Camping at Dinosaur Island was AMAZING! Seriously one of the best weekends of my entire life. Thanks for setting it up and making sure none of us got ourselves eaten by being dumbasses, Atreus. You rule.
[Filtered to Outlander High Schoolers]Hey. So we have a bunch of cool nerds here, and I figure most of us aren't getting invited to other people's end of the year cookouts and whatever. Do you guys want to try having our own? The people at my house would probably let us host, if there's any interest in it. (I haven't asked yet. I wanted to see if the response was more "yeah, let's hang out" or "shut up you dumbfuck" before I bothered.) It could double as a graduation party for the people getting out this year.
[/filter][Filtered to Starfarers gaming group]I GOT MINIATURES! Not as many as I wanted, but enough that all the NPCs aren't going to be played by paperclips this week. If anybody wants to help me and El paint them, we'll be working on them after school.
[/filter][Filtered to El]Hey, since I actually have money to go places now: wanna go on a real date? Dinner and a movie?
[/filter][Filtered to Hawkins House, after getting a few responses]Hey, is it okay if we host a cookout to celebrate the end of the school year here at the house? I was thinking either evening on the last day of school, or afternoon the day after the last day. So Friday the 16th or Saturday the 17th.