WHO: Shiro & Keith WHAT: Surprise snowstorm out in the forest near their cabin WHEN: A week or so ago? WARNINGS: Pretty tame just having fun with the stuck in a cave trope STATUS: Complete
WHAT: Harrow experiences a first good birthday WHERE: Hopper Cabin in Vallo Forest WHEN: November 15th WARNINGS: References to child genocide and terrible reasons why people procreate STATUS: Complete ART CREDIT: Could not find artist, just on Pinterest
WHO Dorian Storm and Orym WHERE The deck of the Silver Sun WHEN Night of November 2 WHAT Orym pops a question. STATUS Complete ART CREDITT'WAS I WARNINGS Schmoop and schmooches
WHAT: Celebrating Catra's 24th birthday with some serious talks and fluff talks WHERE: Black Light Event in the City WHEN: Tonight WARNINGS: None really STATUS: Complete
WHAT: Ivy gets her memories back; Harley and Ivy take another step in their relationship WHERE: Mostly their Morningside apartment WHEN: Mid-afternoonish today WARNINGS: Brief FTB STATUS: Complete
WHAT: They have their weekly catchup session which includes Vallo's latest hijinks WHERE: A diner that serves burgers and shakes WHEN: Today WARNINGS: None STATUS: Complete
WHAT: Killing a scarecrew and getting sprayed with candy instead of guts WHERE: Vallo forest WHEN: During a patrol shift in September WARNINGS: Hot Girl Violence STATUS: Complete
WHAT. Gansey panic purchased every pregnancy test in Vallo WHERE. Drugstore & The Barns WHEN. Today! WARNINGS. Unplanned pregnancy, anxiety over it - but acceptance. STATUS. Complete! ART LINK.here!
WHAT: Ivy wakes up without her memories WHERE: Their Morningside apartment WHEN: Early this morning WARNINGS: Some yelling/language, Harley hallucinating her past self, nbd STATUS: Complete
WHAT: Harley considers erasing Joker from her memories WHERE: Driving home from wrestling WHEN: Late tonight WARNINGS: References to Domestic Abuse STATUS: Complete
WHAT. Vex finds a little dragon buddy when she’s only “visiting”, harasses her brother about it. WHERE. Forest, Raven’s Crest WHEN. Backdated to the NPC plot! WARNINGS. Not many, but a little sadness in the background from loss/grief. STATUS. Complete! ART.Here!
WHAT: Monica is young and full of questions WHERE: The Rambeau house,New Asgard WHEN: September 26th WARNINGS: References to parental death STATUS: Complete
WHAT: Harley messed up and wants to clear things up in person. WHERE: Vallo Botanical Gardens WHEN: Monday, after these comment threads WARNINGS: None STATUS: Complete