Well, as it turns out, the fae here were not impressed when I inquired about the Unseelie and indicated my association with the same court in my own world, so...
Hello, once again. It has been a few weeks, but I did not properly introduce myself as I instead just asked about mortality--apologies for that, once again--and muffins. My name is Andhera and it is a great pleasure to meet all of you.
I have since found muffins--thank you, once again, to those of you that gave suggestions as they were all well founded. I also have it under good authority that there is a library that is not just good, but is actually
great, that I am looking forward to checking out incredibly soon as I like books and I like great books even more. Oh, I also ate something called a cheeseburger and I may only eat cheeseburgers for the rest of my existence.
That said, has anyone seen a dog wandering about with the face of an old man? He answers to Grandpa Dog and occasionally swears.