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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+kaitlyn+ka'

Jun. 20th, 2024



[No Subject]

If the last three days have taught me anything, it's that Divination was the right call for my specialization and that I need to take up more magical adventure shenanigans to endurance more effectively. Either that or my party from home needs to be brought here in full so they can protect their squishy wizard from the brunt of demons at all times.

I say that, but I also remember being knocked out almost every fight so maybe it doesn't matter and I'm forever meant to be squishy.

But onto completely different things: if you woke up from trancing to fifteen cats in your room and you only knew the name of one of them (Hector), what would you name the other fourteen? Note that they are mostly older cats that are deserving of a good deal of love. Hypothetically speaking.

May. 30th, 2024



[No Subject]

If you died and were made into a ghost after, without your previous consent, would you want to move on and stop being a ghost if that option were available?

May. 24th, 2024



[No Subject]

In case you didn't see it, I volunteered to help out Mike with the village issues he's having. I feel like I need to stretch some adventuring muscles, just with where my head's been lately.

Which is to say, I'm sorry that I've been a bit more difficult to be around as of late. I still miss my friends and hate that I can't do anything from here to help out at home and that all I know about home is how absolutely stressed I am, but with finals done here and some time off from school ahead, I feel a bit lighter. The reminder I have people here to support me too, has also been helpful. I shouldn't have taken my bad mood out on anyone else, though, so I'm sorry.

Anyway, love you all. Wish me luck for when we go in.

Apr. 27th, 2024



netpost - kaitlyn ka - april 27th

In a few days, it's going to be Maaayy. /justintimberlake.

And it's only hit me that that means my yearly anniversary of being in Vallo is coming up. In that year, I've had friends here, they disappeared on us, and then I got pulled into an alternative universe and also, I've started to learn magic. A whole lot can happen in a year here, apparently.

What have you done to usually celebrate one year here?

Apr. 24th, 2024



[No Subject]

I'm emerging from this pile of blankets and pillows to issue an apology to anyone I stabbed and/or smited the other day.

Sorry about that. Didn't mean to?

Anyway, that's it.

Apr. 17th, 2024



[No Subject]

Heeeey so there was some talk at Galahd's last night about an arrest made on the portal lady?? Anyone have anything official to share, because I'll listen to people over drinks all day but I figure 50% of anything there is added context and rumor.

Apr. 2nd, 2024



[No Subject]

[ooc - posted shortly after portal closed]

Well, a week has passed and I have no memory of it, so... I'm assuming people went somewhere again?

Is everyone okay?

Mar. 9th, 2024



[No Subject]

Uuugghhh uuurp!

Did anyone try to eat the Candy Land down town? If not, I can report that it was delicious. I can also report that I might have eaten too much of it.

If anyone needs me, I'm just gonna sit on the sidewalk for a little while.

Feb. 7th, 2024



[No Subject]

Does anyone know how to remove smoke residue from a ceiling?

Or know how to get cake-flavored charcoal out of the bottom of an oven?

Asking for a friend, obviously, everything is totally fine here.

Feb. 4th, 2024



Texts to Kellach

[Texts to Kellach]
>> Everything is really weird and I hate it
>> Wanna get coffee?

[Texts to Kaitlyn]
>> I did it
>> I just asked him to get coffee so we can stop being weird
>> Tell me I'm good

Jan. 27th, 2024



Shared Network

Testing, testing. Are you getting this? We're using my connection to the Black Lion and the quintessence tech in my arm to form a bridge between the networks. Basically, we're playing telephone through a giant sentient spaceship. Stop by and thank him for me? I'm sure he's stressed by all of this.

Anyway, assuming someone is reading this, on the other side of the portal is a parallel Vallo. We've made contact with a group of Outlanders here and confirmed that they are alternate versions of some of our lost people. Most of them have lived here for years and some have different memories of their home worlds. They've formed a rebellion against another group, made up of more of our lost people. They call themselves the Court of Revenants and they're the reason this message is filtered as best as I can get it.

Please be aware that Council members might look like someone you've lost, but they have apparently taken control of this Vallo through force and terror. There is a stalemate between the Council and the Rebels because any physical violence here creates what they call Echoes - spectral enemies that attack anyone close by and only stop when the fighting stops.

Now I'm sure you're wondering where our Outlanders are. I've been told the people here suffered a violent headache and a flash of memories that then faded when the portal opened on this side. It can't be a coincidence. I suspect our people are tangled up metaphysically with their counterparts. I have no idea how to separate them. If you have any theories, please don't be shy.

