Basically Terrible!Vallo was terrible and I think we're all kind of still reeling from that
so. I'm not like, super magic despite my uncanny ability to beat anyone at pool and run in heels, a trick a learned after my twenty-first birthday when I was escaping the Yaguza. But
even so, I'm here to help.
Rose Apothecary has "Take a F*cking Day Off' baskets available for the loved one in your life who was maybe sick or injured during that hot mess but also won't take a f*cking day off. Not like we don't know it says fucking, but the star just looks nice. Anyway - in that basket you'll find soothing herbal tea, a coloring book and pencils, a restorative milk bath made of jojoba, argan, some mint and blood orange, and then a beautiful scented candle (handmade). Come pick one up today!
Also, if anyone's wondering, I hired some locals to work at the store after Vallo poofed like 98% of the staff, including my brother. So helping out is just side money for me. Better than when I was paid to talk up Heart Blaster energy drink at a Third Eye Blind concert, but I still prefer what my degree's
actually in. Still, if any Outlander person is looking to work at Rose Apothecary, we can make that happen.