July 2016




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Jul. 1st, 2016


Network Post; Mara Jade

She took her sweet time coming - over a week past her 'due date', but we can work on punctuality later.

Pott's Tower, welcome Nicholette Jade Fury into the world.

[Filter: Nick Fury (MCU)]
She has your nose.

Jun. 26th, 2016


Network Post; Anakin Solo

This is probably going to come as no surprise to anyone, but I'm going to be staying here.

[Filter: Family & Friends]
You know, if I'm going to be here, I'm kinda thinking about going back to university for a degree.

And possibly also switching to SWORD...? I'm just - space... and you know, space.
[Filter: Rikki]
And I was kinda thinking come July, we ought to do that motorcycle belated honeymoon.
[Filter: Carol]
If I wanted to make the shift between SHIELD to SWORD, what would I need to do?

Jun. 23rd, 2016


This is the nicest forced crash landing on a strange planet I've encountered.

Jun. 20th, 2016


Filter: Jon

So right now I'm kinda doing the fugitive thing but I assume we'll be back eventually.
Anyway, are you staying? Because I don't have any reason to go home.
My life gets pretty fucked up back there and besides you aren't there.
And I've gotten kind of attached to you so I hope you want to stay.
Rogue comes with the deal though. You get both of us.

Jun. 12th, 2016


Texts all backdated to June 11

[Text to Rikki]
-- I've got a cup of coffee for you.

[Text to Jaina]
-- Coulson? Or Fury?

[Text to Tahiri]
-- Hey.

May. 25th, 2016


network post: padmé amidala

I would like to thank everyone working at SWORD and Potts Tower for their help today. It is most appreciated. And I welcome anyone who considers themselves my family to reach out to me here.

Filtered: Anakin Skywalker
Would you come and take me home? I felt you when I arrived, and you are so good.


Network post; Mara Jade

[Filter: Skywalkers & Solos]
I'll admit that I feel a little as if the next time I move I'm going to pop, but I was thinking it might be nice to have a dinner with all of us.

How do you feel about Saturday night?

[Filter: Natasha (MCU)]
I'm beginning to wonder how many of these baby things I actually need, versus how many they just want to sell me.

May. 19th, 2016


Network Post; Anakin Solo

[White Team]
So the Vatican? What type of miracles are we talking about here?

May. 8th, 2016


Network Post; Anakin Solo

Well, at least I seem to still be able to levitate things, or the coffee on the top cabinet would have been a stretch.

Apr. 27th, 2016


I never realized how much concrete was in this city until we have trees and jungles. Now I do and it's kind of depressing.


Network post; Mara Jade

I for one don't miss not being on a Jurassic Park set.

[Filter: Nick Fury (MCU)]
Look at those popular girl names.

Apr. 25th, 2016


Can we bring back the jungle and the dinosaurs somehow?

Mar. 24th, 2016


Network Post: Jaina Solo

Taking a survey here. Rey's post made me wonder.

Am I the only person around here that doesn't like Peeps?


What are "Peeps"?

Mar. 19th, 2016


The next few months should prove challenging, in terms of what's happening with the political system right now. It's probably pointless to ask how anyone is taking some of these candidates seriously after everything that's happened so far, but -- at the very least -- it's proven interesting as a spectator.

    Master Kenobi, I was wondering if you'd have time to join me for lunch tomorrow afternoon?

    I got your message; I'm sorry for taking so long to reply to you, Jaina. I know you and I haven't had many opportunities to speak to one another as of late. Given the situation -- given that your real mother is here now -- I understand why it's been difficult for you. I'd very much like the opportunity to speak to you more, though, if you're willing. I was thinking about going to the library later this afternoon if you'd like to join me.

Mar. 15th, 2016


Network Post; Anakin Solo

Cut for image, not filtered )

I'm just going to drop this here to say, hey, Happy Birthday to the best big sister I have (and only one really) Jaina! You are now 21, which means you can officially go get your drink from Sam's, and I am officially jealous.

[Filter: Young Allies & friends of Jaina's]
If you all want to come over tonight, Rikki's going to help me make Jaina a cake (right Rikki?), so there's that, and ice cream and really badly sung renditions of happy birthday, probably.

[Filter: White Team]
So we had this report, and I'm going to follow-up on the supposed tape of this - if we have a way to watch VHS at SHIELD? Which, I mean, I guess we do?

Mar. 5th, 2016


A forest. Great. And Chewie isn't even here to complain that the trees aren't big enough.

Feb. 23rd, 2016


    I have a bad feeling ab Is everyone alright? Things seem...strange lately.

Feb. 17th, 2016


network post: tahiri veila

Filtered: Young Allies
So we look pretty mature right now :DD
Youth, it's for everyone!

Feb. 11th, 2016


I think the only thing I like about February is that my birthday is next month.

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