July 2016




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Nov. 5th, 2013


Between the holiday, and a few things, I didn't even notice my housemate was gone. Well. This is awkward.

Filter: Jason Todd Wayne
Please move back? It's lonely here now.
Isabel's gone.

Filter: Harry Dresden
My housemate's gone. I don't think my friend is moving back in.
Other than that, how's your week?

Oct. 31st, 2013


Filter: Harry Dresden

Happy Birthday, babe.
Love you.
You should open your door.

Oct. 18th, 2013


As much as I love summer, there's nothing quite like the crisp smell of autumn, either.

Filter: Harry Dresden
Hey. You, caveman of mine. I love you.
I think I'm buying myself a UV lamp cause I already feel blah.

Filter: Jason Todd Wayne
You've been busy. I miss you.

Oct. 7th, 2013


I'm sad to have noted Molly left us again. It is depressing to lose her a second time but what can you do?

Halloween is just around the corner. It's a beautiful time of year. Even if I feel tired and moody already. I need more sun. Damn it. the leaves are beautiful, I had forgotten what they looked like.

Filter: Harry
Hey darlin', you wanna skip town for a day or two and DO something? Anything?

Sep. 7th, 2013


Who: Harry, Elaine
What: Show-n-tell
When: backdated to follow Harry's netpost
Where: Harry's place
Warnings: tbd, flirting & innuendo likely

Sep. 5th, 2013


So, I'm just going to go ahead and leave my AC unit switched off. Just in case there is an encore act of terrorism.

I'm seriously considering buying a cabin in New Jersey somewhere.

Totally throwing you over my shoulder and taking you with me.

Sep. 1st, 2013


Harry. I need to talk to you.

Elaine, I just heard. I got stuck at the salon yesterday. Are you all right? Anything you need, or anything I can do to help?


September means summer's end. Maybe it'll start to cool off soon. That would be awesome.

Elaine! I wasn't around yesterday and I just heard what happened. Are you all right?

Aug. 31st, 2013


*Cellphone Posting!*

Hells bells...

FILTER: Harry Dresden, Jason Todd Wayne, Fix, Molly Carpenter, Justine, Thomas Raith, Jason Todd Wayne

So I'm in holding for the next few hours, observation and the like but they gave me my phone back. Hooray, I have a phone...I sorta got nailed by the stuff that happened today.
Anyone want to stay with me when I get out? I... I don't think I'll be sleeping for a bit.

Aug. 30th, 2013


I decided I wanted Ice Cream for breakfast. I suppose this is a sign of me clinging to summer. Once fall gets here I won't want ice cream anymore.

Filter: Fix
I am thankful for the sudden wave of warmth.
Even if I know it's a tease.
How are you faring? Enjoying work?
We get some interesting cases.

Filter: Harry
How are you feeling love?

Filter: Thomas
So Harry wants to plan his own birthday.
No nasty surprises this year.
But we should do something for him anyways.
Not surprises but something.
This needs to be a good birthday.

Also, Hi!

Aug. 27th, 2013


Pretty sure I saw a leaf that had color already... I am sort of not loving it.

Aug. 17th, 2013


Mm sometimes I get the sweetest clients. A little old lady just brought by a box of Godiva chocolate for finding something of hers. I love my job.

Jason! Harry! Fix! Isa! Molly! Justine! Thomas! If anyone wants some ill share you guys

Aug. 5th, 2013


Why am I here? What good can I possibly do here, without my Lady, or any of the Queens? The Nevernever is sealed off. What am I supposed to do, go into business as a repairman and wait for winter?!

Jul. 21st, 2013


So I've been sucked here by some little blue cube that somehow opened a Way not just to another place but to an entirely different dimension, and I'm now stuck in Superhero New York for nobody knows how long. Great. Just great.

On the plus side, it's July again, instead of November.

Jul. 20th, 2013


Why does it have to be so hot? I can almost feel myself melting.

I need a bathtub full of ice. I think that's the only thing that will help.

Jul. 19th, 2013


Filter: Harry Dresden
If you need time to work with Molly without me around, let me know

Filter: Jason Todd Wayne
Well this place got a little more fucked up.

Jul. 18th, 2013


As strange as this may seem, I am where He wants me to be, and there is no need to fear. The reason for this will become clear in time.

Jul. 17th, 2013


I'm really not enjoying this heat.

[Separate messages sent to Harry Dresden and Elaine Mallory]
You've been quiet. Everything all right?

Jul. 15th, 2013


Filter: Harry Dresden, Jason Todd Wayne (separately)
I wanted to help so bad down at the Clinic.
Or with Fury.
Helping people is what... I We do.

I found I have a lingering fear.
Welcome back, Nightmares.

Can... I come over?

Jul. 2nd, 2013


Who: Elaine & Harry
Where: His apartment
When: After This
What: Talking. Stuff. FEELS.
Rating: PG13. R. IDEK.

Elaine was... terrified )

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