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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+five'

Apr. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

So. let’s say you were taken in by the woman who had your birth parents killed and then she raised you to be the very best time traveling assassin/fixer there is, and now you’ve got a tiny tot and you're trying to leave wet work in the past. What the hell do you put on your resume? I’ve never looked for a proper job before. It’s a ridiculous farce, isn’t it? Most of my references are either family now or very very dead.

Actually. Anyone have a band in need of a drummer? One getting paying gigs, not just sitting around in someone’s garage sweating bullets over their equipment, that is. If you have a drummer but they’re mediocre, consider punting them to the curb in favour of yours truly? I look really good in thigh high fishnets and tiny shorts, if that helps my cause any.

Mar. 28th, 2023



2023 net post

Anyone else in present day Vallo suddenly have the urge to just start training and amping up their skills? Just in case? For no reason at all? To either get stronger or get distracted? Whatever works, really.

Mar. 26th, 2023



2033 Network Post

This is a test post

Good morning, folks, we are back online. Sorry about the outage - it's not a security breach this time, just an update that went a little sideways.

If you run into anybody who can't get back on, tell them to do what the sign on my door says: turn your device off and back on again, and if that fails, delete the application and reinstall.

ETA: And while I've got you here, now is always a good time to change your passphrase. And YES, it still has to be at least 16 characters, that rule is not going anywhere.

ETA2: This is also your reminder to never let your device leave your person. This network is only as secure as we make it.

Mar. 21st, 2023



[No Subject]

Well. At least the whiplash doesn't feel as bad the second time around.

Feb. 26th, 2023



[No Subject]

Alright, so here's the thing. I've been here a fucking second now and I've got my people, but there's a lot of you people out there that I'm damn curious about. And, you know what, no matter how long you've been squatting here, be it fucking forever or you got here yesterday, you are damn curious about some people, too. So it's time for a drinking game, just without the drinking unless you are drinking on this weird exchange of a Da'leysen afternoon, in which case, fucking great, you're my kind of people.

Anyway, the game is simple. Point out something that you're curious about the person, then follow it up with a hearty what the fuck is up with that. (Don't actually have to say that, but it's highly encouraged and you're open to judgement if you don't.)

For example, someone could look at me and go: You're green, asshole. What the fuck is up with that? And then I'd answer.

And that's the game. Real fucking simple.

Also, I don't fucking know everyone around, so feel free to chime in so other folks can reply to you and get nosy. It's a gods damn free for all, okay. You reply, people ask questions, you ask questions, just fucking ask questions alright, go.

Feb. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

There really should be a warning that the Friendly Pixie is not very friendly at all. Interesting place y'all got here.



[No Subject]

I am not surprised that he left, I am surprised he left without causing a scene. But now I am missing our random conversations.

So, random question to start more conversations: Are you a cat or a dog person?

Jan. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

How late is too late to continue to say Happy New Year? Asking for a friend.

I got super busy with turning the castle into a venue and keeping a business going (and you know.. learning along the way too), that I have been slacking so much on my YouTube channel. You would think I'd have a wide variety to talk about between lycanthropy and making knives and just general Fen-related questions but I have absolutely hit a wall and don't know what to write. :( :(

Anyone got suggestions for YouTube topics? Or what to do when you hit some kind of mental block?

Oh, yeah, also YAY VALLO TEAM for getting rid of those mushrooms, seriously.

Jan. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

New world 🌎, new snood🧶 (thank you for the yarn loan, Blue!! I made you one!), old friends👋🏻! Thing is a little late to the party but I've already told him he's forgiven (that's why he hasn't said hello to you yet, Wednesday, remember your promise!!) so now I think he'll be a little more social.

He likes manis, a good hand lotion, people who know sign language or morse code, and massages. 👍🏻

[OOC: Please imagine that Thing is peeking up out of the snood with a little thumbs up in the pic!]
Cut for picture! )

Jan. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

I really, really appreciate all you do, Outlander Heroes, so you gotta know I'm saying this with full respect and lots 💓 of 💓 love 💓 in my heart.

I'm not giving up eating mushrooms. If you see me with food, it's probably best if you look away until the Too Soon period has passed.

But I'm totally ready to run mushroomless food to anybody who could use delivery services with a smile right now while they heal.

Jan. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

This is awfully strange. Both the situation and this device. My name is Emily Roland and I arrived two days ago. I am staying with Captain Laurence and Temeraire in the Covert.

Dec. 2nd, 2022



[No Subject]

I have confirmed that I am all that remains of my family in Vallo. All others from the land of my origin have gone on to other lives. Lotus Pier and the Burial Mounds are gone, but Cloud Recesses remains.

If any friends of Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, Lan Sizhui, Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli, Jin Ling, or George Weasley wish to join me in the traditional prayers for those who have moved on, I will hold the ceremony at the shrine at Cloud Recesses on Sunday, the fourth of December, at 2 in the afternoon.

