To whoever sent the edible arrangement, please know that was incredibly thoughtful of you. Really, just so selfless and kind. I have a feeling it was sent from someone who is only soft and truly considers me to be a close, loving friend and confidante. Rest assured that Trinket and I ate the shit out of it.
Anyway, I'm truly bored. I don't know what was promised to Rodrigo, but I have never been bossed around more by an Unseen Servant. Tell me tales of the outside, because I fear I'll be laid up in this bed forever, if this floating vest has anything to say about it.
And, you know, kraken fucking suck and yeah okay thanks, Diego, for making sure I didn't get eaten by one for the second time in my bloody existence and have to have another meeting with my goddess. Also trying to decide if this means I should eat more or less seafood?