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May. 30th, 2013


This is a cronut.

I don't know why we aren't selling these at Java Moment, but we should. Ugh. Pastry heaven.

May. 11th, 2013


Who: Tramp and Sally Sparrow
When: Friday late afternoon
Where: 13th floor garnde/patio/thing
What: Tramp wants cake, or a treat, or maybe someone to scratch behind his ears (he can do it himself but it isn't quite the same) and in return he shows her what new tricks this old dog has learned.
Rating: Low, I'm sure.

Hey, watch this, doll! )

May. 10th, 2013


What is a prom? Do I have to go? Can I go? Why am I asking if I can go, of course I'll be going! Where is the park? I got yelled at for marking my territory, but I can do that in the park, right?


So Ten is gone too now. This is quickly becoming the worst week ever.

Filter: Doctor (Nine)
Are you going to leave meus too?


All right then. Who's in need of a prom date? I've never been to a prom, and it certainly sounds like as good an excuse as any to get dolled up and dance like an idiot. Who wants to go with me?

May. 7th, 2013


It's weird when you look older 'en you're not older.

I don't like it. I wanna be me again.

May. 6th, 2013


I wish I could go see Shakespeare right now. I do love running into Shakespeare.

My head still hurts.

Filter: Clara Oswald and Sally Sparrow
Oi, you two. Cheeky ones. I need you.

May. 4th, 2013


There is, I think, officially -- a day for everything. Administrative Assistant's day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Teacher's Day, etc. etc. etc.

Take today, for example. It's NSFW World Naked Gardening Day. I don't think I need tell anyone that there is nudity at that link. But yes! There you go. Actual day for everything.

So. Amy Pond. I think it's a good day for you and I to consider window boxes, don't you?

Apr. 28th, 2013


Hang on.

I've been uploaded to the internet before, so the whole "You're on a TV show thing" sort of makes me feel like this is just another one of Chin Boys adventures. This isn't really some TV station that likes to make people THINK they're a TV show, but really they're on a reality show about people who handle how their lives would be if their lives were a TV show.

Anyone seen a really skinny, really pale weird fellow with a giant chin and funny hair? I sort of need him to give me a ride home.

Apr. 26th, 2013


All the elves are gone, well, most of 'em, I dunno even know how many are left, now.

I know a lot of people didn't like 'em none, but I rather liked the elves.

It 'ent right that the tesseract just takes people back like that, 'en it 'ent right that it even brings us here in the first place.

I hate it here and I want to go home.

Apr. 17th, 2013


Network Post

I've already had enough of a cross-time caper for a lifetime. What should this be called, a tesseract trick?

Hi. I'm not sure how many of you know me since I don't exist anywhere else. I'm Rachel Grey Summers. If you do know me, could you tell me when you know me?

Apr. 16th, 2013


24 feels exactly the same as 23.

I bought myself a cupcake. Nothing fancy, but it was delicious.

Apr. 13th, 2013


Even if I could build a TARDIS, she'd never fly, not in the way she's supposed to. She might fly here and there around this world, but she'd never leave for the stars, she'd never travel through time, never back to my home universe. It would just be a box, with no heart.

Filter: Donna

Did you travel with Jenny? I saw your earlier post.

Filter: Sally Sparrow

Do you and I know each other?

Filter: Team Time

So it would appear the only way out of this mess is through the tesseract cube. They really should let me near it. Failing that, it seems the only thing to do is to figure out who is leaving, who comes, how long they stay, if there's clues in what part of their timeline they're pulled from, etc etc. Someone else on this network has to have done the same thing - it's only logical. Anyone have ideas as to who that could be?

Filter: Metacrisis, Other Doctor

Jenny left. I was just getting used to the idea of her. I was going to get to know her.

Apr. 8th, 2013


Voice Post

Hello? Can anyone hear this? I'm afraid I don't know anything about this technology that they've given me. No one really explained it to me. They did say that I could talk into this and someone would answer. I don't really understand if I'm doing this correctly.

My name is Elizabeth. I was wondering if there was a Booker DeWitt here? Or possibly a Zachary Comstock. Or even someone named Lutece. They said no one was here, but I'm not sure I trust anyone.

This is the future. It's odd, I didn't imagine it quite this way.

Could someone perhaps help me? I'm from 1912 and well.. I need some help.

Thank you.


I haven't spent a whole lot of time around the Tower so far this month. First, it was the rotten eggs smell (which surprisingly isn't the worst food-related thing I've smelled, but it's close), then there was that laundry room disaster.

A lot of my time has been spent familiarising myself with the city. Getting the hang of my immediate surroundings was fairly simple, but I just hadn't found the time before now to actually explore. Actually, that's a lie. I had plenty of time, I just never bothered. I like New York. It's similar to home but different enough that things are throwing me off and keeping me on my toes. I'm almost used to cars being driven on the wrong side of the road. Almost.

In honour of Larry I went to the SoHo Film Festival on Saturday. Well, at least I tried to go to the festival. A pillow fight and more kilts than I've seen since my holiday to Aberdeen in grade nine kind of became rather hard to ignore distractions.

I'm trying to think of a way to end this, but I'm not really sure what else to say. I've been here a month already, and I'm not cripplingly lonely or perpetually bored, so I suppose those are good things. I'd still rather be back home, but I suppose most of us feel that way.

Oh, also. My roommate has vanished. She was nice enough I suppose. Does this mean I'll get a new one?

Mar. 30th, 2013


I answered every question. I answered every question. I answered every question.

I don't know why I even bought Honey Puffs. I'm never going to be able to pick from the low-fiber end of the shelf while I'm here.

Mar. 19th, 2013


Network Post; Byron Sully

For all its changed from the New York City I grew up in there's a lot that's remarkably the same: Still a lot of wealthy folk and a lot of poor folk just trying to scrape by. I think it might be possible the wealthier are a lot wealthier. But can't be sure if the poorer are actually poorer or if it just looks like they are in comparison.

I haven't gotten used to living this far out from nature either. I don't suppose there's anywhere nearby one could go to see actual ground?

Mar. 17th, 2013


I had always heard that Saint Patrick's Day was an eventful holiday in the states, but this is absolutely mad.

I am slightly curious to try the green beer, though.

Mar. 15th, 2013


I miss my boyfriend.

Okay, THERE. There, I said it. I don't care if it makes me look like some kind of lovesick girl or whatever. But going from living year round with him around at a camp followed by living with him in Elysium, not having him around at all is absolutely driving me nuts.

I know that he's happy and fine back in Elysium, but gods. It makes me wonder sometimes if maybe my being brought here doesn't have anything to do with weird random alien technology, but it's actually the gods thinking twice and realizing that I'm not the hero that they decided I was, so they're bringing me back here as punishment because of everything no you can't write

So, Tesseract, if you don't mind me being selfish and want to just do me an absolute solid, bring me Charlie Beckendorf. Please.

Mar. 8th, 2013


Covering the Coffee Fest for work today. I don't even like coffee but this looks pretty interesting.

If anyone wants to come along, I've got an extra press pass. Oh, yeah.

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