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Jan. 5th, 2015


Hey Crowley, I found an article that's right up your alley.

But there's also a follow-up you should read.

[ETA: Zed]
Up for going out tonight?

Dec. 22nd, 2014


Well, well. Someone out there likes me.

Angel, drop everything. We're going for a drive.

Dec. 8th, 2014


Humans are quite the most inventive creatures. Yesterday I found myself caught up in a several-hours-long marathon of how it's made. Did you know that there are people who build model trains that are scaled for use in gardens? They were, I might say, rather charming.

Dec. 4th, 2014


I will never understand Angel candles during Christmas. Or at any time, really. I mean, you're basically setting an Angel on fire. And the people doing it are the ones who supposedly like Angels.

And while I'm on the subject: Angel, your cat followed me home again. So, you know, if you're looking for him.

Nov. 25th, 2014


I'm quite sure I feel the same about shopping on a holiday that is meant for family and togetherness as I do about shopping on Sundays: do it at risk of thine eternal soul. Additionally, it's quite rude to people who won't otherwise have a chance to spend the day with their loved ones. Surely a corporation's bottom line isn't more important then their employees well-being.

Nov. 17th, 2014


So Frederick decided that last night was the night he'd run a marathon at 4am. I've been off all day thanks to that.

[Dean Winchester]
How's it going?

Oct. 30th, 2014


Anyone in need of a house plant that is not living up to its potential superfluous?

[Filtered to Aziraphale]

I'm in need of an excellent meal, followed by a night at the theater.

Tonight? Tomorrow night? Or Saturday night?

Oct. 16th, 2014


Cats are evil buggers.


Found your cat. Or he found me. Either way, he is currently holding me hostage in the back office of your shop.

Oct. 15th, 2014


It's a little scary when you're in the waiting room for your doctor appointment and they have Fox News on and they say something you actually agree with. I really hope that the Stacy family was informed of tbis decision beforehand. Finding out after the fact isn't pleasant.

Open rehearsal at Avery Fisher Hall tomorrow morning at 9:45, amd tickets are really reasonable! If you let me know you're going beforehand I'll have lunch with you.

Oct. 14th, 2014


[Filtered to the demon and angel on the 25th floor*]

Hi...I don't know how the territory rules and all work when you're in a totally different universe, so please don't smite me for not checking in for now. But that's what I'm doing. Checking in. Georgina Kincaid, succubus, formerly under Jerome out of Seattle.

*Crowley & Aziraphale

Sep. 29th, 2014


I seem to consistently forget about posting here and elsewhere when events of import happen to my little shop. This week it's that we have reopened after the vandalism of last week. As a result of this vandalism, we will be selling the least damaged of the damaged books at a significant discount, and they will be sold until they are gone at that rate. Do please stop in and pick over the lot, and feel free to browse our regular selection. If you aren't able to find what you're looking for, please talk to me and it will be located and shipped to the shop. Or, if that is inconvenient, shipped directly to you.

Shall I look into acquiring a shop cat? I've always fancied myself a cat [...] person. Angel. Entity.

Sep. 26th, 2014


Spent a very entertaining half hour this morning, listening as someone tried to explain to his girlfriend what exactly happened at the bachelor party last night. Me making His phone dying every now and again didn't help, but made it even more entertaining. He's definitely sleeping on the sofa for the next week.

Sep. 22nd, 2014


Do you ever catch yourself in the middle of doing something and realize you just have way too much free time on your hands? I think I hit that point.


I do thank everyone for their patience as A-Z Books will be closed for the rest of this week, as we clear up from an attack from vandals. Unfortunately, these ones weren't the ones from the fifth century, and instead are local hooligans who find it amusing to prey upon those they perceive to be weaker than they. And when they are caught, they will pay. Oh, yes.

Sep. 3rd, 2014


Just came from a world with a pending Apocalypse and here we fall right slap-bang into another one. That is, of course, if you're listening to the mad preacher in the park. Fun times.


Any more hell hounds?

Aug. 26th, 2014


I walked past a vintage car dealership this morning and now I'm missing my car. Not that they had anything that even comes close to the Bentley, but still.

What do you miss from home where you're from?

[Filtered to Aziraphale]

I'm in the mood for Italian. Dinner tonight? I'll find us a fantastic restaurant.

Aug. 19th, 2014


It's nice to see that the world didn't end after all.

Plans for tomorrow? That don't involve alcohol?
How are you feeling? Getting better sleep these days?

Aug. 15th, 2014


I can say that all of these distractions are great, I'm getting back into my art and helping out at the gallery while also being an art teacher at the college. It takes away from all of the people that I'm missing.

Aug. 14th, 2014


So last night was fun. I can see a gaming system in my future.


Angel, your plants looked a bit forlorn when I saw them last, so now you've got a few more. Very nice orchids, even if I say so myself.

You need to buy more of that cereal. I finished it all

Aug. 5th, 2014


Quite interesting. The morning after I arrived, I found my book shop downstairs amongst all the other shops. A-Z Books (well, the name is very new) is located conveniently next to the coffee shop, so please feel free to stop in. Or not, I really don't mind.

Filter to Crowley
I try once a day to go home, but it doesn't work. So we're here for the time being. And going back won't be so bad, you know. He -- young Adam -- fixed it. The ineffable plan is still in place.

But more pressingly: how did you warrant two bedrooms? I'm the one who needs the library, my dear.

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