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Feb. 12th, 2014


[Hank Pym]
I'm telling people I turned JARVIS back on.

I didn't turn him back on. He did that himself. To help.

So. I don't know what to do with that.
Now would be a good time to leave work early
Hey guys. How discreetly do you think you can assemble in the Stark Industries lobby?

Feb. 2nd, 2014


network post: moya

Filtered: Mako Mori
Would you still like to be alone? Company isn't always wanted. I want to help. If I'd be not helpful (bipedal presence), perhaps a DRD could help (with basic tasks or apartment cleaning [if nothing else])? Zhaan would like to come over (Crais can stay here [spider bot]) and do anything she can. She's very good at music and picking up moods. But she'll stay out of your way and quietly help (if you'd like). Diagnostic repair drone. They've learned other tasks (still DRDs [repairs differ here]). Do not feel obligated to reply or to do anything. Are you eating?
Filtered: John Crichton
Have you given D'Argo a birthday?
I've become fluent in American Sign Language.

Feb. 1st, 2014


"There will be risks, as there are in any experimental program, and sooner or later, inevitably,
we’re going to run head-on into the law of averages and lose somebody. I hope this never happens…
but if it does, I hope the American people won’t feel it’s too high a price to pay for our space program."

-Astronaut Virgil “Gus” Grissom, later killed in the Apollo 1 fire, January 27, 1967

Yesterday, NASA had an agency wide day of remembrance for three disasters that have occurred in their space exploration.
-Apollo 1 in 1967: A fire broke out in the capsule, killing astronauts Gus Grisson, Ed White and Roger Chaffee
-The space shuttle Challenger in 1986: An O-ring failure caused the shuttle to explode after liftoff, killing astronauts Francis “Dick” Scobee, Ronald McNair, Mike Smith, Ellison Onizuka, Judy Resnik, Greg Jarvis and Connecticut teacher Christa McAuliffe
-The Colombia shuttle in 2003: The shuttle broke apart during re-entry, killing astronaut Rick Husband; pilot Willie McCool; mission specialists Kalpana Chawla, Laurel Clark and David Brown; payload commander Michael Anderson; and payload specialist (and first Israeli astronaut) Ilan Ramon.

I have seen enough deaths in my work that it's something I feel keenly. Everything has a cost. Space exploration, like almost anything else, is not without it's risks. I have known too many brilliant men and women who's lives were lost in Starfleet, but nonetheless, I still believe that space programs are worth the time and money we put into them and the risks, however great, are worth it. I do hope that some day I get the chance to get back out there.

[Tony Stark MCU]
Tell me what you need me to do for Starkfleet. I need things to keep me busy.

[Pavel Chekov]
Do you have time for chess sometime soon? Would that be okay? Given everything.

[Dr. Crusher & Nurse Chapel]
Can we step up my rehab? I want to be running by summer.

Jan. 28th, 2014


posted on every floor of potts tower )

Jan. 16th, 2014


Private Message: Darcy Lewis

I noticed that there's a larger apartment on 6 that's empty. 610? If it's okay, Moya and I would like to move in there. It's right across the hall from the two we're in now.


Filtered: Moya.
There's an open 3 bedroom on our floor. What do you say to moving again? Doesn't make much sense for us to both be on our own, does it?

Jan. 15th, 2014


It has been one hell of a hectic time. I wanted to thank everyone personally for the hard work they did during the blackouts. You made a bad situation a lot better than it could have been and I appreciate your hard work and quick response time.
The new system is fully operational now, and shouldn't give us any more trouble. I know Pepper has already announced our intention to fully reimburse anyone who donated money to buying supplies -- and you can still see her or me about that. And if there is anything else I can do, let me know.

Chekov worked tirelessly on this project, and despite the few problems we had, I do believe that we owe him a great deal of thanks for his commitment over the past year to making New York City a better, more energy efficient place to live, so if you see him, give him a pat on the back.

I know I've been absent from my post quite a bit lately because of my involvement with Asgard. But it is January and a new year means I want to take some time to review your projects, and talk about your progress. This isn't an evaluation by any means, it's just me wanting to catch up with you and make sure we're still on the same page. I should be available for a whole now, of you want to schedule some time. I have to take a brief trip overseas in the near future but otherwise I am at your full disposal.
I want to give you guys a little extra attention. I know quite a few of you were involved in the war effort with Asgard and that was a priority, but so long as things stay settled, I think it’s time to refocus our efforts back on the task at hand.
Also, as we’re not exactly an advertised group or employment venture -- if refugees show up that you think might be an asset to the dream team - let me know.
[Filter: Doctor (10)]
I need you for something. Basically, for you it’s probably the equivalent of handing me tape while I wrap a present, but you know. There’s free lunch involved.
[Filter: Pepper Potts (MCU)]
I never liked that bookcase anyway.... Also, when did you hire ninjas?
[Filter: Steve Rogers (MCU)]
So what’s the game plan, Champ?

