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Sep. 30th, 2014


[ooc: backdated to this morning]

[Texts to Ororo Monroe]
When can I start with learning how to control this thing?

[Text to Jane Foster]
So I've got news

[Text to River Song]
How ya doin?

[Text to Fandral]
How's my fave Agardian doin?

Aug. 16th, 2014



Darling one. Sometime soon, the two of us, a night on the town. I miss spending time with people who like me.

Aug. 12th, 2014


I can't find Clara. She was here just a moment ago I'm certain of it.

And I don't recall agreeing to play hide and seek.

Aug. 6th, 2014


[Doctor (10&11), River Song, Amy Pond]
Looks like there's a impromptu Saturnynian beach party we might want to consider crashing.

Aug. 4th, 2014


So, I have discovered that the worst of myself comes about when I'm lonely and bored. I mean, I'm fairly certain I knew that anyway, but it's all become much more startlingly obvious in the last month. I may also have an odd idea about havoc. I'm just saying, River bored is River creating lots of issues for anyone who might cross her path. Expect that to keep happening, if you've been a part of it so far.

In other news, who wants to go out and do something boring and pedestrian? Movies are an option. So is a bar. I'm not promising I'll behave, but I can promise to try! Also, I do make an amazing friend if you can help me keep amused. (Clearly, I need to get out more)

Jul. 30th, 2014


I don't know about anyone else but I had a great time at Comic Con. Met John Barrowman, met plenty of amazing cosplayers, possibly caused a riot or three. It was great fun. I'll have to do it again.

[Filtered to Ianto]
So? Your assessment - me vs Barrowman?


Jul. 24th, 2014


Filter: Whovians (including extended)

I, River Song, being of sound mind and ridiculously sound body, do hereby bequeath all of my earthy possessions (of which I have VERY FEW HERE) to any of the Doctors that want them.

If any of you lot need me, I'll be crawling in my bed, dying a blessed death. And by that I mean Shhhh. River is sleeping off lots of good liquor and a great lot of fun. If I die, dispose of my body someplace beautiful and befitting a time-traveling psychopath, please and thank you.

Jul. 20th, 2014


Jack Harkness-Jones
I know you prefer me in suits (which I wear better than Ten, thank you), but remember that leather jacket I wore when I tried to seduce you with coffee? It's here now.

It might work for some of those clubs.

River Song
I'm not sure how exactly to thank you for the other night, but I truly enjoyed myself and am grateful.

There will always be a tumbler of scotch with your name on it at our flat.

Jul. 11th, 2014


Oh, I should not have watched that. I should not have watched even an episode of that.

I am completely traumatized, and now I need massive amounts of distraction, or my day is only going to get worse.

Who's willing to distract a very shaky woman who just got a face full of flashbacks labeled as quality entertainment?

Jul. 7th, 2014


I think I found my calling.

How would everyone feel about moving back to the UK?



Hello! About that party I was planning. Have you forgotten? I didn't. Been busy, of course. No excuse! What do you lot say to being whisked away to France on July 12th? Time it right and we can all go to the last day of the Jazz Festival in Nice!

FILTER: Rory Williams and Sometimes Pond
Have you got a moment? I've a question!

I've some time to kill. Well, not kill. Be awful, murdering time! It's quite fragile, don't meddle with it.

Right. So, abstractly killing time: If this is your first time on Earth, this particular point in Earth's time, or just because you feel like answering: What's your favourite place?

Jul. 6th, 2014


Whovians (including extended)

I think I'm finally settled in, and I'd like to throw a party to see everyone/get to know everyone better. When would work best for you all? I know that I may be asking for a lot to get a day everyone can show up, but I'm going to try anyway!

Jun. 30th, 2014


who the 10th doctor & river song
what catching up
where her flat
when shortly after she's arrived
warnings spoilers~  I HAD TO OKAY

... )

Jun. 29th, 2014


You know, not that I'm ever going to be sad about not dying, but I was kind of in the middle of something. This is probably the better alternative, even though it is New York.

I'm River Song, Archaeology Professor let's just underplay the fact that I'm also a time traveler. Good job, River. This day is giving me a fucking migraine. and all around frustrating person to be around, if the people I know and love are correct, which they probably are.

Apr. 28th, 2013


Hang on.

I've been uploaded to the internet before, so the whole "You're on a TV show thing" sort of makes me feel like this is just another one of Chin Boys adventures. This isn't really some TV station that likes to make people THINK they're a TV show, but really they're on a reality show about people who handle how their lives would be if their lives were a TV show.

Anyone seen a really skinny, really pale weird fellow with a giant chin and funny hair? I sort of need him to give me a ride home.


I'm not quite sure what to think. Someone from SHIELD explained what happened, but it still doesn't make any sense to me. Then again, it feels like little does these days.

Rumplestiltskin Mr. Gold, they told me you were here. Is that true?


Network Post

Now that it appears I can leave the apartment without catching influenza, it's time I began to explore New York City and further acquaint myself with modern living.

Myka will, of course, be giving me thorough lessons. I would be remiss if I did not listen to other perspectives as well. I've spoken to a few of you so far.

Who else would like to offer some opinions and suggestions?

Apr. 25th, 2013


Right then. I'm bored. Never was one for staying in one place for long.

Who wants to entertain me? I swear, if this keeps up, I may start shooting people.

Apr. 24th, 2013


If someone made a film of your life story (or another film,) and you could cast anyone to play you (except whoever actually plays you in the film of your life story, cheaters,) who would you pick?

Apr. 23rd, 2013


Goodbye reliable, good-paying, respected, face-paced career in medicine -- and hello to the uncertain, stress-filled, panicked world of freelance graphic design.

This is obviously the best decision I've ever made.

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