July 2016




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Apr. 30th, 2015


I have to say, having an employer who hosts robot building contests is pretty awesome. Especially when you never know what you're going to see in the lab when you walk in. So I guess having a real job isn't so bad.

In other news, I'm looking for Korean BBQ recommendations. Anybody got any?

Apr. 14th, 2015


You made these?


Delivery for Wash )

Apr. 13th, 2015


Well, that was one hell of a weekend. Major hat tip to the organizers of the robot wars. It was a fierce competition and a lot of fun. My fellow competitors gave me a run for my money. It was great to see so many awesome women competing.

That being said, celebratory ramen tonight! All are welcome.

[Tony (AA)]
So, if a certain MechE woman were still looking for a job... does that count as an interview?

[Female competitors of Robot Wars]
Great job, all of you. I am impressed by your work. Almost makes me want to start a refugee SWE (Society of Women Engineers) chapter). Or just have lunch together. Either works.

I still can't believe I managed to beat some of these people. Damn. Wasabi, no hard feelings?

Apr. 11th, 2015


Filter: BH6
You know, it's hard to really say that I'll stay friendly if people don't keep taking my tools.


Good morning! This is your pilot-- I mean, housing assistant-- speaking. I'll be taking care of you all from here on out, and I'll do my best to make it as smooth a ride as possible.

My name's Wash, but you can also call me Tanwonosaur. Dinosaur names can either be chosen or will be assigned to you. If you need help, you can let the internet choose a name for you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to me, or to the lovely Kaylee, aka Mommasaur, who has kindly volunteered to help me out. You can find me in room 306. My darling wife may need to get accustomed to people knocking on our door, but she won't shoot you. Probably. (Right, honey?) Kaylee is right nearby in 308 if you'd rather not risk it. You can also reach me at [phone number]. And there's always the network.

We've got some fun stuff planned for you, so look for more announcements in the future. In the meantime, welcome aboard and I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you a little better.

Apr. 6th, 2015


So robot building contest. I have so totally got this. I mean this is basically what I was born for. It's even higher than violence on my favorite things to do list.

Only a few days left to practice. Stocking up on energy drinks, aww yeah.

Apr. 1st, 2015


While today can be filled with lots of fun, sometimes people's senses of humor don't always match up the right way. Even if it's just getting super excited about a fake release and then utterly devastated when you realize it's a prank.

So! Anyone who is feeling even a little bit down because of a prank, I have been baking all morning so there are plenty of cookies, brownies, and muffins available to brighten your day! There are even batches that are sugar free, gluten free, and/or vegan for those with dietary restrictions!


Hey, all you people interested in bot wars (and all you other engineers and building types)!

I'm proud to announce that the weekend of April 10th will be the First Annual Stark Solutions Robot Decathlon!

What does this mean? It means a weekend filled with ten tasks to challenge all your robot building skills! We'll be giving out prizes to the winners of each task as well as a grand prize and medal for the top three cumulative scores.

So, I know you're all wondering, 'How can I be a part of this awesomeness?' There's a sign-up sheet down in the lobby of Potts Tower. All interested parties are welcome! There's no age limit, no skill limit, and if you just aren't feeling it, there's no requirement to stay through the whole competition (although that obviously withdraws you from the grand prize). So, go! Sign up!

Mar. 31st, 2015


So I managed to get my motorcycle license over the weekend. Figured that it'd be useful in case I ever want to ride a standard bike here or if I get pulled over for riding my own. Which would be unfortunate, but I suppose it good happen.

Any fellow riders here with places to ride they'd recommend? I know I need to go upstate along the river because those looked beautiful but any other good places for a fast, beautiful ride.

[Big Hero 6]
It just doesn't feel the same with Baymax gone.

Mar. 19th, 2015


Filter: BH6 and other friends
Checking in to see if you all are here and alive and well. I can finally breathe again and I'm really starting to miss the lab.

Mar. 7th, 2015


I missed the tribbles? How did I miss the tribbles? Science, how could you betray me?

Mar. 2nd, 2015


Go Go. Next up after kimchi, Baymax Ramen. Ramax? Baymen? What the heck?? Except it's kind of weird to eat my own bot. I think I'd rather float in ramen too.

Feb. 27th, 2015


  • I was pretty impressed by the snow tunnel Bostonians built. Really, it's just a matter of using what you have on hand. I'm almost curious to take a field trip to see what 100" of snow looks like. Not really something we experienced in San Fransokyo.

  • I may be tempted to start making my own kimchi. Someone save me.

  • Would anyone be interested in robot wars?
  • Feb. 15th, 2015


    I bought a chocolate heart that is half the size of me.

    [Peppers Ninjas(Pepper MCU, Jon Kasiya)]]

    Everyone have a good Valentines? I made out like a bandit on the candy sales today. Envy my chocolate drawer stash!


    There is something quite wonderful about discounted chocolate. It's always fascinating the way this world is similar to mine but different at time. At least chocolate is the same. But I haven't found Japanese food as good as what we had in San Fransokyo.

    Also, anyone looking to hire a mechanical engineer?

    Jan. 31st, 2015


    Considering how much I just love those glowing orbs I made for the black out, I just couldn't resist getting this table to match.

    It's just too perfect!


    So, I wanted to make something like this out of the snow, but I'm not sure my Mech E skills transfer over that well. I think it needs an artist's touch. At least for the design aspect. What I'd love is to build a working snow-cycle. Maybe if we had some more snow and I could figure out a propulsion system that wouldn't run too hot.

    Jan. 27th, 2015


    You know what snowstorms are good for? Extra time in the lab. We never really got snow in San Fransokyo, so this is going to be fun. I'm working on developing a snow bike. Can't really test it in the lab unless someone can make artificial snow. Trying to figure out how to get the speed I want without losing control on snow. Ice is a different story.

    I'm thinking of taking it out on the park once the snow stops.

    Jan. 26th, 2015


    I was not the cause of this weather! I wish people would stop assuming that their vehicles are stranded and their bread shelves are empty because of me. How do so many know? I am sorry for the inconvenience of the weather, but there is little I can do. At least I don't think there is

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