July 2016




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Jun. 24th, 2016


I'm going home. There's still a lot left for me to do. Pearl? Lapis?

I'll miss you, everyone. Especially you-- Prim, Chell, and Molly.

Apr. 29th, 2016


man i am grumpy today. i don't think today is a good day.

Apr. 19th, 2016


I can't find Amethyst.

Apr. 13th, 2016


alright, turns out dinosaurs can think with portals, they just really don't like to do so. i'm sorry i thought it was funny to have you guys jump through portals dino friends, i hope you're happier in the park i put you.

Apr. 1st, 2016


I can't find my sister or Peeta.

How do you find people here?

Mar. 28th, 2016


i really like candy holidays, especially when the candy costs less money the next day. i don't really know what to do with my painted eggs, but i guess i can use them for decoration.

Mar. 25th, 2016


i didn't do so well as i did last time but i still had a lot of fun. next time, i'm bringing the portal gun.

Mar. 17th, 2016


I've arranged to teach Physics. I'm looking forward to teaching. I suppose I'll have to talk, won't I? Kind of the point. Expect to see my gravity gun in action.

This involves a paycheck, right? This isn't volunteering?

Mar. 13th, 2016


okay, avoided the trees. that was kinda weird, but i think kinda weird is kinda normal. gonna focus on painting eggs, found a few neat things i want to try.

still don't know what i want to really do, but i do figure i should make myself useful. might be a bit tricky, but nothing that'll be too bad.

Feb. 19th, 2016


It's just cake.

Chell, we should try that with our guns.


man is this kinda late, but thank you everyone for the flowers. i'm gonna press them so i can keep them longer. i think the next thing i'm kinda looking forward to is easter, but that's still a bit away.

Feb. 4th, 2016


okay i know everyone's a bit freaked out by the latest weird thing but i figure i should ask. i'm gonna make a bunch of valentines cards so if you don't want one/don't celebrate please let me know. i'm gonna get some candy too, because i can't make that so if there's something people don't like or something let me know.

Feb. 2nd, 2016


Today is World Play Your Ukulele Day!

Does anyone want to learn? It's pretty easy to pick up the basics. Someone even wrote a song about it! (She says a bad word at one point, be careful).

The Tesseract gave me the ukulele my dad gave me, but I'll let you borrow it while I show you how to play it. They're really cheap, I hear. You can buy one of your own and play sweet sweet songs like me!

Jan. 28th, 2016


Good Lord, I'm sick. I'm sick and dying. Bloody hell, I'm dying.

Jan. 24th, 2016


yeah so in case people wonder portals plus snow means i'm gonna win at snowball fights. but i stopped noticing the cold and am a little sneezy right now so i think that means i should be inside now.

gonna buy more coats tomorrow. i haven't seen snow like this...well ever. at least not that i can remember.

Jan. 20th, 2016


hokay so i don't think i should take out the long fall boots anymore. this'd be the fourth time i slipped. so far, only bruises so no more tempting fate. but on better news, i am getting a hold of this weirdo power i got. a few people are a little weirded out so i just bring my notepad with, and the device edwin gave me.

Jan. 4th, 2016


i'm real sorry for kind of disappearing. my portal gun came through and i've been testing trying it out.

thanks for all the gifts. i love them. edwin how do i use the thing you gave me? also i hope everyone had a really good new years.

ok so the weird thing happened again. i think people can hear what i think. can i try this out on anyone, just to see if i'm crazy or not?

Dec. 21st, 2015


I didn't think I'd be spending Christmas here. Or anywhere, really, so this is an improvement.

Dec. 20th, 2015


ok so weird thing. i went exploring and i ended up in a store. not generally weird but i was looking at something and was about to ask someone about it. but then someone told me before i could get my notebook out or sign. i was confused because they said 'you wanted to know, right?' and i did but i never asked. so yeah. bit weird.

Dec. 16th, 2015


well that was all sorts of not fun. can't even go looking at pretty things without weirdo stuff happening.

anyway. thank you for the cookies! friends please come take some because i'm going to eat them all and feel really awful later. and thanks for the companion cube gordon. i like it. i've put my owl on top of it so they can keep each other company.

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