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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+sam+wilson'

Jun. 10th, 2024



[No Subject]

[Defense Coordinators and Leadership]
I don't want to suggest anything like OMG ATLANTIS UPRISING but has anyone checked with our ambassadors and contacts to make sure they're aware of what's going on with the water assaults lately? I mean, I get that they like to benefit from the Yours vs Ours mentality with visitors back and forth, but they'd help out, right?

Jun. 6th, 2024



[No Subject]


If you see this cowplant with cake DO NOT APPROACH. It is my observation that this cake is a LIE meant to LURE you in before it SWALLOWS you.

My dad (Essek Dad not Caleb Dad, Dads, should we consider different names? I do not know what they would be but perhaps to spare confusion? This can be a discussion for later) has firsthand experience on this and he is one of the best wizards in all of Vallo so I am telling you all this as a matter of public safety.

Do NOT approach the cake.

The cake is a LIE.

You will be SWALLOWED.

and your child will be very scared I observe I need to carry more weapons

May. 31st, 2024



[No Subject]

I have spent most of this month clearing the forest of these clawed demon creatures that have been roaming about. They lay eggs, I did not wish for there to be any kind of overrun situation.

As such, I will be serving steaks and eggs throughout the weekend, should anyone feel hungry.

Apr. 29th, 2024



[No Subject]


Mar. 25th, 2024



[No Subject]

Guys I think the portal beast isn't really in control of all of the portals and what it's been doing? I ran into it tonight when Yrsa and I were out collecting mushrooms and it didn't run away? I actually got close to it this time and it's scared, confused, and lost.

Do you think there's a way to open the portals on our end? Can we meet up with the people who started all this in the first place and talk to them about it?

Feb. 27th, 2024



[No Subject]

That was a particularly rude awakening after apparently being in, let me check my notes, space for a week. I'm taking everyone's word on that one.

I'd like to humbly ask everyone to make outlandish potion requests at Gilmore's in the coming days so I have something productive to focus on.

Feb. 23rd, 2024



SPACE netpost - sam wilson - february 23rd

None of y'all, at this point, will be surprised to find out that there are missing recordings at in front of the Labratory, along with the Upper and Lower Engines.

I really wanna put my money in it being a super elaborate prank because at least by the end of it all, it'll be a culprit we can all hate on together.

Feb. 3rd, 2024



[No Subject]

[A letter to Ronan and Adam, delivered by Motley the crow]
[idk if they've ever seen Fitz' writing before, but they might notice that Fitz' normally fair hand is a little shaky at this time]

I apologize; I think it will be some time before I'm able to come deliver packages for you again. Please feel free to make use of Myblack how you would see fit in the meantime. I have included some money to help pay for her upkeep until I'm able to take it over again. I'll be sure to send more in a couple weeks if it's still necessary, but please let me know if you require more.

[Private to Sam Wilson]

I will not be well enough for patrol tomorrow, and I doubt I will be for some time. I hope this isn't too much of an inconvenience.



[No Subject]

Um hey. I probably should have said this yesterday, but I just kind of woke up and I'm doing this quick before I get my phone confiscated.

Anyone else notice the big creature come out of the portal? It was kind of near the end and I might have been bleeding everywhere distracted, but I swear it looked like the one that created it in the first place.

And I hope everyone's doing okay. Yesterday was a lot.

Jan. 30th, 2024



Shared Network

Full disclosure, I am not a full-time employee with the magic department at the DOA, but so many of us are gone and you are stuck with me, delivering good and bad news. Hello!

The good news is that thanks to the brilliant researchers in both our Vallos looking into where Bronislovas's resting place might be located on the other side of the portal, we're pretty damn sure of where it is, between his notes, so many books, and what info we got from Beketh. The thought is that it's within a cave system in one of the mountains by the city. Here's a map, for your reference:

[pretend there's a cool looking map here with probable mountains highlighted]

Unfortunately that's more or less all we can do on our side for now, so it's up to all of you fine people over there to pick up the trail. If we can do things, we'll do it, just let us know.

And now the bad news: the portal is causing some oddities. The portal monsters from a few months ago are back, seemingly being created by or summoned by the portal itself. If you have fighting skills of some sort but aren't already involved with defense, please reach out to Evie and Kara and they'll get you sorted as needed.

The other odd thing is that the area around the portal seems to be, for lack of a better way of putting it, turning into what we can only assume the other side of the portal looks like. Buildings are suddenly in disrepair and there's a lot of graffiti talking about your Revenants and how disliked they are, missing people posters, that kind of stuff. This started yesterday and the area affected has only grown today, so it would appear we're on even more of a timetable than we thought.

All right, that is all I have for the moment, so...go team?



