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Apr. 27th, 2014


Prom was actually a lot of fun. Much Better than the last one.

Want to grab some lunch?

Apr. 23rd, 2014


Texts to bay Kennish

-- we should go out tonight.
-- dinner and a movie.
-- you can pick the movie.

Apr. 20th, 2014


I'm not even mad that my egg wasn't edible.

cut not filtered )

Seriously, this is the best Easter ever.

Apr. 15th, 2014


The last time I went to prom was 2001. And it was a disaster. I've got the dress, I've got the date, is there anything I need to be aware of? With how different things are in this decade, I'm assuming prom has changed as well.

Apr. 14th, 2014


You know that feeling where you need to put together a portfolio to apply to art schools, but none of your stuff is here and you feel like everything you try to do sucks?

I am so there right now.

Pro Tip: Don't slice open your dominant hand and basically destroy your tendons, especially if you're an artist.


It's Passover.

If you celebrate and would like company, I'm in 505.

ooc note: sorry for the jessi spam today

Apr. 11th, 2014


In honor of not being able to leave the tower, I attempted to cook dinner. You would think I would have done a better job of it, considering what an awesome cook Angelo is, but nope. It kind of sucks that quarantine eliminates the option of just ordering a pizza.

I hope this thing doesn't last long, because I was going to go buy some new paints.

Apr. 3rd, 2014


I've been trying to think about what I'd do after I finished high school here, or whatever, and I've been coming up with a big blank. Probably because I haven't thought about what I'd do after a high school in a really long time. It's not like college was really a serious option for me.


Are we staying in the Tower then?

Apr. 1st, 2014


I had my very first modern manicure today, and now my nails are a lovely shade of light pink, almost a nude, really. It's really rather perfect as Spring seems to have truly arrived in our city, despite the slight chill in the air. While I was eating breakfast this morning, I found myself watching the Weather Channel and they were giving the weather reports for points farther west, and it is very warm indeed just a few states over! Perhaps we will follow suit in the following days and the sun will shine and a walk in the park will truly be a beautiful experience.

It truly amazes just how big this country is; distances it would have taken days to travel now only take hours and one can travel across an entire ocean overnight. And if that is not feasible, within one city there are now pockets of cultures and you can taste them all if you spend but a few hours exploring and talking.

One final question: is there anyone here of an artistic bent and who would be willing to take on a small project with me? I am perfectly willing to pay you, although I'm afraid it might not be very much.

[edited later, after she looks at her calendar]

Wade! Happy birthday!


Good morning, New York.

I've never much been one for chatting on the internet; my good looks and charm are much more useful in person. But I suppose I'll have to lay that aside for a moment, and instead try to use my verbal and written skills. Maybe it'll make Syd proud, anyway.

ANYWAY, are there any other artists here? I'm wanting to take classes, but there are so many available I'm a little overwhelmed.


Are you sitting down? I have a job. Well. Sort of. Part time. At an art museum, guiding tours. It's only two days a week, but it's something, right?

Mar. 27th, 2014


That was unbelievably awkward. This tesseract thing has a cruel sense of humor. At least I don't have to go back to Carlton right now.

[ Bay ]
I have to say I'm a little relieved not to be home. With the whole video thing...


So, New York is cool and all and I like being blindfolded as much as the next girl, but that was embarrassing a little uncalled for. And I'm really not crazy about the timing.

Emmett | Bay
Hey, you.

Mar. 15th, 2014


Ummm, is this whole boys turning into girls thing a thing that happens here a lot? Because it's kind of weird when they guy who sits next to you in math class suddenly has breasts. I'm just saying.

Please tell me you're still a boy. I think I'd be traumatized forever if I saw you as a girl.

Mar. 1st, 2014


The animal shelter called - apparently when I was here before we had a dog. And they have the dog, which they wanted me to come and pick up.

So, now, we've got a dog in the flat. This should be fun.

Feb. 24th, 2014


Okay, I just had the worst weekend of my life. I broke my phone and had to get a new one. I tried to make dinner, burned it and set off the smoke detector because it was that bad. I got my foot stuck in the elevator and then when I was hobbling my way to the clinic, I fell and sprained my wrist.

Not only is signing one-handed a pain in the ass, but I can draw or paint or anything right now, because of course it's my dominant hand.

I swear I didn't break any mirrors or anything, so what gives, universe?

Feb. 23rd, 2014


You find some interesting things on the internet.

[Bay and Daphne]
So I may have decided to take a look at the fanfiction about us. I found one about the two of you. Moving to Lima, Ohia and joining Glee Club. Oh and Toby? He joined a club like that at his all boys school.

[/Bay and Daphne]

Would you want to go see a movie or maybe get some dinner tomorrow night?


Feb. 20th, 2014


I just saw a commercial for s'mores cereal. This sounds like a thing that should be looked into. Also, it kind of makes me want to go camping again sometime soon.

[Filtered to Under 21s]
Rooftop tag tomorrow night. Who's in?

Feb. 12th, 2014


Oh, seriously?

Failed Filter to Daphne Vasquez
So, I watched out show and apparently future me goes crazy and tries to kiss Emmett.

WHO HAS AN INTERNET GIRLFRIEND, BY THE WAY! I mean, what the hell is THAT about?

Anyway, of course that made everything weird. And now I feel weird even though none of that has happened between us yet

You were right, by the way. That guy you like at your community service is REALLY cute!

Feb. 8th, 2014


[Texts to Bay Kennish]
-- I'm signing up for the new Women's Studies class.
-- You should too.

Feb. 3rd, 2014


[Texts to Starfire]
-- Look what I found!
-- Picture message
-- I'm bringing one home today.
-- Is that okay?

[Texts to Bay & Emmett]
-- Look what I picked up today
-- Picture message

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