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Feb. 16th, 2015


Marcel is gone.


( Filtered to TVD verse + Friends of Damon )
Damon's gone.

( Elena )
Hey, why don't you move in over here? I think we could both use the company.

Feb. 12th, 2015


[Caroline & Bonnie]
I think we should go ahead and try whatever we need to for the sire bond and getting rid of it.

Hey. I love you.

I'm sure someone has talked to you about sire bond problem I have with Damon.

Are you really considering helping?


I've been here for three weeks now, and I suppose there are worse places I could have ended up. I still have my body so I am going to put that on the list of positives. Not having the Mikaelson account is definitely going on the list of negatives.

I'm going to have to find a way to make money.

Lord, if Elijah could see this he would think the world is ending.

Feb. 11th, 2015


Lonely every Valentine's Day? Tired of seeing happy couples walk the streets and stop by adult stores to enjoy their holiday in something skimpy? Jealous that you won't be getting a gift on the 14th? Well, fret no more! Something Store is the place for you! For just one small payment of $10, you can get a box with a random item inside. If you're like me and lack impulse control you buy five boxes and wait patiently for the mailman every day. Here's to hoping I don't receive any purses.

Feb. 7th, 2015


I feel like February is going to be a really good month.

Feb. 5th, 2015


Since I'm stuck here, I guess I should look into getting a job. Anyone know who's hiring waitstaff/bartenders around here?

( Caroline )
Hey, I caught the show tonight. I know we're not BFFs or anything, but are you, you know, okay?

( Marcel )
Still feeling like everything sucks or are you back to the Marcel I actually sort of like?

( Damon )
You're less of a dick than I remember.

Feb. 4th, 2015


Everything about today sucks. Your coffee's overpriced, and it's not even that good. People are assholes. Does no one say hello here? Your snow is slush and makes everyone drive even worse, which I didn't think was possible at all. I've got this pounding headache, and your chemists charge an arm and a leg for something like aspirin. Somebody just stake me already.

Probably useless, but do you guys need anyone who cleans up the shit you don't want to? I can do paperwork and other things. I'm just used to working in that environment, and I thought it would be better to be around people who aren't weirded out by the thought of a vampire wheeling their granny around.

I don't have a CV here, but I've a show, and you can see that I actually had the job I'm asking for in it.


Well that was an experience. Let's go ahead and add 'Watching show I apparently come from' on a list of things I'd never thought I'd say.

Filter: Kol
How are you feeling?

Filter: Marcel

Filter: Caroline & Damon
So what's the word on Elena?

Feb. 3rd, 2015


I get why people advise us to avoid our source material.

Filtered for possible TO Spoilers )

Do you think it might be possible for us to look at a two bedroom? I just would feel better if-


Texts to Rebekah Mikaelson

“cut )

Jan. 28th, 2015


I always wanted to see New York, but not like this.


Anyone know anywhere good for karaoke around here?


I missed you
I never stopped


Jan. 27th, 2015


My last job was a hospital porter. I cleaned and did the rubbish work around the hospital. Anyone need someone like that? I've got to make money

Jan. 25th, 2015


network post: kol mikaelson

I'm not sure exactly how I got here but its better than being locked in the compound with a bunch of hungry baby vamps.

I heard my dear sister, Rebekah, is around.


network post: rose hathaway

If someone could just go turn off the sun, that'd be great.

Ow Why did I think that was a good idea

Jan. 24th, 2015


It's Saturday night in New York City.

Time to go have some fun.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


[Filtered to Rose H, Lissa, Adrian I, Bonnie and Caroline F]

Fine. We'll try it.

Or, we could go for the way we're sure of. Now we have an Original Vampire in our midst.

[Filtered to Rebekah]

Might need a favor, Beks.

[Filtered to Elena]

Want to come over for dinner? I'll cook.

[Filtered to Caroline]

Faith said you might have an opening at your stupidly named bar, now she's left.


Hey there.

Well, that wasn't one of the most fun trips I've ever had.

But, the friendly people with guns said there might be people I know on here.

And, well, for those that don't already know me. Hey, I'm Marcel.

Jan. 22nd, 2015


As much as I'm enjoying the some expenses trip to New York, that was a seriously unfun way to get here. The nice men with the guns told me I was here before, but I don't remember it, so sorry if we were friends or something. For the rest of you, hey. I'm Hayley.

( Buffy Summers )
Hey, I guess you're my housing assistant or something. Do you happen to know if Hope was with me before? And if I had stuff for her here. The clothes might not still fit her, but it'd be great if I didn't have to buy another crib.

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