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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+katou+yue'

Sep. 3rd, 2024



[No Subject]

Are any of the plant people missing a potted uhh- okay so he says he's a Venus Fly Trap but he's bigger than any I've ever met and well, he's talking. That's SO not the mushrooms I ate this morning.

Pretty sure.

OH anyway he vomited some whole turkeys at my feet and then told my kid she's "one cool motherfucker" so I'm just curious if this is a Vallo thing or an Outlander thing. I'm definitely taking him home if it's a Vallo thing.



[No Subject]

I need someone else to confirm the gang of penguins that graffitied the alley next to the angry pixies coffee shop. Because, what.

I'll take Sentences I thought I'd never type for 400.


I have a proposition.

Sep. 1st, 2024



[No Subject]

Texts: Katou
» Hey
» Can we like.. go break things? Not actual people's things but non-property-related things?

Aug. 19th, 2024



[No Subject]

Ummmmmmmmm. Moshimoshi! I am not totally convinced this is not a dream?

Aug. 1st, 2024



Briar #18 (Vallo Prime)

I hope these flower dragon creatures stick around. They're mostly good company, and Chime gets on with them pretty well.

If anyone's garden needs a bit of extra help in this heat, let me know. I've been busy finding and starting to set up a shop in the city, so I haven't had as much time to do my usual rounds. And on that subject, I need name suggestions. I'll be selling my magic-storing miniature trees and other cuttings, as well as magically boosted herbs and tinctures.

There's something pleasantly simple about 'Trees by Briar Moss', which is what I always used to put on market stalls. Maybe I should just stick with that.

Jun. 30th, 2024



Briar #17

Message to Katou

Want to help me figure out how to spend all of my olympic winnings?

(did I do that right?)

Jun. 17th, 2024



[No Subject]

[Message to Abi, Syd, and El]

Any of you losers know how to sign up for university or whatever?

May. 24th, 2024



[No Subject]

Okay, so I have a small problem. Literally.

El and I made this map we’ve been calling Vallo Village, right? And we got Billy to do some magic to make it look a little more realistic, which worked, but maybe worked a little too well. Or not exactly. Ms. Maximoff says it seems like sympathetic magic from Vallo got involved because I based some of the map on an old part of the city.

Anyway the point is I just got a prayer? from the village? for help from mighty adventurers?.

It looks like my campaign is happening whether it’s finished or not, so basically I really need some people to come down and save a tiny village from [...] okay I can’t type it, wtf. Call it certain peril. I need people to go into the map and save the village from certain peril. I can’t tell you what the peril is for some reason, probably the magic again, but the peril is bad and it’s going to ruin the lives of all these people who were supposed to just be fictional and now are real.

So, uh…who wants to be an adventurer? Ms. Maximoff says she can work with the magic that’s affecting the map using my extra miniatures, if we can get people to volunteer to be bound to them for a little bit. You’ll just have to kind of be a character while you’re in there - you’ll have whatever powers the miniature’s class comes with, and you should probably come up with a name.

Anyone? Please, I know this sounds stupid, but that little town is a real little town now, and they need our help.

May. 23rd, 2024



[No Subject]

Katou Yue and Lan Xichen
WHAT: Katou attempts to resign as Lan Xichen's student, and ends up divulging some backstory
WHERE: Cloud Recesses
WHEN: This morning
WARNINGS: Trauma, discussions of fantasy mass murder
STATUS: Complete

Katou had his sharp edges, Lan Xichen thought, but even swords needed care.
Read more... )

May. 21st, 2024



[No Subject]

Zoro & Katou
WHAT: Katou has some issues with Lan Xichen's second student (spoiler alert: it's jealousy)
WHERE: Cloud Recesses
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Jealousy and temper tantrums, strong language
STATUS: Complete

“What?” Katou snarled, turning to face him. “Ain’t finished gloating yet?”
Read more... )

Apr. 28th, 2024



[No Subject]

Anybody else not remember the name of the person they made out with last night? It was great meeting you, pretty boy, I'm Syd. I THINK you were an Outlander, but if not I guess this is just extra awkward and now everyone knows all my bullshit for no reason.

Apr. 10th, 2024



[No Subject]

H blast ho
W do I



at this point just leave me here lost to die I cannot recover from this and I haven to the fainted idea if hie to use this internal yhing

Id like to go home now I think

Mar. 28th, 2024



Wild Vallo Network

So, what do you all think?

Mar. 16th, 2024



netpost - kamala khan - march 16, late night


Feb. 7th, 2024



[No Subject]

Does anyone know how to remove smoke residue from a ceiling?

Or know how to get cake-flavored charcoal out of the bottom of an oven?

Asking for a friend, obviously, everything is totally fine here.



[No Subject]

Hey guys, if you like your tentacle porn to smell like cotton candy, make your way down to the Starcourt Mall. We've got it all. Ice cream! Movies! A bunch of fucking rainbows. All the sexy-gross tentacles you could ever want. The lingering smell of sugar and cookies fucking everywhere.

You think this is enough to like, bail on work and go get a drink someplace instead?

Feb. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]

To anyone at or near the coast of New Asgard, a Kungfu Dugong appeared in the waters around the Going Merry this morning.

Kungfu Dugongs aren't dangerous, but they do love to fight and will challenge anyone who approaches them.

As I said it seems to have made the waters around the Merry it's home, so please be careful when approaching. Unless you want to fight, then by all means, please feel free.

Kungfu Dugongs are native to an island in the Grand Line. I'm not sure how it found it's way here, but it doesn't seem to want to go anywhere else.

If any of you fight it and win (which I'm sure each of you will at some point), it will become your disciple.

Feb. 4th, 2024



[No Subject]

[Texts to El]

» Hey
» What're you up to?

Jan. 31st, 2024



[No Subject]

Got what we were looking and more. No surprises, but we'll do a full debrief after dinner for anyone that wants it.

Magic types, you're going to be needed asap though. Meet you at the command room.

Jan. 30th, 2024



Shared Network

Full disclosure, I am not a full-time employee with the magic department at the DOA, but so many of us are gone and you are stuck with me, delivering good and bad news. Hello!

The good news is that thanks to the brilliant researchers in both our Vallos looking into where Bronislovas's resting place might be located on the other side of the portal, we're pretty damn sure of where it is, between his notes, so many books, and what info we got from Beketh. The thought is that it's within a cave system in one of the mountains by the city. Here's a map, for your reference:

[pretend there's a cool looking map here with probable mountains highlighted]

Unfortunately that's more or less all we can do on our side for now, so it's up to all of you fine people over there to pick up the trail. If we can do things, we'll do it, just let us know.

And now the bad news: the portal is causing some oddities. The portal monsters from a few months ago are back, seemingly being created by or summoned by the portal itself. If you have fighting skills of some sort but aren't already involved with defense, please reach out to Evie and Kara and they'll get you sorted as needed.

The other odd thing is that the area around the portal seems to be, for lack of a better way of putting it, turning into what we can only assume the other side of the portal looks like. Buildings are suddenly in disrepair and there's a lot of graffiti talking about your Revenants and how disliked they are, missing people posters, that kind of stuff. This started yesterday and the area affected has only grown today, so it would appear we're on even more of a timetable than we thought.

All right, that is all I have for the moment, so...go team?