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Aug. 10th, 2013


I would like to encourage anyone who has not already signed up for my Etiquette and Courtly Manners class to do so. If my experience in this place has taught me anything thus far, it is that many of the people in this world are sorely lacking when it comes to basic etiquette.

Filter: Merlin Cast
It seems there are a number of courses being taught on the history of the reality as well as this technology. I would suggest they might be of use to us if we are to be stranded here.

Aug. 7th, 2013



First off, I cannot tell you how happy I am to not be sparkly any longer.

Second, it seems like its taken forever but I suppose it isn't that long, but I've found myself a job. Now I'll have a break from Arthur. I'll be helping out over at the clinic.

We're celebrating. You are not allowed to sit in the apartment and sulk any longer. We're going to explore the city.

Have you managed to find anything? Bonnie Someone may have suggested that you work at a place called Medieval Times.

[Bonnie, Gwen, Morgana and Lancelot]
Arthur really needs to get out of the apartment. Celebrating my new job seems like a good opportunity. Would anyone be interested in coming out tonight?
[/Bonnie, Gwen, Morgana and Lancelot]

Aug. 2nd, 2013


Network Post: Rachel Summers


Hi everyone. Don't worry-- you still have a little over a month of summer left. With the semester coming up, though, we need to look at finding instructors to take over classes that no longer have someone to teach them. Some of our teachers have empty class sessions, so we should also review if you still want to make yourself available for them should a student be interested. We'll also need to look at whether or not to remove empty classes with no teachers from the class offerings. Please let us know if you're interested in taking a position, want to drop something, or have any other feedback.

Cut for length, not filtered )

If you're of school age (18 or under) and arrived over the summer and haven't already done this, please get with Kitty or me to make sure you're enrolled and assigned an advisor before the semester begins.

Private to Kitty:
OMG I totally recruited LIEUTENANT UHURA as a teacher and I didn't even fangirl at her once so let me get it out of my system now! I GOT US UHURA!

* [OOC: Post is not filtered (except for the last) to make sure people not already part of the ESD can think about joining in. FYI, I've been working on a not-yet-public REVISED SPREADSHEET and trying to clear up some user-friendliness concerns before we switch to it from the current. I'll try to make sure any additions to the current spreadsheet make it over to the new one]

Aug. 1st, 2013


I'm going to be doing another (planned this time) waffle open house tomorrow morning. For those of you who missed the last one (which was really the result of me not paying attention and making WAY too many waffles), this is when I make lots of waffles and anyone who wants some is free to come by. There will be plenty. If all else fails, I'll use one of my favors to get Loki to help me out.

I figure it's a good way to meet new people. Also, waffles. Who doesn't love waffles.

Jul. 30th, 2013


[Filtered to all Merlin folk]

I hate this place.

Whomever is responsible for this is needs to be punished. Severely. For what purpose is such magic?

I am not leaving the house until it's reversed.

Jul. 29th, 2013


This is not...I am not amused. Whatever responsible party did this should reverse it. Or someone with magic that's not Bonnie should try to fix it?


I hope Morgana doesn't want us to make this a habit. Moving like this Morgana and I are finally settled in our new apartment. The layout isn't any different than the one we were first in, but we're higher up now so the view is different. Or at least I think it is. And we can't hear the people outside shouting

I know that everyone is having the same problem with the water but does anyone know how long it's going to last? It's a little annoying to get out of the bath and be sparkly

[Bonnie Bennett]
I hope I did this right You offered to show me around New York when I first got here. I was wondering if hoping you'd be free sometime this week. I could use some new clothes and I don't know where to go to get them. Or the material to make my own since everyone seems to dress so oddly here

Jul. 26th, 2013


network post: morgana

I don't understand. Why can't I stop watching this? I do not even understand why it is so amusing.

Jul. 25th, 2013


I don't understand how this could be happening Magic is forbidden in Albion Merlin? Morgana? Arthur? They told me you were here. Is that true? Am I even using this thing right?

Jul. 21st, 2013


Thread: Merlin and Morgana

Who: Merlin and Morgana Pendragon
What: Merlin's telling her he has magic...
Where: Her apartment.
When: A little after THIS
Rating: Low I think? Though if you have not seen Merlin there may be spoilers in here!
Status: Incomplete.

He didn't know if this was the right thing to do in the long run but his gut feeling told him this was what he needed to do. )


Text Message: Merlin and Morgana

Who: Merlin and Morgana
What: Text messages.
When: Earlier in the morning.

you have 1 new message. )

Jul. 19th, 2013


I kinda miss gettin to know folks round the buildin. Would their be any interest in the weekly ice breaker I was doin a few months ago when we was gettin slaughtered with new arrivals? If not, I'd still like to do a get-together so I can mean some of the new folks.

Jul. 14th, 2013


I do not understand any of this, I do not think I wish to. However they have taught me how to use this device, apparently to contact other people. I have also been informed that there are others here from my 'world.'

With my luck, I suppose that means I'm stuck here with you, Merlin?

Jul. 10th, 2013


network post: morgana

What is this place? I don't understand. Merlin, they said you were here. Arthur? Gwen? Uther Where are we? How did we- I don't remember leaving Camelot.

Apr. 1st, 2013


Network Post: Merlin

It's been so long since I thought about the first time I arrived in Camelot. It almost feels like it was a lifetime ago. I ended up in the stocks more times than I could count because of Arthur. I almost forgot how much of a bully he had been then. And that started the first of the many times I had to save Arthur's life.

One "episode" in and nothing terrible so far. From what I know of our history...there are terrible things in store. I know that I must continue though. There are questions that still need answers. I need to find out what happened to Morgana and Mordred.

Mar. 12th, 2013



[Filtered to Merlinverse People]
I've got our show. I think I have decided to watch it. I want to know if what I've heard about Morgana is true. If anyone wants to watch it too, let me know.

Feb. 28th, 2013


I thought finding a job here would be simple but it hasn't been. Apparently there is not much of a need for a prince a knight my skills here.

[Filtered to Merlin]
I'm beginning to think that I should just avoid the channel our show is on completely. Even without watching it, I find myself discovering things that occur in our future just by watching the commercials. Gwen and I get marri

[Filtered to Morgana]
I must beg your forgiveness Morgana for not responding to your note. My only excuse is that I have been attempting to find a job I don't know how much longer will be here can't stand to just sit around doing nothing any longer, and that is a poor excuse for my lack of manners.

If you do not wish to tell me whatever it was, I won't press you about it. But if you choose to tell me, I'll be willing to listen. And I beg of you want you to remember that I am here for you should you need anything. Even if it is nothing more than my company.

Feb. 17th, 2013


Lady Morgana, I've found some stables for us to visit!

Feb. 14th, 2013


I am not sure who you are and therefore am not aware of ever catching you staring at me but thank you, I suppose, for your note. I do not really know what it means.


I like Earth holidays and how they always seem to revolve around food. It reminds me a lot of home.

They also provide their own unique amusements.

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