July 2016




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Sep. 2nd, 2013


I confess it is an oddity to find myself once again in another realm, but I have grown fond of Midgard in all of her forms. It would seem there is another Thor already guarding this realm, and I shall aid him in any manner I am able. However, for those who do not know of me, I am Thor, Son of Odin, Prince of Asgard, Guardian of Midgard.

And I have found my way to a tavern called Sam's, where I have encountered a most agreeable barkeep with the finest selection of ale I have seen across twelve planets. I believe I will enjoy my time here a great deal.

Hail and good day to thee, those I know. Hail and well met to those I do not.

Aug. 27th, 2013


Dear Midgard,

Your music, as Jane or Darcy would say, 'sucks'

Ever yours

[Director Nick Fury (MCU), Maria Hill, Loki (MCU)]
Director Fury and Agent Hill,

I am writing to inform you that my brother Loki intends to share his knowledge with you regarding the ways in which he knows, perceives and has travelled with the Tesseract. While I do not think that being forthcoming with you will be an issue, I recommend that you use whatever tools necessary to ensure his cooperation.

He can take it.

[Jane Foster]
My brother will give you information for your study. Contact him.

[MCU Avengers]
Be warned, friends, that Loki has determined he will be all too happy to provide information regarding the willfulness of the Tesseract and his relation to it.

While I do not expect he will make it easy for us, his ire may provoke the Tesseract. You must be prepared for the consequences.

Aug. 26th, 2013


[Filtered to Thor]

I grow weary of this place. Tell your friends in SHIELD that I am willing to impart some of my knowledge of the Tesseract.

Aug. 2nd, 2013


'Companion' robot headed to Space Station. Better than a Companion Cube, I suppose.

Oh! ETA:
And They Might Be Giants corrected their song (awhile ago...), Why Does The Sun Shine? With Why Does the Sun Really Shine? (The Sun is a Miasma of Incandescent Plasma) The sun's not simply made out of gas!

Any requests?

Jul. 30th, 2013


Whilst Thor considers my request, I would like to put forth another.

I want some fresh air.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Well met, Potts Tower. Midgardians and friends from other lands and times, I am Thor and with my friends Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, we guard the Tesseract as SHIELD studies its many properties. To those of you more practiced in the ways of this world, I suppose such a greeting may appear rote and all too commonplace for your attention, but I should like the newest inhabitants of New York City to know that they have a friend in Thor Odinson.

A few facts about me:
  • I do not draw a chariot of goats. In fact, I do not care for goats at all so please refrain from leaving them at my door.

  • Ms. Munroe and I would wreak psychological havoc on our enemies, it is true.

  • Nothing gives me more joy than Jiffy Pop. Except for perhaps shawarma.

  • You may not touch the hammer.

  • If you have any questions, I encourage you to ask. Otherwise, hail! If perhaps I see you in Sam's Bar, your first round is on me.

    Jul. 2nd, 2013


    This figure you call the Mandarin has fascinating things to say about human nature and human history. Today, I have been reading all about your massacres at Wounded Knee and My Lai. Truly, I am beginning to believe humanity does not need a villain to spur it toward its end; you are the architects of your own destruction.

    Jul. 1st, 2013


    I know there are a lot of you who are concerned about the bombings happening in other countries, and about the broadcasts that we've seen lately, and I know many of you are interested in helping. This is, as I'm sure you all know, a very delicate situation, and bringing this person in hinges on the countries investigating him being able to do so quickly at a moment's notice, before he knows what's going on. At this time, the best things we can do to help is to keep our eyes peeled for violence and threats to the city we're living in right now, and to join organizations such as the local law enforcement or SHIELD to be more involved in any take-down attempts. It won't help any of us to rush in unorganized. There are people here who are working on stopping him, and we need to work alongside them.

    That said, I'd like to ask all of you who have experience with tracing signals and hacking to help us narrow down where this terrorist is, or anyone else involved in his organization. If you discover anything at all, please alert myself and Director Fury or Regional Director Hill. Anything we can tell them and share with each other is going to help us in the long run. When he is located, and he will be, I know that we'll be able to bring him in quickly. In the meantime, sit tight, do what you can to help us find him and don't do anything reckless. The rest of the city . No one can hide forever.