[Filtered to Prompto]
I will not be at The Art of Expression again until Monday.

[Filtered to Will]
I know that our faith is not yours, but I would appreciate it if you would join me on Sunday. You may pray to anyone you like for the souls of those who have left us.

Dec. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

How am I still finding glitter all over the kitchen? It has been almost two weeks since that pixie showed up and I swear I've cleaned my kitchen at least a dozen times and cast two cleaning cantrips and still found my oven mitts filled with glitter today??

Why is this still happening???

Maybe we should just move apartments.

Nov. 26th, 2022



[No Subject]

Talon to Vallo

Hello! My name's Kir. I was hiding performing surveillance in Aeor where I was saved extracted! It was really scary full of interesting things. This place is really cool though! I'm still learning how to use the technology because it's super old but a good detective never blames their tools!

Which is what I am! Mostly. My dad is the best detective in all of Avalir (that's our home) and I'm his second in command! If anyone has any crimes or mysteries that need to be solved, I'm your guy! My expertise is in surveillance and observing, especially from high up, because I'm an eisuferra, so other people think I look like a big eagle! Small eagle? Bigger than eagles here, smaller than other eisuferra I know. I think I look like me. Anyway! I can see a LOT and I can fly REALLY high.

Any good detective knows that it's important to get a lay of the land and the people, so please introduce yourselves!

Talon to Wingspan ((unsent))

Wingspan, this is Talon, are you there? They said you aren't here but maybe you're hiding out?

If you are hiding out, it's okay, it seems safe!

Or if you're not able to respond yet, that's okay, I'll keep observing and taking notes so that when you can, we can debrief. I'm being really brave though, so don't worry about me!

Okay, um, I miss you, Dad. Wingspan! I mean Wingspan. Gotta be professional. Over and out.

Talon to Caleb and Essek

Talon to Eagle Eye and Night Owl, I'm pleased to report that the perimeter of The Nest has been evaluated and is secured! I have some suggestions on security, but those are some small things.

(Pssst, I like my room a lot too. The big window is really nice. For observing things, of course.)



[No Subject]

I have to say, I'm enjoying seeing all the decorations that have started to come out in the last few days.

[ AANG ]
Hi. I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing now that everything has settled back down again.

I want to ask you something, but you CAN'T be annoying about it.



[No Subject]

Heads up, I guess, but if anyone sees a giant pink lion with a curly mane, she's... mine, I guess? Melog's going to show her around the forest and I'm not entirely sure how those two are going to get along or if she's going to cause any mischief like Melog has in the past. But her name's Clawdeen, and she's--

Honestly, I don't even know. She's there. File your complaints to me if she starts anything or if you happen to see those two fight, let me know.

Oct. 13th, 2022



[No Subject]

I thought long and hard about what I want to do living inside a huge castle that is mostly empty space and echoes because Margo isn't all the inhabitants from Fillory are not here and it's literally just me and my adorably fat cat.

So I decided the main ballroom will be an area used to rent out to like, big parties and such. Hell, maybe a coronation. There used to be cursed thrones on the dais but they were long since removed and the whole castle is relatively curse free.

So. Tell your friends and family or something?

Filter: Thor
Hi. I'm checking in because I know it sucks when people leave.

Sep. 29th, 2022



[No Subject]


Hey, wanted to check in and see how you've been. How would you feel about dinner with Quentin and I one evening?


Haven't seen you around much. How are you doing?]

[Abigail Hobbs]

Any date for the housewarming party yet? How's school going? How are you?

Sep. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

Well, I can officially say that everything my teachers in high school told me about college seems to be one big "Let's See How Scared We Can Get Them" because I'm pretty sure half of them told me that we would have to be at our utmost respectful and professional, and yet I've already had two college professors walk in wearing sweatpants talking about how they were hungover from the previous night and the first day was only for the syllabus, okay bye, see you next class.

Or is that Vallo colleges are the ones that happen to be that chilled out?

Filter: Fruity Four (aka +Eddie, Steve, Robin)
I hate to bring this up at a time like this when we're... having fun in this world? Maybe? But I feel like I have to bring it up to someone at least, and I figured I'd do it with the four of us before we brought it to the rest of the group but.

I started a chat with someone else who dealt with Vecna in their world and it sounds like even though it wasn't easy for them either, they managed it. How much is it going to help us, I'm not sure but I feel like I just have to find out how they managed to do it. Even if it turns out to be pointless, I want to try. Unless it requires us having magic.

Filter: Will Byers
I've dropped down to part-time at the library now that school's started but if you still want to research in the stacks, I'll be during Friday evenings and Sundays.

Aug. 30th, 2022



RP Log: Five & Eliot Waugh

Who: Five & Eliot Waugh
What: New friends go out for food.
When: July 24
Where: Mother of Pearl at Galdin Quay
Warnings: None that I can think of.

A thought occurred to him, Five did know how to get to Gilded Quay, right? )