July 2016




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Feb. 11th, 2016


Hey, so I got an invite to this Fashion Week thing tomorrow. Wanna go with me?

Jan. 25th, 2016


[Filtered to X-Men]
One would think the Tesseract has a cruel sense of humor. Taking Remy so soon before Mardi Gras.
[Filtered to Wanda Maximoff (616)]
Tell me you know where Megan Gwynn and Hope Summers are.

Jan. 21st, 2016


For those that knew her, Applejack's been sent home. Ranch sure will be quieter without her

Anyone here good with horses willin' to take on her job?

Jan. 7th, 2016


So much for my New Year's resolution.

Dec. 21st, 2015


I may have gone a little overboard with the lights out at the ranch, but Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, so I'm not apologizing.

Dec. 22nd, 2015


I hate pelicans.

public, gif )

I forgot how shiny and distracting New York gets at Christmas. There are lights and music and different smells everywhere.

Dec. 18th, 2015


What would be your perfect Christmas gift?

Nov. 24th, 2015


[Filtered to X-Men]
[...]I picked up some decorations. Anyone wanna come over to the ranch tomorrow and help put 'em up?


Everyone should be thankful they didn't have to hear me sing.

Nov. 17th, 2015


[Backdated to yesterday]

That's it. No more hot chocolate before bed. Saw the creepiest cat when I woke up this mornin' and it gave me a little scare before it faded.

Nov. 11th, 2015


My winter coat is coming in. It's going to be a COLD winter.

Nov. 7th, 2015


It's kind of peaceful, not being able to speak. I'm dwelling more on my own thoughts.

And right now, my thoughts are asking whether or not the X-Men are going to have a Thanksgiving Dinner together. My vote is YES.

[ETA: Private to Wanda]

I'm extending the invitation to you, as well. Thanksgiving dinner with the X-Men.

Oct. 18th, 2015


I won a couple of tickets to the sold out Wednesday night showing of this new Hamilton musical on Broadway. Anyone wanna go with me? Re

Oct. 1st, 2015


network post: applejack

I've suddenly found myself with an abundance of baked goods I can't eat on my lonesome.

[Private: Sam]
    My sister Is today alright to come by the hospital?
[Private: Rogue]
    There ain't any chance there's an extra room at the ranch is there?

Sep. 25th, 2015



...Is it just me, or does it smell like somethin' died in here?

(OOC: Pre-vampire attack on the X-Men. What can I say? The nose knows)

Sep. 24th, 2015


Anyone else who was in the Tower last weekend need anything?


I was really hoping that after I woke up, I would be in my bed and thinking, "Wow, what a weird dream." But no, I'm still in this strange apartment in New York.

I was also told to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Beca and I am very confused right now.

Sep. 17th, 2015


Who's jumping in with Logan, Remy, and I?

[Filtered to X-men]
We brought in the woman from the Clinic, she's staying in Hank's old room for now, it appears she had latent telekinetic powers awaken recently, but she's still not terribly coherent. Charles, it might be best if you stay near for now.

Sep. 9th, 2015


I can't say I've hallucinated about the Old World often but storming a cazador nest is never one of my brighter ideas. Sure they say it's not one and my levels seem normal so I don't know why I would be hallucinating. But hey you never know. Maybe I've finally lost it.

So. Who is the evil overlord of this place? Is it FRIDAY? Because she seems awful sweet for an overlord.


I fail to see why Midgard has a burning hole of fire simply hanging about.

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