    Are either of you in town? I'd like to talk to the both of you, if you have a moment.
    What do you say to a kid who's lost another one of his friends? I don't know if I managed to say the right things last night.

    Jun. 28th, 2013


    All other things aside, this guy certainly has his showmanship down pat. A bit over the top, but I'm pretty sure most maniacal potential dictators tend to be.

    Jun. 8th, 2013


    I am saddened to see another group of visitors departed from this realm. My heart is doubly troubled as my own daughter Torunn was among them. Know that I keenly feel the pain of each of you suffering from the loss of someone close and share your hopes that they will one day return.

    Should you have a need, I will be at Merlotte's and will share a drink with any of you.

    I am wounded more deeply at this moment than any hurt I have received on the field of battle. I had not thought it possible.

    Jun. 1st, 2013


    [FILTERED TO: Loki (616)]
    It would be dangerously easy for me to slip and address you as brother.

    How fares your mind? Last we spoke, you had certain significant concerns, but we were not granted a proper opportunity to address and explore them courtesy of that ageing spell and everyone who thought I would take advantage of the situation.

    May. 5th, 2013


    Something is very wrong.

    Apr. 29th, 2013


    I should probably be ashamed of discovering A Softer World but I am not. You can judge if you'd like but I thought this one was quite apt.

    Though, I do not understand why you contemporary folk are deadset on revealing so much about yourselves.

    Take it from me; there are parts of a man or a woman -- dark parts -- that ought to remain known only to them. (As such) ... discuss amongst yourselves.

    Apr. 28th, 2013


    Who: Loki & Sif
    When: Now!
    Where: Chez Loki
    What: Nightmares
    Rating: PG-13

    Valhalla -- the hall of her fathers and the place of preparation. )

    Apr. 27th, 2013


    It is officially so beautiful a day out even I need to get some fresh air.

    Thor, how about a walk down to Central Park?

    Apr. 24th, 2013


    My brother refuses to duel me. Why?

    Mar. 29th, 2013


    I have had sufficient time to think since being brought here. On my crimes, my sins. On the answers I owe to my equals, my superiors, and those beneath me. The apologies.

    I have had time to think about the Allfather's lesson to my brother Thor, he who was not deemed ready for the throne and thus cast out until such a time that he would be worthy of the crown of Asgard. Perhaps I too ought to have been cast out with him, for our lessons were always shared, our hardships always borne by the pair of us. Instead, when Odin faltered, there I was, exposed to my great shame as a Jotun castoff. In my anger, I used my power as sovereign to move against Jotunheim's existence, just as my brother had before me.

    I have had time to think about how I was then stopped and cast out by the Allfather. Exile -- a punishment similar to my brother's. I fell. And I continued to fall. I fell and fell. And when I thought I could not possibly fall anymore, I dropped into a corner of the universe unknown to me. I was subjugated and shown unspeakable things. Like how to                        and why                             .

    Perhaps they were too impatient with me. Perhaps I was too impatient myself, too eager to get away from them. I should have done better by Midgard. Even inferior realms deserve the courtesy of a swift and glorious war, not the too brief melee of a dethroned king with a host of unskilled dogs behind him.

    I have been told, by my brother, by the Allfather, by the ladies Frigga and Sif, that I ought to apologise for my crimes, my sins. That I ought to learn the lesson.

    I have learned. As for offering apologies? Sorry that I cannot.

    Mar. 26th, 2013


    [FILTER: Asgardians | Loki, Thor, Sif]
    Did someone forget to feed your brother, Thor?

    Mar. 25th, 2013


    who: Sif & Loki
    where: Loki's quarters
    when: Uhh, let's say a week or so ago!
    what: Sentiment.
    rating: PG13 for some mild violence

    The iceman cometh. )

    Mar. 14th, 2013


    My favorite Earth holiday is soon upon us. While I will engage in no conversations of religion, I have come to appreciate cultural celebrations of all sorts. Especially those that largely consist of drinking vast amounts of alcohol, dancing in the streets, getting in fights, and pinching someone not dressed in green. It is an enjoyment like no other.

    Aye, I am aware there is a great deal more to the culture of the people this day celebrates and to those of you who hail from Ireland, please know I mean no slight.

    Now, who will I count among friends and extended family for drinks come this weekend?

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