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Feb. 25th, 2014


I can't believe I missed submitting something delicious for the bake sale yesterday. Didn't stop me from baking several dozen cookies last night and today. If anybody wants some, I have a wide variety. I'm in 1504.


Made each of you your favorites.

Feb. 23rd, 2014


I have tried so hard not to add to the conversation, but I am so ready for spring.


I want to have a family dinner with the four of us. What does everyone's schedule look like for the week? I'm off on Thursday and Sunday.


Okay, rethinking Mexico thanks to a couple of people. Maybe I'll do Jamaica or The Bahamas. Yes, that sounds more relaxing.

Feb. 1st, 2014


When I was growing up, Mum swore that ice cream could fix anything. And when I was ten, I was convinced she was right. After Hogwarts I wasn't so sure but it was good to try.

All of that aside, I'm going for ice cream in about half an hour or forty-five minutes. Who's in?

Jan. 30th, 2014



The one thing I liked about becoming the older sister was not having to be the middle sister.


Hey, are you okay?


What's going on between you and Prue?

Jan. 25th, 2014


My one year mark is quickly approaching. It was pretty cold back then when I got here and I was wearing.. a dress? San Francisco weather has spoiled me. I have not seen this much snow since I don't know, the last time I watched a holiday movie with my sisters?

But yes, digressing. Anyway, one year. And knowing that I'm a fictional character is still surreal and downright weird and I'm just happy that I get to teleport anywhere I want to go otherwise, I'd be thrown with my awkward if I had to walk down the street. The sad part about it is that if I didn't have pictures online to remind me, I would have probably forgotten what San Francisco looked like. How the Halliwell manor looked like. While I get that some people could be like "WOO! One year!" because maybe life here is better than at home (I mean, my life is too.. my sisters and I don't have to hide our magic, nor do we have demons constantly trying to kill us and steal our things), it's just the little things that make me miss home a whole lot.

Filter: Prue Halliwell
Ooookay, it's probably high time that I told you about something that I kept hidden away and didn't use but, now that we're relatively cool with each other?? y/n? you should probably know about too... I have the Book of Shadows.


Man. You get chicken pox for one week and fall behind on work and you're suffering for it for the next two months. It seems like I should probably start looking for a second job.


PRIVATE (encrypted via wrist strap)

Being good is getting boring. I'm starting to want to go somewhere a bit dodgy, start a fight or five, and see what happened if I disappear awhile. Fucking Harkness. Time was, you could trust a partner to have your back, but I got used to being solo.

Now look at me. I can't stand it here, I want to just wade in and start shooting people until something gives.

Pull it together, John.

/end filter

If I wanted to do a bit of target practice, do I have to notify our keepers? Especially if it's not traditional weapons

And who do I have to kill for a decent cuppa round here? And if you mention Lipton, you're going to get shot a very ugly look. I'm talking about a scalded kettle and a bag of tea and a nice five-minute brew, no bloody strings on the bags, and for God's sake, use milk and not coffee cream.

THAT kind of cuppa. Is there anywhere in this Godforsaken city who does that? Or is it a lost cause?

Jan. 24th, 2014


I miss San Francisco and nice, warm weather.



Hey, could you teach me some sign language?


I would like to have a family dinner with the four of us. When would be best for everyone?

Jan. 3rd, 2014


It's been pointed out that we need another snowball fight, since there is fresh snow all over the damned place.

Violet, get out the cannon, we're going to need it. Anyone else who wants to participate, we'll go again at Rockefeller park, noon tomorrow. It's still going to be cold, so wear your best warm-weather gear and we'll see who wins this time.

Hint: It will be me.

Hestia, Pepper, Alexis, all the names I'm neglecting to mention. James, Lily, Dorcas.

Dec. 24th, 2013


So. Let me get this straight. I was on my ship, I saw a blue light and now I'm in a place I've never heard of before? I've been in some strange situations but I think this one might top them all.

The people that processed me said there might be some people here that I know? Is that true?

It would help if I told you my name, wouldn't it? Talon Karrde.

Dec. 23rd, 2013


My camera arrived the other day, and I've been filling rolls with pictures without knowing where I can find a decent dark room. Maybe I can find somewhere to set up my own, unless anyone has any suggestions?

Dec. 19th, 2013


Who: Prue Halliwell & Paige Matthews
When: Tonight
Where: Sam's
What: Confrontations? Sister talks? Awkwardness?
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

You're sure there's a cure // And you have finally found it // You think one drink // Will shrink you till you're underground // And living down // But it's not going to stop )

Dec. 18th, 2013


You know what is the most amazing Christmas gift ever?? I get to spend it with all of my sisters, I'm very grateful to have Prue back. Just wish that Coop was here with me, but I will take my sisters.


Got my family photo album from the Tesseract on Monday. It's not the Book of Shadows, but at least I have pictures of my family.

Dec. 17th, 2013


[Piper & Phoebe]

Piper, I sort of volunteered you to cater for a party Saturday evening. And you'll even get paid.

...And I think I sort of ended up with a shopping date Thursday, with a guy. Does that mean he's gay?

ETA: And Piper, he's sort of coming over right now for some food.


[Filter: Willow, Johanna, and Harry Potter Verse]
So this week I'm going to go shopping for babies. Any of you want to come along? I won't claim complete ignorance about what babies need as my cousins had plenty of kids of their own and I was a great favourite amongst the rug rat crowd, but I know that a few of you either have kids or were a kid at one time and I think it'd be great to give that bloke who's organising this nice big donation to take to the Room to Grow people.

And I also want to have a party on Saturday and you lot have to agree to come. Wear ugly Christmas sweaters.
[end filter]

A day or so ago I saw someone wish for an ugly Christmas sweater party. I'm going to go to Asgard on Sunday and it is my greatest wish to go with a damned hangover. So, wear a god-awful sweater, bring whatever you like to drink, and I will provide the food.

Saturday. Flat 1202. 7 p.m.

Dec. 13th, 2013


newtwork/network post

I may or may not have gotten a little over excited while decorating the Magic Box II Widdershins, but at least it's festive and helped me get rid of those extra decorations I went crazy for and bought extra of; I need to stop doing that. Maybe the fake icicles were too much...

Also! Finished decorating the tree in my room; it's small and still very much alive. I think I'll plant it in the spring when the ground softens. I don't think a spruce is going to enjoy being in a pot for very long.

Time for hot chocolate and a little reading to end the day.

[Filter, added later: Buffy, Xander, Dawn, Faith]
I met a man named Mal, he looks like Caleb, and I may or may not have gone to kill him. The important thing is he is not dead.


We sure as hell don't have this in Diagon Alley.

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