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Posts Tagged: 'she-ra:+adora'

Dec. 13th, 2024



[No Subject]

Adora & Catra
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Nov. 23rd, 2024



[No Subject]

Not that I'm impatient or anything, but when do we get to eat the murder birds?

Nov. 1st, 2024



[No Subject]

Look I get holidays and celebrations and all that shit, but after last night I kind of feel like every fucking day should be Halloween. Those shots were amazing and the decorations? Fuck yeah, it's kind of like telling the Ninth back home that they don't know shit about amazing decor. Had a fucking blast and kind of want to do it again already. Why just once? Don't tell me "oh we gotta save up the energy to make it worth it" or some asshole comment like that.

If I showed up in like April and disappeared in July or something like that, I'd be pissed for missing out on something like this. So here's my proposal - once a month is fine for compromise.

... getting Harrow to show a little leg is in no way a motivator for this post.

Oct. 31st, 2024



[No Subject]

texts to adora.
» You know how I told you to walk ahead of me, I have to find a bathroom?
» I fought off a mummy and a
» Cat with demon wings? They were lawn ornaments, darling. Lawn ornaments.
» And I fought them high heels.

» Earth Trick-or-Treating was safer.

Oct. 28th, 2024



[No Subject]

Catra & Adora
WHAT: Celebrating Catra's 24th birthday with some serious talks and fluff talks
WHERE: Black Light Event in the City
WHEN: Tonight
WARNINGS: None really
STATUS: Complete

“Buuuuut,” she began, cocking her head away from Adora, bracing herself to ask a question that would either make or break their marriage. “Would you still love me if I was a smurf?”
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[No Subject]

[ sent is a selfie, Yrsa's head under his chin and both of them flashing peace signs at the camera. he's got a bit of a sheepish smile on his face. ]

Sooooo.... what'd I miss?


posted a few hours after the above
Hey, Catra...

Oct. 23rd, 2024



[No Subject]

Catra & Adora + Finn
WHAT: Halloween costume shopping thanks to Adora's Barbie Obsession
WHEN: October 22nd
WARNINGS: It's cute and fluffy
STATUS: Complete

“Hoes,” chirped Finn. “See, with the timing of that, I’m gonna take that personally.”
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Oct. 22nd, 2024



[No Subject]

So things have been chaotic with the memory issues and now pumpkins attacking students among other things, but I haven't forgotten my husband's birthday, I promise. I just forgot to say anything about it. That's different.

Anyway, anyone who's free to come out to the cabin tomorrow for a barbecue around 6 is welcome. I set up a glow in the dark paintball course outside. It has swords that can land a paint splatter if you'd rather sneak up on the people that prefer guns.

Since he's not a fan of surprises, I'll let him see all of this. Kipp says he wants to help make your cake so uh. Sorry ahead of time. Love you.

Oct. 12th, 2024



[No Subject]

🫣 I've been here for almost five years (which is wild in itself!) and for the first time this conversation happened:

Person A: So you're like, a furry?
Me: Oh, no, I'm a shapeshifter!
Person A: But you shapeshift into animals.
Me: Uh, yeah...?
Person A: The definition of a furry is someone who enjoys and identifies as being an anthropomorphic animal.
Me: But I'm just a wolf! Not anthropomorphic.
Person A: You're still human under it all, counts, dude. Furry. It's cool!

🥺 Help

Oct. 4th, 2024



[No Subject]

For those who hadn't heard yet, my body's fucking fixed. For those who don't even know what that means, when I got here I was kind of puppeting my own goddamn corpse. It was a whole thing.

I'm only saying this because the timing has been awesome. Does the best food just come out this time of year or have I been missing out that much? Pumpkin spice this, caramel apple that. Seriously, try going for even just one year of not being able to eat or even feel shit and I bet you'd come to the same conclusion. Better yet, try being limited to mostly really bland garbage for all your life and THEN get to this point.

Vallo, you're fucking nuts, but damn you know food.

Oct. 3rd, 2024



[No Subject]


Guess what?!?!

I get to wrestle!!

Sort of!!

Sep. 27th, 2024



[No Subject]

Hi. I didn't know what Barbie was until today. But she's REALLY COOL!! and I would like to meet her now please.

Catra says I can't. I know she's old but she doesn't know EVERYTHING so.



[No Subject]


Sep. 26th, 2024



[No Subject]

Catra, Babydora & Marlena
WHAT: Babydora wakes up and finds out her best friend has a baby, and that she has a real mom
WHEN: This morning
WHERE: Darla
WARNINGS: None really
STATUS: Complete

“I’m eight,” she declared. Then, with a curious tilt of her head and knitted eyebrows, she asked, “What’re you, like thirty? You look so old, Catra. But not as old as Shadow Weaver!”
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Sep. 19th, 2024



[No Subject]

Catra, Adora & Squirtle!
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Sep. 16th, 2024



[No Subject]

Marlena & Adora
WHAT: Surprise lunch between mother and daughter
WHERE: Boyd's
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: War orphan talks and some mentions of baby kidnapping
STATUS: Complete

"I feel like…sometimes I neglect you and I don’t mean to. I want you to know I’m really, really happy you’re here,” she said earnestly. “Even though I know it’s hard for you without Dad and Adam."
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Sep. 13th, 2024



[No Subject]

Lena & Adora ft. Theo & Finn
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[No Subject]

I swear to fucking Jesus if I stub one more goddamn toe or drop so much as a SPOON, I'm going to set something on fire. Soon as these animals are all sorted I'm going back to bed. Wake me up when it's not Friday the 13th anymore. Stupid fucking witchy bullshit.

Sep. 9th, 2024



[No Subject]

Catra & Adora
WHAT: Feelings about Catra's new family situation
WHERE: Darla
WHEN: Tonight!
WARNINGS: Implied nudity, mentions of death
STATUS: Complete

“I can’t stop myself from picturing something like that happening to one of ours, or all of ours, and what if it does because it’s some kind of weird, karmic justice from all the shit I’ve done?”
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[No Subject]


Never thought I'd be that person, but I like the way Gansey's face gets all soft when I say it.