July 2016




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May. 11th, 2014


There are times when, despite all the times she tried to kill me, I miss my mother.

I think we should have regular dinners, at least once a month. We can keep each other grounded.

May. 10th, 2014


Network Post; Dawn Summers

First you sign-up with Pinterest, and then you're like, oooh nifty, I'll look for cookie recipes. And then you think, oh I should plan my summer wardrobe, and then, oh that's a really cool DIY craft from yogurt containers, and then it's 3am.

Or is that just me?

Have you talked to Angel at all? How is he doing? how are you doing? How's the level of vampires in NYC currently

[Steve Rogers (EMH)]
I thanked you right? I think I thanked you. But in case I didn't thank you - thank you.

May. 8th, 2014


Hello, network. I'm in the need of a sciency person, particularly for chemistry. I'll buy you pizza. :D Or chili dogs.

Filter: Sharon Carter (616)
Why did you not tell me you broke up with Rhodey?

May. 5th, 2014


Just a reminder that tonight we'll be having our third meeting on the 13th floor for the Refugee Survivor group. You're welcome to come and share stories of your loved ones -- no matter how they left you. You're also welcome to come and listen, if you're not ready to share.

May. 4th, 2014


Turtles can breathe through their butts. Holy shit, I'm bored. This is what my life has come to. Some of these are kinda gross. So, you know. You're warned.

May. 3rd, 2014


network post: moya

When I look at the stars at night (shining bright [thousands of homes, thousands of sights]), I don't know what life I'm observing (don't know the stars here, which are the same stars as before). Confusion isn't so strange (lack of knowledge). Star charts have to be good, to know where you are (starburst isn't like sailing, driving, flying through our world, it's not or it wouldn't go so far). There's something unknown every time. You can get very lost if you starburst where you don't know. Here, it's been 553 days (so many days alone in one's head), and still looking up, [not enough data to correlate, to connect to my starcharts], it's wonder and possibility. John looked for earth every day (never forgot) wanting to get home. In a few months I will have been here as long as he was on me. I still dream of flying (certified and teach it [I can fly objects (not myself)] [I can teach you if you want to fly]). I wish I could fly my bipedal self. I'm like John. I don't forget (where I was who I was with a single moment of it). I've found another home. I still wonder who lives around those stars.

Apr. 23rd, 2014


Today is my birthday.

I almost forgot.

Apr. 16th, 2014


I have to say I am intrigued by this prom festival that has taken the networks interest.

[Asgardians minus Loki]

The lady Anne has invited us to a feast in the honor of a Midgardian god named Jesus.

Apparently he cannot make it but I certainly am not one to turn away a feast provided by such a lovely cook. Will any of you join me?

Apr. 15th, 2014


Nothing like sipping wine with your girlfriend and watching the Lunar Eclipse together. It was really romantic and the blood moon was amazing to look at.


All this talk of prom brings back some memories.

So, were you actually gonna tell me?

Apr. 12th, 2014


For anyone who knew her, Charlie Bradbury has gone home.

Is there a club for people who are the only ones from their world who've managed to stick around? Because we should start one. I'll buy the drinks for the first meeting.

Apr. 9th, 2014


This is somewhat distressing but mostly interesting. I finally got to use the loo. I've been waiting ever so long.

I was told there is a group of people here I know already?

Apr. 4th, 2014


BOOYAH who has two thumbs and is once again a certified mechanic? THIS GUY.

But seriously, don't go into that test thinking you'll pass by half-assing it, boys and girls. I didn't miss a damned question, but I know my shit, okay? Next up is working out the kinks in getting my pilot's license. But whatever, I got this.

Apr. 1st, 2014


network post: moya

Happy Birthday Richard, Deadpool, Deadpool,
Deadpool, Headpool, and Moya

I made it, and I'm bringing it to the Deadpool party (I've saved a piece for you, Richard, in case you have other plans!!!). I'm so glad to share this birthday John chose for me (my second [didn't have a birthday] [I'm 27 cycles old, not 2 (if you were wondering)]) with so many other lovely people. Hugs for everyone who wants them.


Hello Stark Network.

When I am not musing upon new and creative ways to set my living room on fire, the intricacies of human decomposition or the complexities of handwriting analysis in the digital age, I like to curl up with my insomnia and philosophise. Not in any grand, existential way. That, I leave to the modernists, but on much more pressing and present matters.


Why isn't palindrome spelled the same way backwards?

(warning: some mention of alcoholism/addiction in the comments)

Mar. 23rd, 2014


This place has apparently decided to drive me mad. And here I always thought it would be Newton who would do that. However unless you have been doing something to cause me to hallucinate, you are off the hook, Newton. As a final measure before surrendering the last vestiges of my sanity, dare I ask if anyone else is... seeing things?

Mar. 19th, 2014



Hey people,

cut, not filtered )

Mar. 15th, 2014


Excuse me.

Mar. 10th, 2014


So for anyone looking around outside... Do not be alarmed. I come in peace.

Please don't shoot me because THIS IS AWESOME!

Hermann I just transformed into Otachi on the way to work! Pretty sure I also set off like a thousand 911 calls but I can fly!

And spit acid.

And it's not my fault that a couple cars got crushed it's not like I knew it was going to happen. And in my defense it was awesome.

Mar. 1st, 2014


network post: moya

So many people here only one from their universe (universe like theirs) (41). I thought I'd be lonelier (I'm lonely, I'm not, I'm both, I'm neither... failure to explain). Mind/soul adapts (learns) from loss (stronger hopefully [not closing off]). They have happy lives (together lives, John & Aeryn) and me (I'm there, they're in me). I'm very attached to these legs and arms and stomach and mouth and definitely the mouth (and fingers, fingers are very very very good at so many things [like typing]) and people. People are coming and going but they are staying in my heart, and I was so scared [used to be] and ran away with my people and ran and ran and didn't meet very many new people (Chiana and Stark and not very many more). But I'm not running, and I'm glad I'm not running (sad I'm not flying). I want to stay put here (and I'm not the only one {am I?}). I thought, in the cold and the tired and the strange and the scary, for new people who just want to go home (that's a valid feeling too) and old ones who lose someone yet again (heartbreak is heartbreak), good news is good and uplifting and should be. If it helps you, this has made my day.

Cut, not filtered )

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