Shared Network

So, the DOA and network scrolling caught me up. I know there is SO MUCH going on right now — hi everyone, I hope you're staying safe and have food and aren't being tracked down by evil people — but waking up in a pile of leaves in the forest and finding out you disappeared for two weeks is still jarring as hell.

Yelena, Nat's gone and you're not here and I'm trying to st your bird is being so needy. Where's Licorice? No way he just disappeared, he's a Vallo cat. And is there a MAN staying at the house? There's a lot of man stuff here but no man. Don't tell me you suddenly moved a man in here. You can't have been that lonely.

Jan. 26th, 2024



Vallo Prime Network

Good morning, everyone. I know we've all been feeling tense as we wait for word from our volunteers who went through the portal. I know that brings with it an inherent feeling of helplessness; I'm sorry there isn't more we can do on that end at the moment. However, we do have news.

The DOA received a call from the Vallo Police Department early this morning. Late last night, Dahlia Argent, of Beketh coven, turned herself in as a party in the portal beasts incident back in November. Along with our people, her sister, Luciana, was taken by the portal, as well as some Vallo residents - the exact number is currently being investigated. DOA leadership was invited to come speak with Ms. Argent, and we've learned the following:

A group of Vallo natives have been working on ways to open a portal to send Outlanders either back to their world or out of Vallo permanently. The teleportation circle found by Sam Wilson in December, as well as a portal that opened on Geliara Academy's grounds and the theft of the Ashurbanipal amulet in November were all early, failed attempts at targeting Outlanders. The November 10th incident with the portal beasts was the closest they've come to success, but they didn't have the correct knowledge to close the portals without threatening the rest of Vallo.

This group has been using the teachings and research of the Guide of Existence, also known as Bronislavas of Beketh, whose body is on display in the Vallo Museum of Natural Magicks. They've made attempts to resurrect him for his assistance - if you remember, the museum was broken into back in August and that particular exhibit was temporarily closed; this was an attempt to take one of Bronislavas' bones for the resurrection process. This plan also failed.

After discussions with VPD and Beketh, they've agreed to let Outlanders take matters into our own hands. We've been granted permission to resurrect Bronislavas and, hopefully, both get more answers on this portal and his assistance in bringing the missing back home. If any of our community have the appropriate skills for this task, please let us know here, and the DOA will facilitate any way we can.

Jan. 16th, 2024



netpost - sam wilson - january 16th

This would have been a great time to find out the disappearances were a result of a hacker again.

Filter: Carol Danvers
What do you need?

Jan. 12th, 2024



[No Subject]

[ coordinates to the quarry are the first thing that's posted. and then, there's audio - a bit fuzzy, but there's a lot of weird background noise, the sound of firearms, YELLING. ]

We have an overgrown, sentient plant problem where the quarry is - GROOT, those are not your people!

[ please note there is a distant battle cry of 'I AM GROOOOOOOOT' in the background. ]

Are you fucking

[ someone turns music on in the background, it's cyndi lauper's 'girl's just wanna have fun.' gamora sighs. ]

Can we just get a lot of firepower headed our way?

Dec. 6th, 2023



netpost - sam wilson - november 6th

Calling all magical folks or those knowledgeable about:

Our team's patrol today spotted something that looks like a teleportation circle in the forest at [location]. Can't say how long it's been there but there are runes near the thing as well as objects that seem to be badly burned. Most of them were not distinguishable from ashes at all but the ones that were are: an apron, a grumpy frog t-shirt, and a mug with cacti on it that says "You Can't Touch This".

I can't get much information out of this but if anyone else wants to step in and take a look, that would help.

Nov. 22nd, 2023



text messages - sam wilson - november 21st, evening

Texts: Kate Bishop
» I pulled out the boxes from storage of all the decor that I've had.
» I'm leaving it up to you to decide if you're going to need to add anything to it or not. And if you do, don't worry about paying for things.

Texts: Bucky Barnes
» Hey, asshole
» I better see you here on Thursday with the entire family that you probably still don't remember

Nov. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]

Does Vallo have a dedicated cave rescue crew?

Oct. 26th, 2023



[No Subject]

I'm making an observation.

Dads, I may need you both to run interference with Kiri.

Oct. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

As fun as all this musical and future kid chaos is - can't believe you guys made me a grandpa already - anyone free to watch Lucy for a few hours?

And then anyone strong enough to lift a wooden beam, I need your help.

Oct. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

I'm coming to understand that time travel is somehow achievable in this world? Surprises around every corner.

The new boss has suggested we join him and his person for dinner/company with people of a similar but different world at some point. My understanding is that they've been invaded by children, but I wanted to mention it so we could, I don't know--put it on a calendar?

Note that this is me attempting to get used to having a normal life again, rather than hiking across Faerûn and fighting for our lives and not having easy access to a bathtub.