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Jul. 4th, 2013


So I died and woke up in...New York?

Jun. 27th, 2013


Who: Zatanna & Quentin
Where: Lobby, Restaurant, Park in that order
What: Food, Magic!
When: Ten minutes after This!
Rating/Warnings TBD if any

Z was a bit of a handful )


Do you know what feels good? Working one's butt off to get something done. I got lucky enough to show off my skills to the right person to get a job working on scenery for a theater. I keep working towards trying to get them to let me help with some effects. It's a steady attempt to get this to happen. But I WILL get there. Magic, after all, is kind of my middle name. Except not really.

Filter: Quentin
Hey, we should do lunch.

Jun. 25th, 2013


It seems to me that with all this noise about terrorists coming about, especially ones that appear to be the main villains of this world, that we should hope our home in this tower is made safe. Not saying I don't trust SHIELD, you guys clearly have experience in these manners, but I am saying maybe some of us can help with defense.

I can't speak for the Hogwarts grads, anyone who does natural, hedge-witch style magic, or any other kind of magic that includes wards but I can speak for myself. I can do wards. It just takes a fucking long time to do them by myself, and my wards won't deflect major attacks.. from god knows what, but they can send alerts and keep people from entering specifically warded places, as well as keep people from seeing certain places.

Imagine, however, that all of us magicians worked together to try and ward the tower. I'm sure with our collective abilities we'd be able to make this tower safer for everyone, in the long shot that an attack is planned against it.




Jun. 20th, 2013


That was quite unsettling. Is it a normal occurence?

Jun. 16th, 2013


I may have accidentally stumbled onto a way to make quick cash here. I feel really shitty doing it though so I don't know that I will do it again.

I was taking the subway to Brooklyn and there was this kid waiting with his parents for the same train but he had been crying, or was about to cry, or was going to cry more.. I don't know. Anyway the point is he looked miserable and ready to burst so I did a magic trick. Just a pass with a nickle.

And it worked until he asked me to do more. So I did more, and then I got arrogant and did actual magic, just a small Wilson's Levitation and made it levitate and by then there was a crowd and someone set a dollar down by my feet so I just kept doing tricks and..

Well I made fifty bucks.

I feel cheap but the kid stopped crying, which I guess was the whole point. You know I come from a place where I'm not even supposed to talk about this stuff with people who aren't a magician like me, but I don't have that anymore and I haven't had that for a few years anyway so fuck it. Still, I didn't attend years of grueling courses in magical pedagogy just to do levitations on street corners and in subway stations for cash.

Jun. 10th, 2013


Would anyone be available to give me some help, please? I think I need to look for a way to earn some money. Realistically, I can’t keep washing the same set of clothes over and over again… I might need some pointers in where to go to buy some new ones, actually.

Anyway, I’m afraid I don’t have any of my references or examples of previous work here, so I’m not quite sure how to go about looking for something new…

Jun. 8th, 2013


Private to Wesley Wyndam-Pryce )

Jun. 3rd, 2013


It's been five days.

I have my book now sitting on my nightstand.

If I don't leave my room right now, I'm going to read it.

I don't want to read about how depressed it was before Fillory, before Brakebills, before Julia and Poppy. But the urge is still there.


So I've found most of my reading has been about as useful as a Earthworm glovemaker.

What do people do here all day??

I'm also in need of some lavender oil. Is that available?


So I just lost both my boyf friend and my roommate in one fell swoop.

Some days being unable to get drunk really sucks.

Jun. 2nd, 2013


Ummmmmm, so the short story is that I had grocery shopping duties this month, and I got a little TOO carried away with the groceries this month, basically had a field day at the Farmer's Market, and ended up using every single fruit and veggie, which means I have SO MUCH of the following:
- tofu with wasabi ponzu, black rice, avocado, pickled roots, and schichimi
- miso-braised wild mushrooms and edamame
- carrot soup with mint, sumac, and feta
- herb salad with strawberry-chervil citronette
- honey glazed apricots with whipped brie and candied walnuts
Despite what Blossom and Buttercup may tell you, these are all REALLY good, but I seriously made wayyy too much for one sitting. I can't eat them all and I really don't want to have to let this all go to waste. They're such perfectly good apricots too. :( Somebody help take some of this food off my hands?! I promise there's enough left for seconds! And you don't even have to cook anything for the next day!

And all of these are REALLY healthy and nutritious. :D Any takers?


Who: Luke & Quentin
Where: Their room
When: Quentin's arrival date (backdated)
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Magic vs Force: Let the Battle Commence )



I shall soon be moving into Potts Tower, to -assist- floors 7&8. I think I could do a pretty good job of this, but I won't list my credentials. I'll keep them a surprise.

Jun. 1st, 2013


Is this some kind of joke? Really.

I wish I knew how the fuck this is all supposed to go.

Filter: Gin, James Sirius, Albus

Your sister's gone. So's Teddy.

I don't

How's everyone holding up? I know Hugo and Rose just left too.

May. 30th, 2013


I can't smoke inside, can I?


Who: Neville Longbottom, Quentin Coldwater
When: May 30th, afternoon
Where: The lobby of Potts Tower
What: Neville is still trying to figure out the "phone" device he was given and keeps accidentally taking pictures and videos with it. Halp.
Rating: Fairly low, mild cursing at electronic devices.

Neville had never taken Muggle Studies in school. )


Being forcibly taken from New Mexico in 2002 to New York City in 2013 all in the blink of an eye isn't how I thought the day would end. Shouldn't even be possible and yet here I am. Mulder, Scully, they mentioned something about you both being here. Is that true?


This is the sort of place I dreamed of as a kid. Still the city, still a place I would know, but brimming with the kind of adventure and dreamworthy supernatural that would make life bearable to someone like me.

But then I thought that about Brakebills.

And I thought that about Fillory.

So I guess we'll see.

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