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Feb. 15th, 2013


Fucking god damn son of a

Cato's gone.

I will KILL him if I ever see him again. The only god damn person from Two

[Filtered to Peter Harkiss]

You busy this weekend?


Retreat gave me a few ideas to run a survival camp for anybody interested. Weekend or two a month, teach you what to do if you're stuck out in the woods or rough terrain. How to hunt, fish, build shelter, survive without your goddamn phones for ten minutes, that sorta thing. Already been told I can't just throw you in the woods and wish you luck

Get enough interest and I could use a hand or two to help set it up. You gotta be experienced, though. None of this sat-in-a-cushy-house-all-your-damn-life, you're the people that I wanna shove in front of a few dinosaurs oughta benefit from the class instead.

Feb. 14th, 2013


Alright, Lopez, you want a challenge? I'll give you a goddamned challenge. Like a fist to the face, how's that sound?

I am so sick of all of the pink and the glitter and the lace all over the fucking city. Do things get to go back to normal tomorrow?

Feb. 4th, 2013


Now I remember why I hate elevators. I don't know what possessed me to go up to the entertainment center today, but then I got stuck in the damn thing. And I don't understand why it took so fucking long to get us out.

Then I see that a lot of people have been sent back? The fuck's with that? How can we make sure we don't go away

Feb. 2nd, 2013


Who: Gus & Clove
What: random run-in
When: lunchtime
Where: The Fat Turtle
Warnings: TBD

... )


[Text to Cato]

>> Hey. You working today?

Jan. 23rd, 2013


Two months. I've been here two months, and I still don't know what the hell I'm doing here. Sure, I've got classes and stuff, but it feels like I'm going soft. There's no purpose to what I'm doing here and I hate it.

Any chance I can throw some knives around tonight? Or tomorrow?

[Peter Harkiss]
Think you can spare some time soon for me?


Oh my god I don't know where I am. I'm in New York and there are people with guns and I don't know how I got here and I don't know where I am.

What should I do?
I should call the police
That's what people do when they're kidnapped, call the police
But the police here have guns and they point them at me

Can anyone see this? HELP ME, PLEASE.

Jan. 17th, 2013


Idiots. Nothing like a fat, drunk slob to argue your point.

Jan. 11th, 2013


So I finally got a job at the Anytime Fitness near the Tower. About damn time someone hired me. It's cool, too, because I spend most of my time there anyway.


So hey, if you want to stop by and spar while I'm there, that'd be cool.


What's up with you? Haven't seen you in the room much.

Dec. 25th, 2012


[Filtered to Logan]

So when did you get so soft?

Dec. 24th, 2012


Moving hurts. Moving hurts a lot. What is here? What is not? One minute near death. The next in a weird place.

They said this wasn't the Capital, it's not right? Why am I here? I don't remember much from my conversation with whoever doctored me. Said I should go explore the Network and introduce myself... and I'm still freaking seeing things, so I don't know if anything is typing out correctly....

I'm Glimmer

Dec. 23rd, 2012


Fuck it. Head fucking hurts. Summers, we gotta tal Drinking starts now. Got booze to share - spreading the cheer. I'll be on lucky #13 if anybody wants to join, just don't get fucking chatty and we'll be fine.

[OOC: As an OOC note, this is for the Dec 23rd prompt! Added bonus of Logan being soft-canon bumped this morning.]

Dec. 16th, 2012


[Text to Peter Harkiss]

>> We should hang out soon.
>> I feel like I'm going soft around these idiots.

Dec. 15th, 2012


So. What kinds of jobs are available for sixteen year olds who are still taking classes? Just out of curiosity.

Dec. 6th, 2012


[Text to Logan]

>> can I throw my knives again soon?

>> please?

Dec. 5th, 2012


So. You're mine now, ain't you feeling just special?

Meet me in the basement in an hour. We're gonna see what you kids are made of before we get the advisin started.

Nov. 30th, 2012


[Text to Peter Harkiss]

>> Hey. Thanks for today.
>> I'd never done anything like that.


Who: Cato and Clove
What: A reunion in which we learn that these two aren't allowed to have nice things.
Where: 109 Pott's Tower
When: Backdated to 26 November
Rating: PG for language
Status: Logged, Complete

So it's you. )
Tags: , ,

Nov. 29th, 2012


Who is this genius who decided to write a series of novels about the exciting adventures of Tris Prior? Tris gets a haircut. Tris makes dinner. Tris eats cake. Tris gets tattoos. Was the intention death-by-boredom?

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