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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+astarion+ancun%C3%ADn'

Feb. 16th, 2024



[No Subject]

May I pick your beautiful and magical minds on something?
Hello! I don't know if we've ever been more formally introduced, but I'm Octavia. I know that this reaching out might be a bit out of pocket, but I was hoping you might indulge me just a smidge as I'm starting out doing a bit of research and some of it involves questions about Vallo and I understand the three of you might be best qualified on this network to start with.

All that blustering on to say that my research is involving Vallo's native vampires and I would be happy to make trade for information or anything like that, if you'd like. But I don't want to get too deeply into what I'm looking for, if you'd rather pass, so--if you're willing to have a conversation, please let me know.

Feb. 13th, 2024



[No Subject]

Filtered to Tav

Darling, tomorrow is apparently a very special day. I hope you'll leave your evening empty so that yours truly can fill it. I've got all sorts of delicious little things planned.

Filtered to Wyll

HELP. Some... love holiday is tomorrow and I've got no plan. Assist me.

Jan. 28th, 2024




Uh so is it always like this around here? Chaotic but quiet all at once?

I'm Violet. They told me I wasn't being held hostage and the mender dropped me off at the place where they gave me money? But I'd rather find my dragons. So if you see a giant black dragon followed around by a smaller black dragon, let me know? Neither of them are very good at being well-behaved if they think I'm in danger.

Jan. 26th, 2024



Vallo Prime Network

Good morning, everyone. I know we've all been feeling tense as we wait for word from our volunteers who went through the portal. I know that brings with it an inherent feeling of helplessness; I'm sorry there isn't more we can do on that end at the moment. However, we do have news.

The DOA received a call from the Vallo Police Department early this morning. Late last night, Dahlia Argent, of Beketh coven, turned herself in as a party in the portal beasts incident back in November. Along with our people, her sister, Luciana, was taken by the portal, as well as some Vallo residents - the exact number is currently being investigated. DOA leadership was invited to come speak with Ms. Argent, and we've learned the following:

A group of Vallo natives have been working on ways to open a portal to send Outlanders either back to their world or out of Vallo permanently. The teleportation circle found by Sam Wilson in December, as well as a portal that opened on Geliara Academy's grounds and the theft of the Ashurbanipal amulet in November were all early, failed attempts at targeting Outlanders. The November 10th incident with the portal beasts was the closest they've come to success, but they didn't have the correct knowledge to close the portals without threatening the rest of Vallo.

This group has been using the teachings and research of the Guide of Existence, also known as Bronislavas of Beketh, whose body is on display in the Vallo Museum of Natural Magicks. They've made attempts to resurrect him for his assistance - if you remember, the museum was broken into back in August and that particular exhibit was temporarily closed; this was an attempt to take one of Bronislavas' bones for the resurrection process. This plan also failed.

After discussions with VPD and Beketh, they've agreed to let Outlanders take matters into our own hands. We've been granted permission to resurrect Bronislavas and, hopefully, both get more answers on this portal and his assistance in bringing the missing back home. If any of our community have the appropriate skills for this task, please let us know here, and the DOA will facilitate any way we can.

Jan. 24th, 2024




We have over 30 missing Outlanders so far and more names are still coming in. The portal they went through is still open, and now protected by a barrier so we don't lose track of anyone else for now, but it does seem to be a working portal, but we cannot guarantee that it is a two-way street, given our friends and family have not stepped back through yet we have to assume the way may be blocked on their side.

We still plan to launch a rescue mission, but the group going through also needs to be aware of the risks and be able and willing to set up communications in the event that a return trip won't be immediate.

The DOA is going to be confirming the list of those missing so we have exact names and numbers, and studying the portal to ensure it's safe to travel through.

The current plan is that tomorrow we'll send a group through, if you wish to sign up to be on the rescue mission, put your name here and be at the DOA offices in the morning for a full briefing. Pack ONE bag, no larger than what you can carry and run with, and bring your weapons of choice.

Jan. 17th, 2024



[No Subject]

It seems I've inherited a meadery. I can't let the place fall I don't know why in the void he thought I could

If anyone's looking for work, especially of the evening/late night variety, come see me. I need a couple of bartenders. The pay is good enough that you won't rely on tips and the patrons are usually well-behaved. The work is easy: just pull the right lever and stop when the glass is full. Sufficiently well-trained monkeys are also welcome to apply.

Jan. 10th, 2024



[No Subject]

After some initial coaching, I think I'm doing this right. Clever device, this. I'll take it over a Sending any day of the week.

Having been told that Tav and Astarion are here is good news as well. Sorry Astarion, I hear you only work nights or we would have already seen you.

I say we because Shadowheart is here with me, we're both marveling over Electri City. I'm also finding myself very fond of the lack of chamber pot smells.

Ah oh, yes, hello, Wyll Ravengard, formerly the Blade of Frontiers and more recently the Blade of Avernus. Perhaps you've heard a few stories?

Jan. 4th, 2024



[No Subject]

Message to Astarion:

So, this is going to sound weird, but I found a bunch of notes from you this morning. Something about you making me a bomber jacket? Looks like we had a full on conversation and...I'm really sorry, man, I don't remember this at all. Was I supposed to come to your shoppe? Did I go to your shoppe?

Also, what's wrong with my taste in clothes?!

Dec. 31st, 2023



[No Subject]

Letter, left in Octavia's satchel for her to discover later )

Dec. 12th, 2023



Serendipity Hills

OH HELLO MY DARLINGS what a delight it is to be seeing you ho ho hoeing it up in this [...] place! I am Nadja and you may see my very HANDSOME colleague Mr. Asterion and you may consider us sort of [...] counselors of a sort! We know that the holidays are just a STRESSFUL time and that there are MANY people who may make that more stressful for you! Please feel free to talk to Mr. Asterion and myself about those people and we will do our best to eat them make them the problem go away!

