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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+dean+winchester'

Oct. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

I promise I am not one to complain, so this is really more of an observation than anything, but playing around with 20+ year old tech when that tech is the current height of tech is [...] challenging. And I like a challenge! So it's fine! Just definitely a change of pace.

But on the other side of it, some of the restaurants and stores that went out in my earlier childhood and were greatly missed are here and thriving, so that's been a very welcome blast from the past.

Oct. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

Grab a coffee or something stronger. I got a text from Care Caroline about what we can only call Vallo being Vallo. She's got her hands f Some of you are likely already aware, so to head off questions and chaos, the DOA can confirm there seems to be some kind of timeslip event happening. Don't freak out if you suddenly have a kid or someone you know isn't the right age. The latter might be easier to adjust to since it's happened at least once before in the time I've been here - but the kid thing may be a bit shocking.

If you need a hand, the DOA has services to help out. That said, though, in an effort to coordinate and assist, we're asking you to chime in here with any reports you want to share so that we can manage resources and get a handle on expectations.

[ooc | this here's the catch-all post, I offered to get one up early for Meghan]
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Oct. 11th, 2021



[No Subject]

To attempt to be a productive member of society, I've taken on a manager position at Lux. This is either going to be great, or a complete disaster. There will be no in between. If you catch me behind the bar make sure to give me a challenge.

Regina, I have given up on finding any unopened bottles of wine at the penthouse. Lucifer has found them already.

Oct. 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

Sometimes, I really hate this place. I guess I shouldn't complain too much. I did get to spend time with the nephew I never would have met if not for Vallo.


Do you want to help me mope this weekend?

Sep. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

Show of hands. Has anyone else come across a super tiny dude rolling around a ball of all your stuff? Cause I just did, and let me tell you, it was fucking weird. My dog sniffed him out and tried to eat him, but whatever it was just vanished AND LEFT ALL MY DAMN SHIT IN A PILE ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!!!!!!!

Sep. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey, Vallo. If you could stop sending my friends away, that would be lovely. For fuck's sake.

texts to sirius black )

texts to carol danvers )

texts to dean winchester )

Sep. 13th, 2021



[No Subject]

There's a lot to process still, but it was suggested I reach out on here because there are some people around who know me... so, hi?

Sep. 10th, 2021



[No Subject]

In the interest of experimentation, I've been digging deep into Food Hybrids. I got introduced to the cronut which was really amazing but apparently there's so much more to choose from. Going to break it down here:

1. The Duffin - a cross between a donut and a muffin. Sweet and sticky and cake-like, injected with jam. Pretty good. Would order again.

2. The Cretzel - a cross between a croissant and a pretzel. They're brown, and apparently made that way by covering croissant dough in lye and sprinkling with salt. I think I'd just prefer a regular pretzel?

3. The Brookie - a cookie and a brownie combination. The one I had was a cookie topped with a brownie but apparently it can be the opposite too. This is a good combo though, even if it's so sweet I think I forgot it was supposed to be a breakfast food. Or is it? Maybe it's just dessert. Total sugar rush either way. I didn't blink for a few seconds.

4. The Donnoli - a donut and cannoli fusion. AKA a donut filled with cannoli cream, the sweet ricotta kind. Kind of reminds me of funnel cake. It's also very sweet but that's pretty much this whole list and I need to brush my teeth again.

5. The Wonut - a waffle and a donut (a waffle rounded and then fried like a donut). Why is everything bred with donuts? That brings me to my next experiment...

6. The Townie - a tart and a brownie. The brownie was really gooey inside the crispness of the pastry outside and I think this one is my favorite so far because who would have thought?

7. Finally, concluding my diabetic experiment with the pie shake - a milkshake with pie flavors, like blueberry or pumpkin or pecan. Though I also think it involves putting an actual slice of pie into a blender which, honestly, I completely approve of.

Which one is your favorite? Is there one I missed that I should try? I'd like to know for my data-compiling purposes. And for when it's less freezing outside, because that's definitely a temperature.

