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Oct. 28th, 2013


So, judging by the gym we've got a suitably ripped population here. Has anyone thought about modeling?

If so, it's your lucky day.

Oct. 26th, 2013


Who: Refugees, Residents of Potts Towers, Friends -- Everyone!
What: IC/OOC Party thread!
Where: The Entertainment Centre of Potts Tower.
What: Potts Tower Halloween Party! Starting around 7pm in the entertainment center, the entire 13th floor has been transformed for the occasion. Fog creeping along the floors, webs hanging from the ceiling, skeletons popping out of doorways and an assortment of Halloween themed food. Come in costume, there will be a contest!

In this town of Halloween )


So I finally found my costume. I'm going as an angel....let me know what you all think!

I'm such an angel

Oct. 12th, 2013


So I'm planning on going with this woman that I've been sort of hanging out with and talking with as well to this costume party at this gay/lesbian bar that I've never been too. Any ideas on costumes? I don't know if I should go as something sweet or terribly horrifying.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


Chicago is a wonderful, darling little city, and the weather has mostly held for me which I certainly appreciate. I imagine the first order of business when visiting any major city is to take a selfie ) ...Mind you, this was a business trip, so I've thus far spent the majority of my trip in meetings, apart from a trip to the Chicago Art Institute. I took more pictures and here they are )

Oct. 1st, 2013


I just got a call. Guess who's going to play Leo in 4000 Miles? Me.

Oh screw my diet. I'm celebrating with cheesecake.

Potential spoilers in comments

Sep. 25th, 2013


Sent to Detroit through Saturday.

It's almost enough to make a man want to jump.

Sep. 14th, 2013


Saturday Night in New York City..

All sorts of devious debauchery happening out there, I'm sure. Crime, sex and sin. Probably mischief I haven't even heard of that I could be getting up to out there. Some people wish their whole lives for time in the glitz and glamour of the most incredible city in the world and...yet somehow, I've ended up sitting on my sofa. Watching The Notebook.

I think I've actually gone soft in my old age. But there it is.

Sep. 12th, 2013


There is to be a contest of eating today involving a most delicious confection known as a 'cannoli'! There shall be much devouring of them and I am excited to compete against others in such the noble sport of eating vast quantities faster than those beside me! To all others of the tower who shall compete, I am glad to meet you in the ring of food honor!

Sep. 2nd, 2013


I wish this AC would get turned back on. These ice packs are not really working. I think I'm going to go out and get some fresh air. Maybe go to the gallery for awhile where there is air conditioning and work on a few projects. If anyone wants to join me just let me know.

Aug. 26th, 2013


So I know I didn't order these, and I'd hate for someone to miss out on their Labor Day party.

cut for image )

But, Mr. XXXL, they're here. 1008.

Aug. 22nd, 2013


So something tells me that I should never have hopped onto youtube. Some people just have the strangest imaginations. I think next time I go in searching for something about my life, I'll just skip the videos and go straight for the reading material.

Because LOOK WHAT I OFFICIALLY FOUND!! I think that Justin would have appreciated it.

Aug. 21st, 2013


What the good fuck is the shit? One second I'm burying a friend, the next goddamn minute some blue box is suckin' me to a freaky ass room with doctors poking me. Last time I got prodded like that the motherfucker at least bought me dinner.

Sam? Sookie? They told me you was up in this bitch and I am NOT sitting alone in this shitty ass room. I needs some cocktails.

Aug. 12th, 2013


[Brian Kinney]

Cut for sexual themes/violence )


[Tony Stark (616)]
I saw Steve's post, I'm glad you're back. Unfortunately, I have to cancel our dinner. Sorry.


[Sherlock Holmes (Film)]
I need to see someone who knows when to stop me, but who don't do it all the same. I think that's you.


I marathoned Orange is the New Black over the weekend.

Cut for mild spoiler image )

I would never look good in orange.

Aug. 9th, 2013


It was just pointed out to me that I'm a bit like the gay man's James Bond.

Except I think James Bond is a little gay too.

And I'm not a secret agent. Or I'd be a shit one if I were saying that here.

Aug. 1st, 2013


The gallery that I work at has given permission to teach some art classes three days a week. If you are interested please let me know. We will work with the basics and then work up to the harder stuff. So if you are looking for something to do Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays come on down and sign up. I promise that you won't regret it.

Filtered to Brian
How are you doing?

Jul. 31st, 2013


So, apparently the DL at 95 Delancey st has Dorian Gray Dance Parties in their Red Room on Wednesday Nights. So, I guess that means I'm better than all of you.

Anyway, I'm going, because how could I not? If anyone else would like to go, you can find more information On their Facebook or here -- and I'll meet you in the Red Room


You know what? If you need me, text me. I'm almost sure we can have a civilized conversation about whatever it may be. But I have a life, friends and two jobs. I don't always have time. And since I need my paycheck, I can't just drop everything.

Kurt Hummel fit over. Go away and if you must come into my apartment, please take your shoes off. I spent forever shampooing the carpet.

Jul. 29th, 2013


Text to Dorian Gray
» So when do you get off?

[Text to Lindsay Peterson]
» On the plus side, guess I won't be paying for art school.

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