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Sep. 26th, 2013


Who: Justine & Mitchell
What: They meet, Justine attempts to flirt
When: Nowish
Where: Bookstore
Warnings: n/a

Sep. 15th, 2013



Yup, that's all I got. Because I haven't checked in with anyone for a couple weeks, so. Hi people I know, and people I don't know.

There's only about a week of summer left. I am ridiculously excited about the prospect of cooler weather.

Sep. 9th, 2013


I've gone and gotten a job! They gave me a name tag and everything. Has my name on it. Printed it out on this little machine. Novel. Loved having a name tag before. It's so helpful! I don't even have to introduce myself. Brilliant. Makes me wonder if I should just wear one all the time.

I think they sell clothes.

Sep. 10th, 2013


Never a dull moment around here, is there? Suppose that makes this a fitting place for me to be dropped in. Fashion Week, television programs returning to the telly, and all of it overshadowed by unpleasant events without origin. Ah, well! Could all be worse, I could be forced into experiencing the former firsthand! Hah!

Now, what's everyone up to this week? I'll be perusing schools to prove my ability to teach impressionable young minds.

FILTER: Jenny (The Doctor's Daughter~)
Well, now! Settled in all right? Everything in order? Anything I can do? Perhaps I should offer you a tour of the city or some other such thing. Would you like that?

Sep. 7th, 2013


Who: Isabel and Justine
What: Comfort Cuddles
Why: Jason broke up with Isa and she's sad
When: Evening, Backdated 9/3
Rating: C for Cute?

She was just too exhausted )

Sep. 6th, 2013


I think I need a new hobby, besides clubbing. Maybe community theater.

Sep. 4th, 2013


Yeah, so when I said the goal of the Enterprise's five-year mission was to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no man has gone before.... I really wasn't thinking "New York, 2013".

...But I can see how that might be an oversight on my part.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


Filter: Jason Todd Wayne
Are you out of your goddamned mind? Civilian / Hero drama? Seriously? I am so mad at you right now, if I saw you I'd knock your damn lights out. Honest to god, Jason, you get your damn head back on straight. Our DALLIANCE?!? I'm so mad at you right now I can't even find a second to realize I should be sobbing my eyes out. But no, you? are getting hit as hard as I can manage once I see you again. Hell I can't even write a pissed off letter well, thanks.

Filter: Everyone Else, No Jason Todd Wayne [sorry man, she mad]
Are you fucking kidding me right now? Oh there's going to be one sorry motherfucker around here soon as I find him. Until then. I need a drink. Or six.

Filter: Roy Harper
Hello, I know I haven't spoken much to you, and I should really fix that, because you're from home. I'm from home. It's a thing. ANYWAYS. How are you? I hope this finds you well. If you see Jason, please punch him in the face for me, right square in his nose as hard as possible. I'll pay you in the best dinner I can make.

Aug. 17th, 2013


Mm sometimes I get the sweetest clients. A little old lady just brought by a box of Godiva chocolate for finding something of hers. I love my job.

Jason! Harry! Fix! Isa! Molly! Justine! Thomas! If anyone wants some ill share you guys

Aug. 13th, 2013


filtered against minors

I'm not entirely certain how to parse this, but is there anyone here who knows anything about preternatural biology of any kind, and isn't squeamish of discussing matters of physical intimacy from a clinical standpoint? I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea, but I'm looking for someone to assist me with a rather personal problem that is one part medical, and two parts metaphysical.

Aug. 12th, 2013


Well, it looks like I'll finally be going on my honeymoon. Tesseract, you're on notice, no funny business between now and when I leave.

[Cell Ten]
I've put in for leave next week - Aug 17-25 for a much delayed honeymoon. Which means you'll be handler-less. I'll double check what the options are, but maybe you can tag along with a different cell for the week? Or you could take vacation too if you want.

[Maria Hill & Nick Fury]
Since my cell only has one person in it currently (and a junior agent at that), what's the procedure for covering that while I'm on leave? Should he just join another cell for the week?

Aug. 10th, 2013


Anybody know a good fishing spot around here? A couple hours at best?

Justine, love. How do you feel about taking a couple days away from the madness?

Jul. 29th, 2013


oops this was supposed to happen YESTERDAY XD

oh shit oh shit oh shit that spell totally backfired. what the hell went wrong? what did I say? oh shit... welll at least it's only making the water sparkly.

Well ISN'T this fun? I'm a touch on the sparkly side.. and did that give a little firework display when I ran the water? Awesome. MY BAD

Jul. 19th, 2013


I kinda miss gettin to know folks round the buildin. Would their be any interest in the weekly ice breaker I was doin a few months ago when we was gettin slaughtered with new arrivals? If not, I'd still like to do a get-together so I can mean some of the new folks.

Jul. 14th, 2013


So I was at the coffee shop, and I saw an interesting drink of the menu called a Tai Chi. I ordered one, and as it turns out, it's a rather clever name for an iced, blended Chai Tea. There's also a Dirty Tai Chi, which has a shot of espresso.

Now I want to see if there's an actual Tai Chi class in town.

[Filtered to Thomas Raith]
On a side note, would you be interested in doing an in-house spa day for me and a new potential friend of mine?


Quick Sketch of Dorian Gray; Cut for Image, Not Filtered )

This photo scanner is a rather ingenious device, isn't it? I should like very much to thank the young man who showed me how to use it. He was very patient with me.

My experiment with acrylic paint has proven to be quite a disaster, and one I do not wish to repeat. But I find that pencils, paper and oil paints are much the same, and that has been fairly reassuring. Except for the turpentine, apparently. But whatever they gave me to use instead of turpentine smells a great deal like citrus peels, which is quite an improvement.

[OOC Note: I drew this, obviously. But Basil is basically magic, so if he drew this, it would be better. Very special thanks to Rebecca for making it transcend its original medium, mechanical pencil on printer paper.]


I'm bored. That being said. Anyone want to compare magic, do magic together, hang out, eat pizza or have an in house spa day? It's a lovely day for singing, and playing with magic, so I might as well do something, right?

So... that being said, anyone who wants to come hang out, let me know. I'm thinking of packing a picnic, and either parking butt on the 13th floor outside, or braving the city at large and dealing with the hassle to get back in, because honestly? Cannot stay cramped in here too much longer.

Jul. 10th, 2013


Who: Justine & Thomas
What: Face time
When: evening
Where: their place
Warnings: tbd

Jul. 7th, 2013


Filter: Private
He is worse than Dresden in his recklessness. I had not thought it possible.

Filter: Sif
I dare ask if this man has lost his mind?
No offense meant to the gentleman, of course,
but his recklessness has me thinking of folk back home.
I do wonder how Fate will cast her dice here.
call it professional curiosity.

I think this is the first time I have had to share an apartment with anyone.
Is this how you always live? It is... an experience.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


Cut for picture, not filtered. )

Bruce, I already knew you were edible, but damn son. You make a good ice cream. (I don't really get why there's cherries in it, but it works)

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