Sep. 8th, 2021



[No Subject]

Oh dip! I was at the fish market for the weird squid flavors and the old guy that sells fake gator but tries to sell it as real gator. We were gonna show him what we thought about that, but then I got distracted by this place call Crahven fish and next to it was Crahven crabs. They said they’re new and they gave me tons of seafood cause DJ Flippers did a little dance. It was bad, but apparently cute, so I got a discount. Does anyone wanna come eat some of this, though? I got a little too excited about free food.

Also maybe someone come help us carry it from the place cause I slashed Motor Rick’s tires in Gator Mike’s honor and he’s probably gonna figure it out soon.

Sep. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]

My name is Nick Miller and I am not a proud man.

I live in a tree, I haven't eaten anything but berries in the last two days, I'm almost sure the river water I drank is the reason why my stomach hurts right now.

And now there's a bear circling the base of the tree I call home. I don't think it's a great climber because it hasn't tried to come up yet. But I think this will change once it senses the fact that I am in no way equipped to fight it.

Track my phone, I know someone put a bug on it so you could. Take me away to he experimented on if you want. I don't care. Just don't let this bear get me.

Aug. 30th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Dean Winchester & Castiel
Where: Bunker
When: Magic Plot
What: Before and After
Warnings: Language

What do you mean, you don't remember? )

Aug. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

man. arms are the lamest. i cant paly viedo games and dj flippers is beating me at everything;

Aug. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

Per the commander - If you are missing a relative or loved one, please provide their name and description here and available Defense members will look for them. Some of us have been affected by the loss of magic, so your patience is going to go a long way.

I can't promise you anything, but waiting without word is fucked.

Jul. 29th, 2021



Text - Sam Winchester

>>Just wanted to let you know.
>>DJ apparently hates chicken nuggets.
>>He said they were disgusting and then fed them to Miracle.
>>Then he got upset because I wouldn't let him drink a bottle of whiskey.
>>So, it's been fun over here.

Jul. 27th, 2021



[No Subject]

Castiel (EV) & Dean
July 20| The Bunker| Complete

I like taking care of you Dean.
Language, Sad, Major Fluff

Read more... )

Jul. 22nd, 2021



[No Subject]

Okay. So I know I was complaining about my utterly, tragically forgotten birthday but that was not a hint that I wanted the most complicated surprise theme party in history. I’m both disturbed and impressed by the attention to detail and the devotion the actors portraying the government officials have to their craft. Great work. Fantastic work.

I would like to know what kind of drugs were used to convince me that I had gone from walking into Cafe Tropical to falling right the fuck out of a giant rock that would probably make the healing crystal crowd literally just drop dead out of sheer joy. That explanation seems to still be escaping me. Anyone care to break character long enough to enlighten me?

Please, dear God, enlighten me. I refuse to accept the alternative. This is not real.

[An addition, added several minutes later]




Jul. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

Pretty much my vision quests leading up to my own wedding (which - yeah, hi, we're getting married next Saturday and feel free to come celebrate with us and play video games and karaoke in a castle, also we're having a milk and cereal bar) have been fine EXCEPT FOR RECENTLY, Jesus Christ on ice:

cut for drawing - pretend it's not watermarked )

Not particularly liking AAAAH, OUCH, or SPLASH (that implies the presence of goo, bloodstains, or maybe even diseased sewer water) because what the cinnamon toast fuck. I'm having an intense attack of panic right now.

Jul. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

I don't remember the exact day that my anniversary falls on, because why would I? But I did just realize that I'm either coming up on being in this place a whole fucking year already or recently passed it.

Either way, in honor of the occasion of this place putting up with my dumb ass for that long, who wants to go to Galahd's for a drink or three on Friday?

[Homestead + Raylan]

Drinks are my treat for you guys, duh.

Jul. 13th, 2021



Text to Dean Winchester.

Are you busy Thursday night?
I thought that we could go out and get some drinks or something.
We haven't hung out together in the general pop in a while.

Jul. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

I don't particularly remember wishing for anything but over the past couple days I've found a bouncy house in my yard that doesn't need to be plugged in to stay bouncy, a little pool that the water stays perfectly clean and just the right temperature for Lucas, my wine bottle keeps refilling itself, I got told to take an extra long weekend with pay and now a housekeeper just showed up and is apparently on indefinite retainer. At least it's a good weird this time around.

* backdated to yesterday