I don't know how common bulettes are across worlds, but I am now two for two days in getting wrapped up in a fight with what I
assume is one? I'd only heard and read stories about them back home, but both were massive (which I know might seem sketchy coming from me, but
really), had big claws and a massive jaw, and really hurts when they get a hit in on you. Thank you to everyone I got to fight alongside
, or I'd probably be.
Anyway, I don't know if it's just coincidence that it happened two days in a row or if they're going to be a
thing, so just keep an eye out, I guess. As good of an eye as you can on a creature that burrows around underground and bursts out of nowhere on you.
Also, lost most of the groceries I was bringing back for dinner in the scuffle, so it might be a Taste of Tal'Dorei kind of night, people that live with me.