July 2016




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Aug. 9th, 2013


Two months later and it still hurts like a bitch.
I want to play paintball.

Jul. 31st, 2013


» Let's go on vacation.
» Just us.

Jul. 29th, 2013


If I hear Blurred Lines one more time, I cannot be held responsible for my actions.

Jul. 7th, 2013


Okay I am so totes late getting to this, but whatevs! I was dragged off to the middle of nowhere New York for Fourth of July and I totes left my phone at home! I know. I was dying! But don't worry! Your Lydia is back at the tower just in time to wish you a very late Fourth of July and God Bless America!

Lydia Bennet, signing off!

[Private to Lizzie Bennet]
I think I have something I want to tell you.

Jul. 4th, 2013


Happy fourth of July, everyone! I hope everyone enjoys a full-filled day, and if anyone wants a piece of cake I made a mocha cake and you're welcome to some. Nothing says america like cake and coffee, right?

Happiest of birthdays, Steve. I hope you have a great one. I remember how much you liked cake pops, so hopefully they'll be put to good use today.

((ooc: That's my cake for today :D))

Jun. 27th, 2013


Filtered to Clint Barton (616)
Alright, apparently I failed at this job when Bing came around, so we're doing this a combination of the easy way and the hard way.

What are your intentions with Jane?

Jun. 20th, 2013


Cary Elwes movie marathon? Yes, please.

William Darcy
I am still so mad at you and I miss you and you suck and I love you.

Jun. 13th, 2013


» I just wanted you to hear it from me first, because you know how news travels, and I don't want you to hear this from someone else.
» I have a date.
» I'm making pizza and going to see Much Ado About Nothing with Clint Barton this Friday.
» What pizza do you think I should make?
» And do you want me to make you any food for that night? I'm sure I'll have some extra dough for another pizza.

Jun. 11th, 2013


Okay, Tesseract. Look, I know I didn't exactly like the Darcinator when I first met him. I thought he was kind of snobby and holier-than-thou, but I came around! Once I gave him a chance I started to see what Lizzie sees in him. He'll do anything to keep the people he loves safe even if it means pulling a sex video off of the internet for god knows how much money to keep a family from falling apart. Hey, not everyone does good with the money they have, right?!

So, dear Tesseract if you could find it in your heart to bring the Darcinator back for my sister I would totes love you like forever and ever!

Oh, and if you could find Gigi over there while you're at it I could really use her right now. No one else understands, but she gets it.

Okay, that's it. Thanks, Tesseract!

Jun. 9th, 2013


I […] I don't understand.

Jane & Lydia
He's gone. William was sent back.

Jun. 7th, 2013


How cool is this?!

Jun. 6th, 2013



Out of curiosity, would anyone be up for a Father's Day treat service like I did for Valentines Day months ago? If not that's totally okay, but if anyone would like things let me know. I have a small menu thought out, and I'll just leave it here, but it can be changed if there are any requests.
Sugar Spice Brioche Buns
Funfetti Chocolate Chip Scones
Irish Cream Brownies
Mini Apple Pies
I know it's a small gesture to convey that my thoughts are with you today, but I made a pan of cinnamon rolls and some fresh orange juice for anyone who would like some this morning.

Jun. 4th, 2013


I must congratulate Captain Picard and his colleagues for an excellent talent show on Sunday. With that in mind, if anyone is willing to share, what are some of your talents? I'd like to get to know my fellow refuges if we are sticking around.

May. 30th, 2013





I always wanted to see the 21st century, but I didn't expect it to happen this way. Of course I can simply check that off on the list of many things that were unexpected in the past few years. I've been through less painful and disorienting portals at least. And now that I've properly rambled, I might as well get to the point. My name is Captain James Kirk of the USS Enterprise, and I wonder if it is too early in the day for a stiff drink.

May. 29th, 2013


I've decided it's time I start using this thing more often! I used to do video blogs allllll the time and people really seemed to like those. They were just about my everyday life or whatever so hey, you get more blogs from me! I miiiiiight do some video blogs if Lizzie will let me borrow her camera. I just don't like staring at the last video I put up. It makes my stomach churn and I seriously need to get rid of it. Nobody wants to look at that pathetic mess of a human.

But watching it again made me think about a lot of things. I'm still not sure I know who I am. I mean I thought I knew when I was with Wickham, but now after everything that's happened I.. well, I don't know. I keep trying to go back to the person I was before him because that's familiar. That's what I know, that's me, but it's also not me anymore. I'm trying to be more responsible and take my life more serious and be a serious person, but it doesn't always feel right. Maybe I'm just both of those people all wrapped up in a big question mark because I'm like cookie dough and I haven't finished baking yet (Oh yeah, I totes just referenced a Buddy quote. Booyah!). Sometimes I'm annoying and loud and full of alcohol, but sometimes I'm quiet and sensitive and just want to read a book too. I cry and I laugh and maybe that's okay.

I still have a lot of stuff to work through. I still have some secrets I'm keeping to myself because I'm not strong enough to face them yet, but one day I will be and it will feel amazing to get all of that off of my chest. Today is a good day!

May. 22nd, 2013


Jane Bennet
Do you have anything I can bring over to Will's for him to eat? I don't know what else to do.
Lydia Bennet
I'm really sorry about Gigi, Lyd. I know you guys were getting along so well.

And Santana, too. I saw she was sent back. Do you need anything?
William Darcy
Up for company?

May. 21st, 2013


Seems like there's a rush of people disappearing through the cube. That stupid ass cube I don't want to Did the scientists find something out? Or did they just mess with it

May. 16th, 2013



You've been selected to be Elizabeth Bennet's partner in crime this Saturday, May 18, 2013. Duties include:
•Eating pizza without a knife and fork
•Dressing casually as to not arouse Jane Bennet's suspicions.
•Helping Elizabeth Bennet stuff Jane Bennet full of pizza so she has no clue what's happening, and
•Preparing yourself to go to prom.
Also, will you go to prom with me? I'm feeling scheme-y.

May. 15th, 2013


Secret confessions of Gigi Darcy:

So You Think You Can Dance is one of my very favorite shows. (Pasha, I love you!)

( filtered: LYDIA BENNET )

Want to be my Prom date?

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