July 2016




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Jul. 22nd, 2015


[People of Thedas]

I'm going to see if I can help in any way. If anyone wants to come along, say so now.


You and I need to talk when this is through.

Jul. 13th, 2015


I'm not certain I trust a building this big. Or all the things in the kitchen. But someone mentioned running water and that sounds like something I could get behind. A bath I don't have to heat up bucket by bucket? Sounds like a gift from the Maker, if you ask me.

Warden Hawke. Carver. I understand you've already had my brother inflicted on you.

Jul. 10th, 2015


Network Post: Dorian Pavus

I was given an invitation to attend a gathering, this convention. I was told that I would be a guest of honor, that I would be speaking to 'fans'. Then I was rudely awoken before dawn, stuck inside a horrible, loud beast that I'm fairly certain is some breed of dragon, and deposited in some place called San Diego.

Fasta vass, I have nearly set half a dozen people aflame today. I do not know if these people are truly abominations or in costume as my guide has tried to explain.

This is not what I was expecting when I was invited to a gathering.

Jun. 23rd, 2015


I know that there have been some explosions recently and the city seems to be in turmoil. Would any of you like to help out the next time it happens? Because let's face it, this city is going to erupt again. It happens in every reality, it seems.

Have you made any progress with the orb yet?

Jun. 15th, 2015


[Filtered to the Inquisition]
The tesseract has given me a most curious gift - the orb Corypheus possessed. Intact, though lacking much of the power you reported him using with it, Inquisitor. I am rather pleased to have it and I shall be studying it intensely, should you wish to know my plans for it.



This tesseract has a very odd sense of humour. Why it thought I would actually want the armour I wore as a Templar is beyond me. Still, I suppose not all of the memories associated with it are bad. Just most of them

Jun. 4th, 2015


I can't hear Beth anymore.

It hurts. She wasn't supposed to leave.

Jun. 1st, 2015


Greetings. This is singular place and arriving here was a singular experience. I am Solas and I have been told this machine will allow me to communicate with others here.

May. 21st, 2015


Now I'm younger than my son.

Alistair, if you would, please.


[Filtered to Ellana]
What do you think of this SWORD organisation?

I hate to say I'm getting bored but... I think I'm getting bored.


May. 17th, 2015


[People of Thedas]

Who is actually still here? I feel like people and go so often that I can't keep track. How is everyone? I feel quite the need to make myself useful.


I need more of a job to make myself useful. I am good with leadership, closing rifts and using a sword. Would anyone have any use for that?

May. 7th, 2015


This snow reminds of home. Well, Haven and Skyhold anyway. Though I suppose Skyhold was more home than anywhere else I'd been living in the last ten years. I never minded the snow and cold though. Probably why I never got around to reminding Josephine about the hole in my roof.

Apr. 29th, 2015


I've been called Jaime Lannister so many times since I got here that I decided to sit down and watched this Game of Throne show to see who he's meant to be. It was... interesting. He's certainly a... actually, I'm not sure how to describe him. He's not me, that much I know.

Apr. 22nd, 2015


I have finally mastered all of the appliances in my apartment and this phone device. I am feeling very proud of myself.

I still wish there were dragons to kill though.

Apr. 8th, 2015


We should do something nice, just the two of us. I would like to take a walk, if that's all right with you.

Pancakes. We should all get some because it has been too long since we have gotten together.

Apr. 1st, 2015


'Tis strange, that the Eluvian would bring me here. At the very least, it collected Kieran before unceremoniously dumping me here.

Mar. 23rd, 2015




Hello? Can I speak to EVERYONE with this?

My name is Merrill. What's yours?

Mar. 18th, 2015


I think that's the first time I've just slept through the end of the world.

And I was too sick to partake in your alcoholic holiday.

FRIENDS (minus Fenris) + JACK/IANTO:
So, I nearly died. Again. That brings it to... what, three times now? I'm too young and pretty for that.


Hands up, who the hell knows how getting married works around here?

Mar. 17th, 2015


So, THAT was shit.

bunch of pissbags stomping around saying they're going to judge the whole world and kill all the little people, people who hurt nobody and nothing and got no power, don't have weapons or shit - and WHY? WHY? because some fat heads decided to go up into the stars and mess about? piss off some other fat heads? and that makes it all right to go make a whole world sick?

and oh good, they've gone - great - til they decide they don't want to be gone and come back again. and make the whole world sick again.

fucking piss shit no one should be able to do that. frigging no one. no one should have that much power

Mar. 13th, 2015


[Filtered to People of Thedas]
I don't know how many of you are sick but if you need anything let me know. I seem to have avoided this flu so far. I'll be with the Inquisitor Ella Ellana but I can drop in if you need something.


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