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Jan. 7th, 2014


Network Post: Christine Chapel

It's a new year so I decided to take it seriously and make a couple of changes in my life. The first one isn't really that big but the second one is.

First of all, I moved into a new apartment. If anyone is looking for me, I'm in 603. A one bedroom is more than big enough for me and I've been taking up a two bedroom all by myself for a while now so this way it's empty for someone who needs it.

The second change is that after a lot of thought, I've decided to put off medical school for now. With things here being the way they are, I didn't want to commit myself to four years and then disappear in the middle of it especially since all signs indicate that if I go home, I'll be going to medical school anyway. Instead I gave my 30 day notice to SHIELD Medical and I'm taking the certification exam to become a Family Nurse Practitioner here in New York. While I was in Asgard I realized that I missed taking care of patients and being an FNP would give me a better opportunity to do that.

So yeah, I took the whole 'new year, new you' thing seriously. I'm glad I did.

[Filter: Allison Hendrix]
Hi. Once I'm certified and everything, would it be possible to come on board full time at the clinic? I'll be able to prescribe medicine and pretty much do everything that a doctor can do. I should be ready to go by the beginning of February.

Thanks for helping me pack my crap and moving it. I'd offer to make you dinner but I'm not sure that would be much of a thank you so I'll have to think of something else.

Jan. 6th, 2014


It seems I've found a job here, at least. I'll be starting training to work with S.H.I.E.L.D. Medical on Wednesday. It's going to be different from what I'm used to, but I'm looking forward to a new challenge.


Hello? I was told that I was on Earth in the year 2014. Is this true? I was also told some other information too but I thought I would hold out on whether or not the information is accurate, though I see no reason why it wouldn't be. I was also informed that I was familiar with some of the other people here?

Jan. 1st, 2014


Aeryn's gone.

Happy frelling New Year.

Dec. 30th, 2013


Well, ain't this snow a treat? I'm guessin I missed a hell of a snowball fight yesterday, but I ain't too worried as I had myself a few at the ranch, mostly with the dogs runnin around. Had a real good Christmas, too, even if I did miss Kaylee and Inara and Zoe and the others. Did a lot of thinkin about how Wash really is dead and wouldn't it be nice if he were to come back here. Then he'd be alive and even if Zoe weren't here, Wash'd at least be alive somewhere.

Haven't been much for Christmas the last few years, as I figure I got no call to celebrate someone's bein born who abandoned me and mine when we needed Him most, but I guess that even if He was at the ranch He didn't do no harm. Would have liked to hear the good Shepherd speak, though, even if he tended to be too quiet on the things I wanted to hear most, and talked the most about things I didn't want to hear.

Anyway, I'm home now, and I feel the need to do somethin to bring in the new year. Anyone got any suggestions?

Dec. 24th, 2013


Delivered to Lee Adama - via your Secret Santa )


I know Christmas isn't our holiday, but do you have any plans tomorrow?

Dec. 17th, 2013


secret santa gift for sidney prescott )


Well, ain't that somethin. Barely been here a week and already I'm gettin presents from all sorts of folk. And by folk, I mean the Tesseract.

[Filter to Lee Adama, Chris Pike, Byron Sully]
I found a place makes pretty good bao and other such things. Whenever you three are of a mind and not off doin savin the world type things I'd like to treat you to dinner.

Dec. 11th, 2013


This really wasn't how I planned on getting out of Caldwell at all.

Hello, New York City, I'm Dr. Jane Whitcomb. Anyone mind filling me in? The nice men with the guns kind of explained, but I was a little out of it. I need a drink

Dec. 9th, 2013


The nice young lady who showed me around this apartment said I should introduce myself around. She also told me I'd been here before and that some of the things I had before were kept for me, but she didn't know about the other. She was not clear about what I am missing.

I'm Mal Reynolds, for those of you who might be wondering who I am.

Dec. 8th, 2013


I mean, I don't know what she intends to do for Sunday next year, but I've got an idea for Monday.

You're welcome.

Nov. 18th, 2013


-- Hey. Got any plans tonight?