Perhaps it is that person who has a very large light display that shines in your bedroom window! Perhaps it is an ex-partner who has left you in your wedding attire! Perhaps it is a relative who will not shut up about politics even when you have attempted many times to change the topic but they simply refuse to understand and persist in bringing it up every other minute as if turkey is a political issue and 'it is just so hard to keep it all straight'!

Consider us similar to the large robber man who breaks into your house and eats your food! Except instead of eating your food we will eat people we will listen to your wants and will deliver you peace of mind! Because we are so giving and gracious and sexy!

also speaking of sexy many of you simply need to lean into the being very very very bad and bang out the issues

All queries are entirely confidential, but please, spill those stories!

Dec. 3rd, 2023



[No Subject]


Can anyone give me an explanation of what the fuck is going on that doesn't involve being kidnapped into a magical fairy land?

Dec. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

One month left of free soup and then this happens.



[No Subject]

Apparently I worked at the Underground as a trainer and didn't know about that until I was walking by the place and it triggered a memory. So I went in, got to talking to management, and I'm starting up sessions again at the Underground a couple of days a week. Group sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays, individual sessions on an as need basis. If you're looking to sharpen up whatever skills you do have or are looking to learn self defense, come find me or message me.

I'll be focused on knife fighting, boxing, Taekwondo, and Krav Maga. Open to other martial arts and hand to hand.

And if you have a problem with a baby watching me kick your ass into shape, do not take this class. This is part of her training.



[No Subject]

I suppose I should officially introduce myself on this Network now that I'm all settled in and have received my requisite hour of incomprehensible Edwin Courcey explanation. Though I suppose neither I nor anyone trying to make some sort of immersive illusion could have managed to make that feel quite so authentic. I swear, he's the only man I know who could make "space-time continuum" and "travelling to an alternate dimension" put me to sleep.

In any case, my name is Violet Debenham. I see we're all very open about ~*~magic~*~ here, so I may as well get it out of the way that I'm a magician, and an actress. And I suppose this might be a nice vacation from real life, at least for a little while even if Edwin said he's been here for nearly two yea

Nov. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello, I'm back, but not here to rip out any hearts unless you ask nicely.

I'm working on getting things sorted, but Henry's a baby now because Vallo made a choice. I'm not complaining, but this means diapers, sleepless nights, and me not being able to work fulltime at my old law firm until I can figure that out. I need a babysitter and my go tos are gone (what the fuck, Vallo) or don't remember me (what the fuck, Nyx).

I'll accept applications here.

Once that's sorted, I'll be needing some help when I'm working fulltime again. I need an investigator on my payroll to help me work my cases. No real requirements other than light feet and a can do attitude. No perkiness..

I'll also accept applications for that here.

Business out of the way, who is serving the best wine right now? Everything's different, did you guys rebuild some things?



[No Subject]

I understand that there is a group that meets here for queer women that use various styles of weaponry. I love this for all of you and fully support the continued existence of such a place to hang out and have camaraderie.

However, I am useless with a weapon. I stabbed at an intellect devourer once and I think that I might have hurt myself more in the effort and only succeeded in tickling it, so I've since given up and rely entirely on my magic. Best for everyone, though apologies if you turn into cats again or, I don't know, summon a cambion. (Do cambions exist in this world? Perhaps we'll get lucky.)

Anyway, all of that to say that I'd like to suggest or create a sister group, if there isn't one already, for queer women that wield magic. I have no doubt that there will be crossover as I have to assume that there are others more skilled than myself that juggle both, but I am still fairly new here and I thought this may be a nice way to meet others and also just have some conversation, possible demonstration, and drinks, if you partake.

If there is interest, please let me know here and I'll organize a time and place and we can discuss the food and drink aspect to go with.



[No Subject]

It it strange to think that three months has passed since I first found myself among those now calling Vallo home, and it still feels as though there is no shortage of interesting things to uncover. The sheer volume of books alone, the information stored in this device, it seems endless at times.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone for making this transition into a new world a smooth, and rather pleasant one. My life back home was one that required a certain level of seclusion and covertness for many years, it has been a nice change of pace to speak freely, and if I dare say, embark on friendships.

I would also ask a favour if I could. I am not - entirely alone here in Vallo. Five years ago I took into myself a part of Ultima, a god with rather nefarious designs for my world back home. I have kept him trapped for some time now, and am more than willing to continue to do so. However it is very clear to me that what is possible here may be boundless, and that a more viable solution might be had. With that, I would like to ask if anyone here has had to contain a god before, or part of one, and how it was done. I am, of course, not asking for anything to be done at this moment, or for anyone to take on this task themselves. I had just thought perhaps it time to begin gathering information, to see if there are other options at hand.

Nov. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Letter and sketches sent to Leon Kennedy's place of residence )

Nov. 13th, 2023



Log: Octavia & Astarion


WHO Octavia and Astarion Ancunín
WHEN Afternoon of October 10 (backdated)
WHERE The clinic
WHAT Tav forgets that she can Misty Step for a second, letting her get gnawed on and landed in the clinic. Astarion rushes to see her, smoking just a little bit around the edges.
WARNINGS Aftermath of the monster fight, some talk of violence/injuries. Hurt/comfort goodness.
"I wasn't even trying to be a hero this time." Read more... )



[No Subject]

Does Vallo have a dedicated cave rescue crew?