talk about what leading the Avengers means and has meant to you, and you know. Give a bit of your own, personal, Captain America spin with in.

'Cept Bucky. You need to not fucking swear in my classroom.

Sep. 3rd, 2015


Anyone have a good chicken noodle recipe?


I hate you right now. A lot.


Can I throw up on politicians? Is that a thing I'm allowed to do while pregnant?

Aug. 15th, 2015


Network Post; Anakin Solo

[filter: Rikki]
They don't look quite like the ones on the Internet did. But I did my best. Icing is really hard as it turns out.

Image Cut )

I know birthdays are weird here when you realize it isn't one you'll ever get at home. I think it was weirder for me than I thought it would be. But I'm so grateful for them, and for you. And that you get this one. And I hope you get a lot more and that I do too. Because I want them all. But even if we only get this one together, you've been the best thing that's happened to me here, and I love you.

Now, you should get up, because there are pancakes, and I promise I didn't even burn them cause you're such a good teacher. And then we can do whatever you want to do all day long. And if you want to invite Jon and Jaina, or anyone else - let's do that too. Basically your wish is my command, Grumpy Cat.

[Filter: Friends and Family of Rikki Barnes]
We'll meet on the outdoor patio n the 13th floor around six or so. And I'll bring stuff for burgers and all that. Right now I think it's still a surprise that we're doing this, but it may be less of one by the time we get there. I'm going to try to keep it kind of a surprise though.

Any questions direct them here, otherwise hopefully we'll see you tonight.

[OOC: Please pretend Anakin mentioned this like sometime in the past week because he would have. I've just been on hiatus and crazy]

Aug. 7th, 2015


Man, if I am the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, I'm a long way from home.

Jul. 12th, 2015


C'est quoi ce bordel?!!

Jul. 8th, 2015


[Team America World Police*]
Everybody ready to go? Plane take off is an hour, if you can't make it let us know now.

Anyone got any questions about what we're dealing with or what our targets are before we reach Georgia? And is anyone else as surprised as I am that it took this long for a Red Skull clone to show up? Back home ain't they about as common as Tickle Me Elmos and twice is irrelevant?

[Pepper Potts (616)]
Gotta borrow Stark for a few days. I can promise he'll come back in one piece, and I hope you don't mind.

(616 Bucky Barnes, Sharon Carter, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Logan (+ Laura Kinney & Wade Wilson), Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner & Tony Stark)

Jun. 25th, 2015


I haven't been here long, but I've already come to realise that certain things seem to cross dimensions. There are those who will always resort to violence to get their message across, and they will always be cowards. I hope that with everything that's been going on, there are those who have remained safe.

[Padmé Amidala]
    I've become a little more accustomed to this world. At least enough to have read up on the political practises of this place. I can't say all of it makes sense to me -- in fact, quite a few things appear rather archaic -- but when you have a moment, I'd like to discuss what you've learned while you've been here.

Jun. 24th, 2015


Guess this makes me the first female and the first African American Captain America. Bet Fox News is gonna run out of pearls to clutch.

Jun. 22nd, 2015


Hello, my name is Matt Murdock,

I wanted to take a moment to thank the countless numbers of the community here who stepped up to help aid the resident's of Hell's Kitchen during last night's crisis. I know I am not alone in my gratitude, It's an area of the city that has certainly suffer more than it's share of trials in recent years and, thanks to your bold and courageous efforts, we've got a lot less to mourn today than we otherwise might have.

We're all greatly in your debt.

Jun. 20th, 2015


Everybody picked a hell of a time to be on vacation.

I'm not about to sit on my hands, and I'm going to assume someone's going to need them somewhere, so I'm putting an extra pair of hands on the table. Where can I be the most help?

Jun. 15th, 2015


Has anyone seen or heard from my sist Diana Prince? Wonder Woman? She just got here, how can she be gone so quickly

Jun. 4th, 2015


[Bucky Barnes (both, because she doesn't know there's two/visible to Tony Stark *mcu)]
Hey, I'm Mindy, and I'm new to the Outstanding Avengers. Tony Stark (mcu) told me that he'd have you talk to me for reasons but I forgot to find you, so I'm talking now. Tony said you know more about guns than he does, and most of my training is with guns, as well as knives and swords, so I guess maybe he thought you could teach me or something. Can I call you senpai? I swear I'm a fast learner.

[Tony Stark (mcu)]
Took the initiative and contacted your buddy. Thanks again, you're like... the closest thing to a mentor as I've found since Big Daddy died, and I didn't know I needed that until now.

[Sam Wilson (616)]
Okay, I've got questions.

[Oustanding Avengers]
Hello, I'm Mindy McCready, but you can call me Hit-Girl. I'm the new recruit. I'm a fighter, using whatever I can get my hands on but mainly guns, knives, and swords, and I'm looking forward to being part of a team since I usually work alone. Nice to meet you all.

Weird possibly dumb question - am I going to need to get a new motorcycle license, or is all my old ID still good?

Jun. 1st, 2015


[Pepper Potts (616)]
So, you got any time off while Tony's still away on that honeymoon of his?
[Mindy McCready]
Hey girl, I'm Sam Wilson, otherwise known as Captain America. You'll be able to tell me apart from the other two Captain Americas, 'cause I'm the one with wings.

Right now, you've been put in to my team, the Outstanding Avengers, alongside Roy Harper, Oliver Queen and the all-times brilliant Wanda Maximoff. But I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and see if you got any questions.

May. 22nd, 2015


[SHIELD + Mighty and Outstanding Avengers]

We've experienced a destabilizing of the gravitonium. It's gained sentience somehow and has broken through initial defenses.

All agents available report to the Carousel to assist with containment.

Agents with ties to the Avengers, it's breached our walls and has made it to the surrounding area. Assistance would be appreciated.

[OOC calendar prompt: It appears the gravitonium didn't want to be in the vault, and also that it's sentient. A human shaped creature bursts out lets out its aggression on the Olive Garden across the street from SHIELD HQ. Counter-Intel and SHIELD agents on site attempt to contain Graviton ,but the Mighty and Outstanding Avengers are called in to take them down.]

[Feel free to use this post as a comms post. The Mighty and Outstanding Avengers will be brought in as well]

May. 15th, 2015


Filter: Natasha Romanoff(mcu), Clint Barton(mcu), Mara Jade, Sam Wilson(mcu), Sam Wilson(616)

Prom Night (the original)
Carrie (original)
And Dance of the Dead (which promises to be perfectly horrible)

Delivery pizza
Saturday night?



I always like when the Senate passes a bill that I can get behind. Even if it makes me wonder about people's priorities.

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
We haven't gotten the chance to talk too much yet. Kinda threw myself at the Avengers, figured I'd catch up with you later. So now I'm following up on that. What's your story, Steve Rogers? And what's driving you crazy this week 'cause there's always something.

May. 9th, 2015


[Filtered to the 616 Avengers]
It was rude of Zlakob to leave us hanging like that. He didn't even give us preorder information for that biography. I've already checked Amazon, there's nothing.

Guess I'll just have to read the timecube website until then.

May. 4th, 2015


Saw this on the news today. Apparently, there's a lot of that going on in Times Square along with the mayor's commemorative speech.

Apr. 25th, 2015


[Outstanding Avengers + Young Avengers & Roy Harper, Pietro Maximoff]
The Latverian Embassy sure has a nice way a saying thank you. Guess I shouldn't be too surprised. What do we know about that place in this universe, anyway?

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