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Jun. 10th, 2013



I think I've totally freaking earned a bottle of Dr Cherry Pepper.

Jun. 9th, 2013


So I was at the museum today. Totally innocent, I mean really being at a museum is totally responsible. And I mean it's not exactly my fault that there wasn't anyone around and that the security guards are used to me so they don't see me as like a hooligan or something. Not that I spend a lot of time there. Just you know... time. So I was alone and I mean there's a lot of power in artifacts and I may have you know, accidentally opened a portal. Only I guess that artifact was like more powerful or something than I was expecting cause I mean really I was only aiming for getting back to the tower.

I'm not exactly sure where I am but there is like a HUGE ball of twine. And everyone's really into it.

Jun. 5th, 2013


One test down, one to go! And this one should be easy. I mean, years of illegally driving around a motorcycle have to count for something, right?

Also, they're working on being able to 3D print edible pizza. Less healthy or more healthy than chain delivery?

Filter to Steve Rogers (616)
So, hey buddy ol' pal of mine. I have a favor to ask which you can totally say no to, but just so you know, me asking is your fault because I'm pretty sure that offering someone to babysit your motorcycle means you'd be expecting them to take it out and ride it because otherwise that'd be cruel and unusual punishment.

Anyways, the point! I need a motorcycle for the road test I need to schedule. You have a motorcycle that actually works. And that I'm kinda familiar with. And doesn't involve dishing out extra cash. So, what kinda debts would I be looking at if I asked to borrow your motorcycle?

Again, no, get lost, Ben, you're delusional is a perfectly legitimate answer. It's even choice C on the multiple choice.

May. 22nd, 2013



So, let me get this straight. My parents won't know I'm missing, right? That's what they told me, but how do we know? I mean, I don't want my dad to go after Normie Osborn, thinking that crazyhead kidnapped me or something.

Pfft, like Normie could kidnap me.

Hi. I'm May and I'm kind of pissed because I finally got that Skyrim DLC and now I'm HERE and I'm sure my Steam account doesn't work in Alternate Universes. HOWEVER OMG I THINK SAILOR MOON IS MY ROOMMATE? I'm glad she didn't see my room back home, it would be so weird when she saw my pillowcase with her face on it...


where the fuck is the

I hate compu

What the hell?

I fucking hate New York City, and last time I checked it didn't like me either.

May. 21st, 2013


Okay. If anyone knows a Benjamin Gates in this world, tell him I am done. Riley Poole is done going on all of these like treasure-hunting adventures. I mean, don't get me wrong... it is fun and exciting and all that, and then you end up being chased by the bad guys that want all that gold or recognition to themselves and then someone (with the initials of BG) suggests teaming up and that never ends well.

And so I am pretty sure I just fell off a rickety staircase and hit my head and now I'm hallucinating. Or having a coma dream.

May. 16th, 2013


Week Two of SHIELD training underway. The mental torture's more fun than the paperwork. Learning ancient Greek was less of a headache.

Hear there's some sort of dance happening this weekend. What heat can the guy going stag pack?

May. 13th, 2013


FILTERED TO OSCORP TEAM (you know who you are!)
Good news and bad news. The good news! Pretty sure Mindy, Ben, and me just broke up a drug deal. The other good news? Pretty sure we just got our mitts on a syringe loaded with that mutagen that's been turning people drooly and violent. Bruce, you up for some sciencing on it?

The bad news? Yeah, we... kinda lost the dealer when he ran inside and pulled a fire alarm. The guys who wanted to buy were clueless. Also, I think Mindy made them pee themselves. Anyway, they gave a story like the one our formerly MIA fella gave. Quick cash if you show up at a certain location and don't ask questions, blahblah.

Yeah, I know. We're still chasing a ghost, but we have something tangible now.



Kidding, kidding. Did I get everyone's attention?


Okay, so who's up for this? Science people, it's your moral duty and obligation.

May. 11th, 2013


I would apologize to my colleague for all the innuendos and double entendre I said all while being 17 years old but.. I'm not even sorry.

Excuse me while I go FLY ACROSS THE CITY.

May. 10th, 2013


Ok, novelty of getting to do all these little kid fun times for the first time again is still going strong. Playgrounds, great. Museums, awesome. Free food and ice cream, the best. The pseudo-narcolepsy? Not so much fun. Really looking forward to getting back to a normal sleep cycle or lack there of when this is all fixed.

May. 7th, 2013


Probably a good idea I didn't turn into the kid version of me. I was a little shit with a penchant for getting into fights all the time. Most of them because Steve wouldn't back down Really. It's for the best.


This bullshit still ain't over?

May. 6th, 2013


Filtered to All Avengers/X-Men/FF + Shepherd + Mindy
I'm still the same. I just woke up and I STILL AM A TEENAGER! Same red hair, same face, same rack ....oh wait that hadn't changed at all same everything.

So now I'm going to jump out the window and see if I can fly yet. Maybe you have to force it away, I don't know.

May. 5th, 2013




OKAY, adult pubes are a big fat pass, but I bet I can get anything I want with these tits. Can I keep them? They would probably look weird on a 12 year old but in a year or two, I could own high school boys for all their worth. Which isn't much, but it's something.


Apr. 25th, 2013


Bare with me a moment. I promise, it'll be no skin off your back. I mean, I'll power through this so fast, you'll think I'm going lightspeed. And I promise, just the stark facts. I won't dress it up. The naked truth. It'll go swimmingly. I'm going to reveal a few things here. Certain information will be exposed. I promise I'll try not to be cheeky.

Okay. I'm out of puns. Someone else take over.

Nice weather we're having here in New York today. Man, 60s!


Great Horror Campout.


Okay, so I need:
1) A way to get to L.A. in early June for free. Or at least stupidly cheap. (Hello, people who can fly, I hear L.A. weather is really nice in June!)
2) $150 plus expenses (Should be fine - do you know how many dumb tourists there are in this city? Everyday is fucking Christmas.)
3) A fake I.D. that says I'm 18. I would bullshit my way in without it - I'M SMALL FOR MY AGE, ASSHOLE - but it's required. I know, I know, SHIELD can see this. But you're not actually cops who have to worry about crap like this and it's not like I'm trying to buy a gun or booze here, so please don't get your panties in a twist. LOOK, I even said please.

If anyone wants to help a poor little orphan girl out, you'll pretty much earn cool points forever. If you want to GO with, well, you need to sign a waiver that says you won't pussy out on me. And you need to be at least halfway cool. So I suggest helping with #3, just to be sure.

Apr. 22nd, 2013


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Nothing like returning from vacation and then finding yourself unable to leave the bathroom for a couple of days.

I had an excellent excursion to San Francisco. I suspect it rather similar to the San Francisco in my own reality, although I'm certain there are subtle differences. Still, I'd intended to visit there for years and it is worth something to cross off some goals on my list even if I may have no memory of doing so.

Apr. 19th, 2013


Ben, you love introductions by now, right? Everyone, this is Ben. If you got the spiel once... bonus! You get it again. Ben's pretty much the closest thing to a brother I have, and he and I share a story with Osborn -- it really just seemed like a no-brainer to get him in on this. I caught him up on everything, so this is Ben jumping in. Ta-da!

And, yeah, I know there's a lull here, but something's gotta give. I'm going on patrol in just a few minutes if anyone's coming with.

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