Jan. 6th, 2014


network post: moya

Filtered: Jim Rhodes
You were kind enough to offer to go on a date (didn't win your auction [very charitable night]). Holidays are busy times (friends family [yours in this world (more to do during holidays?)]), but I thought (it's 2014) you might have time soon. Would you like to go to dinner?
Filtered: Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)
Happy birthday. Do you like/accept gifts?
Filtered: John Crichton
I made reservations tomorrow (want to invite anyone?). I have purchased alcohol (if you want to get drunk afterward (I can watch D'Argo)).
Filtered: Mako Mori
Would you like to go out again (I like your company)?
I made a resolution for this year [defined by mathematical principles to measure success/failure: monitoring body signals]. I'm growing (stronger, not up/out/in). It's different lessons (bipedal). Time to make them stick.


Hello? I was told that I was on Earth in the year 2014. Is this true? I was also told some other information too but I thought I would hold out on whether or not the information is accurate, though I see no reason why it wouldn't be. I was also informed that I was familiar with some of the other people here?

Jan. 3rd, 2014


Happy Hour....HERE I COME!

Jan. 4th, 2014


Hello! You may have noticed an absence of a one Sherlock Holmes. He's all right, safe and sound! Should return soon.

I thought I should tell you: I've still not heard from Bowtie. Have you?

Now that is an undertaking, undoing a power grid in place for decades in the span of ten days. I commend the ambition! Curious to see how that actually plays out. No doubt it'll have a happy ending, of course. Be good for the city in the long run. Much more interesting than discovering your inner Beyoncé, though...

I do confess to being deemed Carmen.

Jan. 1st, 2014


Aeryn's gone.

Happy frelling New Year.

Dec. 29th, 2013


It's possible I've been teaching the DRDs to "sing" Auld Lang Syne in preparation for New Years. I think I might try to train them to do lullabys next.

Man, I miss 1812

Celebrating Christmas felt weird, by the way. It was a good weird and I'm looking to ringing in the new year with the missus. It was hard to do this kind of stuff in space. Never knew what day it was. Little busy getting out butts chased all over the universe, too, I guess.

Dec. 26th, 2013


I don't know about you, but I plan on celebrating the New Years with all 3 of my sisters to help ring in the New Year. 2014 is going to be a good year, I can just feel it! The only thing that I would ask for is if Coop were here with me, but other than that, I have everything that I ever wanted.

Dec. 24th, 2013


I think I saw
In the lobby, did anyone notice
I must be losing my

Um, no one has a pet... reindeer they just decided to let wander through the lobby this morning did they? Because I swear I saw one. And if no one did that's probably fine too. It's not the first hoofy animal that I've seen show up where it's got no business being. I just thought a reindeer might be more likely real than.... well, you know. A unicorn.

Dec. 17th, 2013


network post: moya

Pike is here (Christopher Pike (ooh that's new (he's from the future))). My Pike (DRD (John remember him? He remembers you one for yes two for no he's learned morse code today)). I have me back part of me back it's me I'm here. I got me for Christmas.

Dec. 3rd, 2013


Stark's paying me too well. If I buy Deke any more Christmas presents, we're going to need a bigger apartment.

I'm kidding. Well, about the being paid too well. Not about the presents.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


network post: moya

Is it too early to sing (play) christmas music? I like them and am learning them. My DRDs can play the music too (other music, if you'd prefer (limitations for DRDs [use of space for other abilities])). Does anyone want my help (biped or DRD)? No dissecting dissembling removing hurting (not for science). Around apartment (carrying things, reaching things, fixing things). And more I'm sure. I'm a quick learner. My gift (for anyone) for some time at least.

Nov. 25th, 2013


Your choppers are primitive

You still confound me with your customs. Why would I celebrate such a holiday?

Frell me

Laalaa gaa ga doo da yaya googoo doo ga ya da.

OOC: Baby talk generator!

Nov. 3rd, 2013


network post: moya

Estimated duration of err0rs (5.7% occurrence): 7 days 8 hours (error: no further precision). Bumblebee offline (relationship terminated (191 solar days (long? short?))). Balance unknown. No one takes his things (zzhan & crais guarding door). Rygel never named his. Large DRD presence (cuddling self). Apologies for error messages (go about businesss (filter filter menu respond

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