July 2016




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Apr. 1st, 2013


I'm never going to get used to this place, and how it seems to think that if you're under eighteen, you're incapable of doing anything worthwhile.

Anyway, I found a job. At a place called Five Guys. Making hamburgers.


Hey everyone!

I’m Kitty Pryde. With the unfortunate loss of Susan Sto Helit a few days ago, I talked to SHIELD about taking over for her at the Educational Services Division, or ESD from now on to make it easier. I’ve been teaching there on my off time, but I gave my two weeks notice to SHIELD to focus solely on this. She left behind impeccable records and I’m going to do my best to keep her vision alive.

I look forward to getting to know everyone in the division soon, but for right now I’m going to need basic facts to move from here. There needs to be some reorganization with the loss of students and teachers, so what I need is all of the teachers and advisors to sign in. Reply to this post to restate you still want to be involved. Advisors, I need you in particular to reply so we can talk about your current students and work load. This is also the place for any new people to offer their services if they have experience teaching. We have an amazing group of students here.

Also if anyone over eighteen wants to sign up for some of our advanced and creative courses, since boy do we have a lot of them, please feel free to do so.

Students I would appreciate replies here too to talk about your classes and advisors and any feedback you have right now. Feel free to filter anything you want to me if you don’t feel comfortable talking in public, and I’d be happy to meet with anyone privately too. I know this has to be a big collaborative effort and I’m looking forward to jumping into the deep end here.

I’m afraid I might be clogging up the network for people in the division over the next week as we work out the details, but I hope everyone can bear with me.

[ooc: there will be an ooc post after this with more depth, but please do reply with your characters officially IC here]

[Filtered to Scott Summers]

I’m NGL I’m freaking out a little. Huge undertaking. Any advice?

Mar. 31st, 2013


Not quite what I had in mind when I imagined rebirth, but it could be worse.

Name's Beckendorf, new arrival. I heard there were a few familiar faces running around here too.

Mar. 29th, 2013


As much as I totally loved the discount at Sephora, can I just say that I'm so totally excited to be able to say: GOODBYE, RETAIL!!!


As much as I've been enjoying my classes here, I'm really just wanting to get my diploma now. So I've started looking into the requirements to take the GED test here in New York.

If you're over the age of 16 by the testing date and have valid forms of identification (I checked with the testing offices, and they are willing to accept documentation from SHIELD.) you are eligible to take the test.

The next testing days are just under a month away on April 20th and 21st, and after that the next test isn't given until the first of June.

I'm planning to study for and take the exam next month if anyone else wants to join me.

Mar. 23rd, 2013


I decided that it was time for me to stop feeling sorry for myself and wallowing around about Charlie not being here (though, seriously, Tesseract? Bring me Charlie), so I did the most basic thing that makes me feel better that takes little effort.

A makeover!

Okay, so it wasn't really a makeover. I just used my daughter of Aphrodite voodoo (note: not actually voodoo) to change my hair, so now it's shorter and adorable and I kind of wish I'd have thought of it eons ago. I feel sassy. I don't know if I actually can manage sassy, but I feel it and I figure that's a step above Woe Is Me.

So, there you have it, people of Potts Tower. Silena Beauregard's vain announcement of the month. (Everyone gets at least one.)

Mar. 21st, 2013


I know from a cosmic standpoint today represents a shift in the balance between the House of Night the the Sun. And the beginning of the flooding of the Nile, and even Isis' feast day. (So close after your birthday, Sadie!)

But I can't help feeling a little on edge.

Mar. 14th, 2013


I forgot white day! How silly of me.


Text to Usagi

>>Happy White Day.
>>I got you something to celebrate.
>>Though I hope I do not overstep my bounds by giving it to you.

Mar. 10th, 2013


My birthday is only six days away.

Has anyone figured out how birthday's really work here? Cause I mean it was a different time of year when I left. But I guess it still counts, right? I would really like to finally be 14. Does it mean I'm older than I'm supposed to be back home?

Ugh this makes my head hurt. Whatever, I'm going to be 14 no matter what... weird other things might say.

Mar. 4th, 2013


I'm going to New Orleans this weekend. I've never been, but I feel like I should. I leave on Thursday and return Sunday. I feel like I need to. Just to see it and feel closer to Hazel

Mar. 1st, 2013


Filtered to Steve Rogers
Mr. Rogers. My girlfriend, Hazel. She's... she's gone. She was on the list. And the items. The 1411-TR. I need help. I need to know where to get a form and help filling it out. There's an item. I have to get it. It's life or death. Literally.

Filtered to the Demigods
Hazel... she's gone. Back on the Argo II...

Feb. 23rd, 2013


This is the frozen waterfall I climbed today )

Having lived in warm climates all my life, I never thought I'd grow to enjoy the cold so much. But ice climbing has shown me the beauty of the winter world, where we can scale up frozen water and climb atop snow-covered peaks and truly feel like we are on top of the world. It is perhaps the closest we can come to being on Olympus.

I shall miss the snow when it melts in the spring and summer. Perhaps I will go to Australia then, to chase the snow. But the sailing club will be open by then, and I have been wanting to try going back on the water. Either way, I am looking forward to exploring my options.

Feb. 22nd, 2013


Text to Hazel Levesque

-I probably don't say it enough.
-Just wanted to say how much I appreciate you.
-Being in my life...
-And everything else.


So, I've been here for like...almost four months now.

And sure, I get that people are totally jealous, but it's getting old to have people not like me. Like. Really. Why don't people like me?


[Filtered against Piper McLean and Reyna]
[And filtered TO PJO-verse friends (and of course, everyone who's already posted)]

Has anyone else ever been in the position where they feel like they have to choose between their best friend and their girlfriend?

Feb. 17th, 2013


Valentine's day is definitely different here than it is back home. It made me miss Mamoru. I bought him chocolate and since he isn't here and probably won't be I decided to eat it. I hope he shows up for White Day because I am not buying myself something.

Actually, I miss all my friends and my family so I'm very glad to have Setsuna here. And new friends too.


Filtered to Roman Demigods

Hi everyone,

I wanted to invite you all to lunch on Monday. It's a holiday here, and I thought it would be nice to get together. Maybe bring a dish? Something small and quiet so we can be together.

Feb. 14th, 2013


I'm making breakfast! I tried for heart shaped pancakes, but they didn't turn out real well. They still taste nice, though!

» Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb. 13th, 2013


As my son has already been told, I suppose I am now allowed to give my good news to the city at large. May Castellan, who I love deeply, is with child.

Demigods, I hope that you will accept this child into your ranks, for its life will be just as difficult as yours have been, no doubt, although I hope that I may rectify some of the mistakes I made with Luke.

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