Nov. 16th, 2013


Network Post: Caprica Six

The only ones left from my world are myself and Lee, but he recently lost his girlfriend and we just lost Laura. I wish I still had my angelic messenger with me, or some sense of God's plan in this. I feel far too unique right now and it's a lonely feeling.

I'm very uncomfortable with being the only Cylon here.

Nov. 14th, 2013


Some of you know that most of Serenity's crew went back the other week. I got left the ranch there and I've been trying to figure out what to do with it. It's been a refuge for me while I've been here, reminiscent of the ranch I grew up on in the Mojave. For me, there's something that feeds my soul when I can lie back and see the stars. And I've met a few other folks who feel that way. So I've decided to keep the ranch open as a retreat space - somewhere folks can go to escape the city, see the stars, ride horses, etc. I'm thinking it'd be particularly of interest to space folk, but I won't turn folks away.

I'll be offering horse riding lessons there if folks want most weekends.

And since every ranch needs a name, it'll be called Serenity Ranch, in honor of those who made it a reality.

Thanksgiving at the ranch. Anybody in? I'll need help cooking. I was tempted to try deepfrying a turkey. I hope you guys will consider the ranch your home. I'm not moving there full time, but I will be there as much as possible.

I think it's important that we be there for each other after loosing quite a few of our own recently.

And let me know if you want a horse.</blockquote>

Nov. 12th, 2013


I don't even know how to express what I'm feeling right now. Six of my friends all at the same time. I know that it's not a unique experience but it still hurts.


Kathryn, Deanna, Will, Carol, and McCoy the First are all gone.

And I know some of you knew Luke Skywalker. He's gone too. He was the first person I met when I got here. and he gave me one hell of a welcome.

Nov. 8th, 2013


cut for image - africaaaaaaaaa )

I think that's about all I have to say right now.

[ooc: image from here]

Nov. 3rd, 2013


This wouldn't be a bad place to settle.

Oct. 25th, 2013


[Starfleet + Howard Stark (MCU) Fred Burkle, Lee Adama, John Crichton, Peter Parker (MCU), (Hereby to be known as Starkfleet)]

Hey guys, I'm Tony Stark, and it's been brought to my attention that you want to build a starship. Which is really cool. I want to help.

I want to help in a let's-throw-caution-to-the-wind-and-see-the-stars kind of way, but that's just not going to happen. Realistically, it can't happen. For a lot of reasons - mostly to do with paperwork... and billions of dollars of not-just-my-money with no guaranteed return. And Pepper would kill me.

Which is really, the scariest part.

But I'm not giving up on this project. It's what I want to see, and I think it's something we could work towards. We've just got to dream big - but start small. What I want to do, what I think Stark Industries is capable of doing right now, is to start building, manufacturing and selling some of your technology -- some of the same technology you'll use to build a craft -- and using that to start funding a bigger, badder, longer and uncut Space program (probably partnered with NASA, and maintaining strict patents and manufacturing licenses).

The tech I'm talking about, here, is your Holodecks, your replicators, your transporters, the things that could benefit this world -- all of it -- right here and right now. Because, guys, let's be real about this. There isn't really a way for you to share the future with us and limit it. It's going to get out. It's going to change the world.

So let's start with something positive before we get too lost in a vanity project, right? Which is maybe something I never thought I'd say, but there it is.

Oct. 23rd, 2013


Delivery to Alana Bloom, Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody, Albus Dumbledore, Alicia Spinnet, Caprica Six, Chuck Hansen, Clarence Colton Jr / The Middleman, Darcy Lewis, Dawn Summers, Dean Winchester, Dorcas Meadowes, Emma Swan, Ginny Weasley, Hercules "Herc" Hansen, Hermione Granger, James Potter, Jane Rizzoli, Jean-Luc Picard, Kathryn Janeway, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Laura Kinney / X-23 (616), Laura Roslin, Lee Adama, Lily Evans, Luna Lovegood, Mako Mori, Newton Geiszler, Oliver Wood, Peggy Carter (MCU), Raleigh Beckett, Rogue (616), Ron Weasley, Rupert Giles, Sam Winchester, Severus Snape, Veronica Mars.

Delivery! )

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