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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+yelena+belova'

Sep. 3rd, 2024



[No Subject]

I need someone else to confirm the gang of penguins that graffitied the alley next to the angry pixies coffee shop. Because, what.

I'll take Sentences I thought I'd never type for 400.


I have a proposition.

Aug. 16th, 2024



[No Subject]

Well, can't say it's every day I jump off a cliff and end up in another universe. But I'll bet the two versions of me that were here before said the same thing. Brenda at the DOA claims I was a big fan of essential oils.


Aug. 9th, 2024



netpost - yelena belova - august 9th

Does Vallo have like.. magical plant exterminators or something?

The house being empty is already fucking maddening and now I have weird purple buds coming right out of my shower drain. If this doesn't get taken care of soon, I'm going to have to start using someone else's shower because I don't trust this.

Jul. 31st, 2024



vallo prime network

Just to make sure I have this straight: I'm in a place that has drawn people in from all across the multiverse, as well as having a native population. And then on top of that some people who were brought here are now in a horror series on tv, playing characters in roles that they didn't necessarily choose? And there's no way for me to connect with them?

Where's Wanda? Is she alright?

Are the people in this television show alright? Even if... they die?

Jul. 24th, 2024



[No Subject]

If there's anything you need, I'm here.

I love you.

Jul. 8th, 2024



[No Subject]

I knew things could show up from home, but knowing and something suddenly appearing on your kitchen counter are two different things.

[Filtered to Carol]
I think this is a sign that I need to help you cook dinner sometime.

[Filtered to Kate]
Hey. How are things going?

Jul. 1st, 2024



[No Subject]

Hey guys! Long time no see!

So, real quick question, but Kamala didn't, you know, disappear in the last few months, did she? It's just that her house is empty and I'm kind of freaking out

[Please assume all responses to comments are coming a few hours after the initial post goes up]

Jun. 26th, 2024



netpost - yelena belova - june 26th

Hey, people with magical abilities... can you potentially sense if an animal is magical? Or if someone just got new abilities during this meteor storm?

Or if the animal got magical abilities during the meteors???

Mango was being annoying and I told her I wish she could use words to tell me what's wrong and then she fucking did. She actually said "I don't like color of this lightbulb" with THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.

Although there's also a chance I might be going crazy because she only said it once and then it didn't happen again.

Jun. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]

Did anyone else wake up to a depressing clown painting randomly on their wall? And then the depressing clown coming to life after you stared at it in horror for too long? Or was that just me?

The worst part is I can't even be mad because all I feel is sad. Well, he's following me everywhere I go now, so that's actually the worst part, but the sad is up there.

This is definitely going on the 'Not Cool, Vallo, Not Cool' list.

May. 18th, 2024



netpost - yelena belova - may 18th evening

They're both gone. Leon and Chris.

If you research people figure out that whatever is sending people back and forth has a face, let me know because I have to fucking punch it somehow.

Filter: Daud & Iris (separately)
I need a break from work for a few days.

Apr. 15th, 2024



[No Subject]

Despite the best efforts of fate, Spring mead is out at Asynja. If you like floral flavors, good news. We have Hibiscus, Rose, and Lavender brewed to human strength, and several barrels of Lavender brewed to knock gods off their feet. Enjoy.

[Filtered to Kate Bishop]
If I disappeared, would you take over the meadery, close it, or sell it?

Apr. 2nd, 2024



[No Subject]

[Posted after all the fighting is over and done with]

Ha! You guys all thought I was fucking crazy, but eat it. I knew I'd find her. Never doubt the Orcot Gut Instincts.

Welcome home, Revy, you crazy bitch. I'll be waiting at the apartment for you with a couple of bloody steaks, a case of beer, and a bottle of the best rum I can find.


Hey, Kate's been watching Chris for like a week. You guys mind taking over tonight while Rev and I get reacquainted?

Mar. 28th, 2024




Did anyone else make it through? Is anyone else in the middle of the forest? There's a group of us here, but we're still trying to figure out where exactly we are.

Mar. 22nd, 2024



[No Subject]


Mar. 19th, 2024



netpost - yelena belova - march 19th

Filter: Leon The Roommate, Kate, Carol, Kamala, Violet The One With Dragons, Daud and Syd
Good afternoon. You're on the list of invites for a small get-together that Kate wants because she doesn't want to make a big deal about it (honestly, I don't blame her, I'm always like that on my birthdays too). I'm pretty sure I'd be missing people because I don't keep track of everyone she knows.

I mean, I could but then she'd tell me I'm being the scary ass spy Yelena again so.

Anyway, this Friday evening, 7PM at our house. There's at least two kids here, so we won't get too rowdy. Before you invite anyone, make sure to ask Kate first if it's okay.

Mar. 14th, 2024



[No Subject]

Okay, I feel like I'm kind of getting the hang of this now. Still feels really weird for my whole body to stretch or shrink or whatever, but it's much more fun when it's something I can actually control.

ALSO - Happy Pi Day to the math geeks. And if you're not a math geek, it looks like it's also National Potato Chip Day in America, so celebrate and get yourself a bag of chips.

(By the way, Leon, you win best grumpy face.)

Mar. 12th, 2024



[No Subject]

Violet Debenham, Kate Bishop, Carol Danvers
ft. Yelena Belova & Leon Orcot
WHAT: Violet ends up with Carol's powers, causes destruction, and goes to Kate for help - chaos reigns
WHERE: Black Widow House
WHEN: Backdated to late-ish morning of March 10th
WARNINGS: Exploding TV, guns
STATUS: Complete

“We found your powers. Can you come over here before my roommates shoot someone?”
Read more... )



Briar #14

Oi. Who's got my magic? This sort of thing is considered very taboo where I come from, although I appreciate it's another amusing Vallo quirk, it doesn't mean I have to like it.

Mar. 4th, 2024



Space V.A.L.L.O.

Kate & Yelena
WHAT: Reunited in space (kinda sorta)
WHERE: Mess hall, Starship V.A.L.L.O.
WHEN: Backdated to the first day of space plot!
STATUS: Complete

“I can promise you that neither of us meant to leave you. And I… don’t know if I can come back with you, but I hope you can get your Kate back. However that works.”
Read more... )

Feb. 24th, 2024



log: yelena and leon



Leon and Chris check out their soon to be new home

warnings none

“I rather have you both here than be alone.” )