July 2016




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Jul. 1st, 2013



What did you learn today?

Jun. 30th, 2013


Everyone hates working Sundays, but I must say -- so far I haven't minded making the exception.

You're read my book, you said, haven't you?


As an objective observer, I am quite able to understand the necessary trials and tribulations which mold and develop the characters in fictional works. Without them, the narrative would possess no value.

However, as the protagonist of a supposedly fictional work, I am far less amused by the suffering I have endured, despite the fact that it has shaped me into the man I am today.

Jun. 29th, 2013


I'm not quite sure how to take all of these things on the internet about me.

Most of them aren't too bad, but apparently the man who created my.. television show said I am in love with the main character.

I don't understand whatever all of this 'shipping' nonsense is, or why it is me with Hannibal Lecter or Jim Moriarty.

Jun. 26th, 2013


And I'd heard good things about the fashion in America.

Jun. 8th, 2013


[Filter: Robert Lutece]
There was an anomaly with your blood. I need to do further tests, if you'll permit me. I want to get to the bottom of this. Also we desperately need to get food into our apartment. I do not even know if we need sustenance to survive in this plane, but I recommend we make sure we have some just in case. Perhaps I will test out some theories on if we're the same as we were. Alive and dead. I always wanted to do tests on Schrödinger's cat. Now I can.

[Filter: Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth Comstock]
Forgive my intrusion but I wonder if I could possibly trouble you both. I'd like to run some tests on your blood. Nothing too invasive, and nothing will actually be done to you. I would just like to compare there to here, as it were.

I would like to take up painting again. Would anyone like to model for me?

Jun. 4th, 2013


If you have never searched for information about yourself on the Internet, I would not recommend starting with the website known as Tumblr.

May. 30th, 2013


I haven't spoken about it much on the network, but when I was young(er) I was fixated on comic books. I think I found them more stimulating than books because they depend heavily on pictures to tell stories. The details, the expressions, the aftermath -- there are plenty of details that go beyond the words that are right there in front of you if only you're paying enough attention to pick them out. I found being presented with art to be far more interesting than depending upon my imagination to do the work for me. Not because I think I'm unimaginative, but because I'd much rather solve the puzzles than write them.

Like most comic book readers, at one point I picked up a pencil and decided to draw for myself. and I suppose, left to my own devices, that old habits die hard:

My apologies to Captain America.

Cut for image, not filtered )


I can't smoke inside, can I?

May. 29th, 2013


I have officially begun my SHIELD training and so far I have discovered that I have much to learn. The paperwork alone was enough to make me question my sanity. They asked for information that I had never encountered before but thankfully there were people there to assist me. For example, a social security number. I had never heard of such a thing.

Between that, my meditation class and my sessions with Luke and Mara, I have been keeping rather busy. Not so busy however that I missed the fact that Han has gone back. We didn't spend a great deal of time together here but if things transpire as they do in the films, we will get to know one another very well in our future. Leia, Luke, and Jaina, I am sorry. If there is anything I can do for any of you, please don't hesitate to ask.

[Filter: Laura Roslin]
I have heard a great deal about plays being performed on something called Broadway. Would you be interested in seeing one of these with me?


What a boring thing it is to be relegated to the role of storyteller when you're so used to being the hero or the villain, at the very least, of your own tale.

May. 28th, 2013


After riding in a convertible I think I might finally understand the appeal of cars. I still think they're a metal deathtrap, but a fun metal deathtrap. Now to remove the thousand tangles my hair seems to have found itself in.

May. 13th, 2013


Backdated to May 11th. Oops


Apr. 22nd, 2013


I am learning more about the world at present with each passing day; however, I am still unable to discern a proper or even patterned courtship ritual among people in this city. Does such a tradition even exist? Also, if one does, does it require (as I have heard mention) a suit and tie?

Apr. 9th, 2013


I have been indulging myself on architectural tours and art museums and yet there is still an seemingly endless supply of new places to explore. While many of the styles and subjects are strange to me, there is no denying their beauty. It might not all be to my personal taste, but this city is truly blessed to have so much to see.

Apr. 3rd, 2013


The more I learn about this world the more I wonder what is wrong with you people disturbing things I come across. Wax should be used for candles, not torture.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


I've always loved this time of year. It is a season of endless possibilities and the chance for new growth. Having a career was never a real possibility in my time, but this is a new world. I have accepted a position teaching for the students of Potts Tower. My subjects will include Italian, Spanish, Etiquette and Classical Dance. To those brave enough to share this journey with me, I can assure you that it will be interesting.

If there are any adults who wish to study any of these subjects, I would be honored to offer my assistance. For those in need of a tutor in Latin or classical Greek, I also offer my services. You never know when it will come in handy.


It seems that everywhere I turn in this city is another woman threatening me with weapons.

Yes yes, I completely support women's rights and think they should have the right to vote, etc. etc. But I also wonder when holding a sword and sparring because a prerequisite for womanhood.

I would much prefer to date someone who didn't carry something at her side that could kill me at any moment. Especially when women seem nearly honor-bound to threaten me. It gets tiresome, really.

Mar. 26th, 2013


There is a restaurant called Fazoli's, they advertise Italian cuisine, but I have eaten of their food, and I say they are liars of the highest order.

Mar. 25th, 2013


It’s a strange thing knowing how you’ll die. I expected more dread at the thought, but it’s oddly comforting in a way. If history tells it accurately, I will pass during the delivery of my eighth child. I cannot imagine having so many. There are worse ways to die, I suppose. The Spartans thought death by childbirth as noble as death in battle. If only I was Spartan.

I miss my son. I know I would not want him in this place, but it does little to ease the ache.

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