July 2016




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May. 16th, 2015


So things I've come to learn. Americans are rubbish with tea. Honestly. Where can I find a good cup of tea around here?

Apparently your heroes all run around in tights and iron suits. Right. Where were all of you when that no-nosed idiot was threatening our lives?

Muggles do have the most interesting ideas on how to adjust without magic. It's taken a bit, but I've been reasoning out a few things here. Like the television, or I guess as it's called in England, the telly. Works wonders for someone who's developed insomnia.

[Filtered private to Harry Potter-verse People]

Assuming I've done this bloody thing right. Are we going to acknowledge the very Muggle and American holiday coming up later this month? It was always custom when I was growing up for Mum to host parties.

Filtered private to Severus Snape )

May. 6th, 2015


Network Post; Lily Potter

The good news is I have one more week of classes.

The bad news is I have one more week of insane tests and papers and all of the studying that must be done before I am finished until June 10.

But, still, I am looking forward to a break from classes and getting to enjoy some time with family. Assuming it's not this cold next week maybe ice cream will be in order, although today it feels like hot chocolate would be the better possibility!

[Filter: Potters]
I'm going to be utterly pointless for anything until I'm finished, but shall we do treats next Wednesday night to celebrate?

[Filter: Ginny]
How are you doing? Shall we grab tea or coffee or maybe another shopping tour sometime or another?

Apr. 29th, 2015



I suppose I should have expected the most unexpected thing to happen next.

Hello. I'm Harry Potter.


[Filtered to HP People]
Well, this is a pickle, isn't it? I'm rather used to doing things with magic. How much damage am I likely to do to my face shaving with a razor when I have no experience with it?

Still, I had promised myself I was going to learn more about Muggles and this does provide the perfect opportunity to live like one. One must always look on the bright side!


[Filtered to Remus]
And how are you with this rather odd turn of events? All is well?


Apr. 22nd, 2015


network post; ginny weasley

Anyone seen Harry Potter? Or Dorc

Apr. 12th, 2015


So you all know that Greyback's out there, right? Well there's this group of refugees that patrols the area for monsters like him and protects people from them. They've had some people go back recently, and they could use some help.

You can sign up here to help out.


Neville's gone, guys.


If I could just ... lock myself in my room and never come out, that would be grand.

Part of me wants to tear Greyback apart with my bare hands for what he's done. Another part of me knows that resisting that urge is the better way to go. Another part of me just wants to hide. I feel like a child, this is ridiculous.


Network post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

It seems Faith has been returned home.

You've got your clocks, so you know it's not just Faith either. It removed three people from our patrol rotation with the addition of having removed Buffy from alternate - and we know she went out most nights - which means we're now low, per night. If there is anyone who isn't patrolling and would feel comfortable doing so, let me know.

In the meantime, we need to find Greyback.

This is a problem, and I don't want us to go through another full moon with him on the loose if we can keep from it. For those of you who are comfortable let me know - I'd like us to do some daylight patrols within the radius we've narrowed down from the location of the bites.

hopefully we get a break here.

I'm going to have to go out on patrol more frequently, but before I go out tonight - are you busy? And if you aren't busy - why aren't you in bed?



6th place, not too shabby.

As for that whole exploding thing, we meant to do that.

Apr. 11th, 2015


er, hello. harry mentioned that i can write on this thing and have other people talk back. so did those other blokes.

i'm draco. draco malfoy. i hear there are a few of you here. is anyone here from my family? or my house?


[James Potter and/or Sirius Black. In truth, Tony Stark considers you to be like... one person]
Hello Marauders.

I need a favour and I feel like you might be the guys to ask.

Apr. 5th, 2015


Apparently cats don't like it when you put bunny ears on them? Go figure.

Also if I look at another peep, I'm going to vomit. Rainbow vomit. You're welcome.

If anyone needs me, I'm going to be in a sugar coma for the next couple of hours.

Apr. 4th, 2015


Does anyone have a broom? One of the flying ones. I suppose I could just charm a regular Swiffer into one. But it's not the same. I miss flying.

[ filter: REMUS LUPIN (backdated to before nightfall) ]
Good luck. I hope it goes well.

Apr. 1st, 2015


Network post; Lily Potter



Mar. 30th, 2015


My dad was muggle-born, so we had a tiny tv in the house for the news and weather and such. I don't know how I went so long without one!

I've watched so much Spongebob Squarepants that my inner monologue sounds like him.

I want to try video games next. Who wants to help me with that?

Mar. 28th, 2015


FILTERED TO JAMES POTTER + SIRIUS BLACK, backdated to last night:
So ... let's say you don't get your bodies back in a week.

Is that going to affect whether or not you can change? As lovely as you both look I really could use Padfoot and Prongs.

Mar. 26th, 2015



I'm a blonde! Always wanted to know what that'd be like.

Mar. 17th, 2015




network post; ginny weasley

Filtered to Potter-verse
So. Is it too soon for welcome back drinks?

Filtered to Harry Potter
We should, er, probably chat about this whole time travel thing.

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