As for the rescue team, everyone is accounted for and safe. Our focus right now is planning a recovery mission. A few rebels were taken captive just before we arrived. Keith is We will get them back. In the meantime, please feel free to use this post to brainstorm and reconnect. Since I know it'll be a question on your minds, here is the list of the captured:
• Ashton Greymoore
• Dorian Storm
• Keith Kogane
• Luffy
• Nancy Wheeler
• Noctis Lucis Caelum
And a list of the Council and their allies:
• Caleb Widogast
• William Laurence
• Henry Townshend
• Kellach Donnallen
• Ostyia Rabalska
• Teddy Kaplan-Altman
• Billy Kaplan
• Abigail Blyg
• Lan Xichen
• Lee Thompkins
• Joshua Rosfield
• Julian Blackthorn
• Ronan Lynch
• Serefin Meleski
• Silas
Anyone not on either of these lists should be able to see and respond to this post. Okay, enough rambling. Time to see if this actually works.

Nov. 27th, 2023



netpost - kaitlyn ka - november 27th

Dear all of Vallo from a world that celebrates winter holidays but are not native to this one,

It's going to be my first year celebrating here which, you know, is great for all the new friends I've made here, but not so great when I'm thinking of my family back home and also realizing it'll be the first time I don't even celebrate the Chinese New Year with them, and it's making me feel some type of way.

How the hell do you cope or manage to get through it without a breakdown?

Before anyone suggests "a new hairdo", done and done. Abi and I found a place that did magical hair growth and all and I got longer hair! I debuted it during the wedding even.

Nov. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Has anyone who's suffered memory loss woken up with things restored as of yet? It seems I need a timeline of how long before this might be fixed, and when Vallo will right itself.

I am on vacation for the next two weeks starting tomorrow. We are getting married in exactly 5 days, Thursday is our rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. I am finalizing the menu with the caterer today, and the headcounts. Our wedding attire is at least finished with its final fittings.

Prompto and Gladio have both been hit with whatever this is. I don't have details yet, because Prompto spent twenty minutes hiding in the bathroom until Noctis just barged in and then he finally came out for breakfast. Gladio clarified a bit, but the best I've determined is that things are a far cry from our usual relationship.

I haven't the faintest if they've written their vows. Or if they'll be turned back by Saturday. Or if they'll remember any of this.

Vallo once again proves that it is nigh impossible to plan things and that all future engagements should be of the utmost chaos and done without previous planning. We should have eloped.

If you made it this far into my stress rants, please feel free to send alcohol.

Nov. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

Still don't understand Halloween, but thanks for the candy?

Hey. Robin back to normal yet or is she still tiny?

I'm staking claim to that ship if she's still tiny, so tell her to hurry up and get fixed soon.

Oct. 23rd, 2023



netpost - kaitlyn ka - october 23rd

Before I landed in this world, I was stuck on a summer camp with some scary ass shit chasing me and my friends, with barely any signal or way to communicate with the outside world. Yes, I know, it's the most tropiest slasher/horror situation ever. But we all survived, no Final Girls here, but my usual horror stuff I used to like just doesn't do anything when you kind of went through some shit like that, you know?

That being said, I'm still planning on enjoying my Halloween the typical way with classic Halloween movies like Hocus Pocus but ALSO, looking for some recommendations.

So, Vallo-ites, if that's what you call yourself, IDK. What was the scariest movie you first watched? Or ever watched?

And yes, future babes could chime in too, maybe you'll suggest something that came out this year or will come out next year and I'll add it to my To Be Watched.

Filter: Abi
I'm thinking of getting extensions.

Oct. 6th, 2023



[No Subject]

It's not a minivan, but... )

Oct. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

i'm posting my recent search history in solidarity, because I feel bad for you guys:

oil painting tips
oil paint history
how to make oil paint
how to stop crying
best coffee in vallo city
lofi beats to study to
vallo aita
is disappearing a breakup
best donuts in vallo city

we're all weird and that's okay.

[filtered to kellach]
i think you can go to college if you want, but you probably can't become the goblin king. also, have you ever seen The Labyrinth?

Sep. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

I guess these skeletons have a very specific idea of what a king should be like and sprinkled in cheeto dust before noon is not it. Anybody heard of a King Ashurbanipal?

Sep. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

you guys, art class critique is the worst.

it's basically what it sounds like: your whole class gets together and critiques each other's work. half of what people say is artsy bullshit that they think sounds smart, a quarter of it is mean just for the sake of being mean, another twenty percent is completely insane, and then the final five percent is actually useful commentary on the work.

someone told me "i hate that you used paint." IN PAINTING CLASS. another guy commented on the raw sexuality of my painting OF A CAVE. and i didn't even get the worst of it! they made this one girl cry, and like, no, her painting wasn't that good, but it wasn't that bad either.

i need a nap. or maybe half a chocolate cake.

Aug. 23rd, 2023



Log: Kaitlyn and Abi

WHO: Kaitlyn Ka and Abi Blyg
WHAT: Sleepover! And Kaitlyn gets invited to move in
WHEN: the day Dylan disappeared
WHERE: Chocobro House

Tonight was going to be for hugs and commiserating and maybe distracting. )